Jani Turunen

¹³³mXe konversioelektronimittaus ja kansainvälinen kattava ydinkoekielto

research product

Production of pure samples of 131mXe and 135Xe

Pure samples of (131m)Xe, (133m)Xe, (133)Xe and (135)Xe facilitate the calibration and testing of noble gas sampler stations and related laboratory instrumentation. We have earlier reported a Penning trap-based production method for pure (133m)Xe and (133)Xe samples. Here we complete the work by reporting the successful production of pure (131m)Xe and (135)Xe samples using the same technique. In addition, we present data on xenon release from graphite.

research product

A position sensitive β−γ coincidence technique for sample analysis with the upgraded PANDA device

Abstract PANDA (Particles And Non-Destructive Analysis) is measuring system developed for non-destructive analysis of samples for safety, security and safeguards. The capabilities of the PANDA device were expanded by the addition of a thick silicon detector for β particle detection. The upgraded device can now be used for position-sensitive α − γ and β − γ coincidence measurements of various kinds of radioactive samples. The capability of the PANDA device in using the β − γ coincidence technique was tested using a mixed source of 134Cs and 226Ra. In addition, the ability of PANDA to locate nuclides emitting β particles from samples was tested using a combined sample containing a mixed 134Cs…

research product

Energy loss measurement of protons in liquid water

The proton stopping power of liquid water was, for the first time, measured in the energy range 4.7-15.2 MeV. The proton energies were determined by the time-of-flight transmission technique with the microchannel plate detectors, which were especially developed for timing applications. The results are compared to the literature values (from ICRU Report 49 (1993) and Janni's tabulation (1982 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 27 147-339)) which are based on Bethe's formula and an agreement is found within the experimental uncertainty of 4.6%. Thus, earlier reported discrepancy between the experimental and literature stopping power values at lower energies was not observed at the energies considered …

research product

Comparison of gamma-ray coincidence and low-background gamma-ray singles spectrometry

Aerosol samples have been studied under different background conditions using gamma-ray coincidence and low-background gamma-ray singles spectrometric techniques with High-Purity Germanium detectors. Conventional low-background gamma-ray singles counting is a competitive technique when compared to the gamma-gamma coincidence approach in elevated background conditions. However, measurement of gamma-gamma coincidences can clearly make the identification of different nuclides more reliable and efficient than using singles spectrometry alone. The optimum solution would be a low-background counting station capable of both singles and gamma-gamma coincidence spectrometry.

research product

Ultra-high resolution mass separator—Application to detection of nuclear weapons tests

Abstract A Penning trap-based purification process having a resolution of about 1 ppm is reported. In this context, we present for the first time a production method for the most complicated and crucially important nuclear weapons test signature, 133mXe. These pure xenon samples are required by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization to standardize and calibrate the worldwide network of xenon detectors.

research product