Anne Soronen
Anticipation as Platform Power : The Temporal Structuring of Digital Everyday Life
This article explores anticipation as a temporal structure in digital platforms. It contributes to the growing research of platformisation of everyday life by focusing on temporality as a central dimension of platform power, a key mechanism tying participants by structuring intimacies, socialities, and relations that platforms enable and engender. The article shows how the temporality of foreboding, prospecting and speculating about one’s own and other’s social media presence and actions permeates the user experience. Studying media diaries and interviews with participants from different social and occupational groups (politicians, actors, the unemployed, undocumented migrants), the article…
Listening to and Living With Networked Media During a Pandemic
This article explores mediated listening from the perspective of intimacy during the first weeks of the coronavirus pandemic. The theoretical frame builds on the literature on listening and presence in mediated environments, audience engagement, and intimacy as meaningful connections. Methodologically, the study is connective ethnography, and the data was collected by collaborative autoethnography. Our data show that listening was an individual sensemaking strategy of the outside world and a means to form connectedness. Threading between different screens on digital platforms caused the collapse of public and private contexts, and through these, particular types of intimacy arose. When the …
Haavoittuvuuden kudelmat : digitaalinen subjekti ja haavoittuvuus datavetoista yhteiskuntaa käsittelevässä tutkimuskirjallisuudessa
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan sitä, millaisia merkityksiä haavoittuvuudelle on annettu datavetoista yhteiskuntaa ja digitaalista subjektia koskevassa tutkimuskirjallisuudessa. Artikkeli perustuu kirjallisuuskatsaukseen, joka on tehty vuosina 2015–2020 ilmestyneistä haavoittuvuutta datafikaation kontekstissa käsittelevistä tieteellisistä julkaisuista. Kirjallisuushaut tehtiin yhteiskuntatieteiden alojen keskeisistä tietokannoista ja digitaalisista kirjastoista. Hakujen pohjalta tutkimuskirjallisuus järjestettiin neljään teemakokonaisuuteen: 1) datavalvonnan tuottamat haavoittuvuudet, 2) data tietämisen tapana ja osallisuutena, 3) digitaalisten subjektien kategorisointi ja näkyvyyden säätely sek…
A Patchworking Process : Coming Together under Pandemic Conditions for Collaborative, Caring Scholarship
In the context of the COVID-19 outbreak, the authors in this special issue came together within the Massive Microscopic Sensemaking (MMS) writing project in the spring of 2020. Collectively grappling with the impact of the extended pandemic, each paper in this issue touches on experiences of social isolation, making do, and a technological reaching out under conditions of a public health crisis. This introduction describes the issue’s ‘patchwork’ development which reflects an attempt to break from traditions of academic scholarship that often fail to recognize the value of emergent, and therefore uncertain, cross-disciplinary and collective work.
Subjektin katoamisen uhkakuvat
Arvio teoksesta: Andrejevic, Mark. 2020. Automated Media. New York & London: Routledge, 172 s. publishedVersion Non peer reviewed
Probing a Proactive Home : Challenges in Researching and Designing Everyday Smart Environments
Based on the results of a 3-year interdisciplinary study, this article presents an approach in which proactive information technology was introduced into homes, and discusses the derived design principles from a human-centered perspective. The application of proactive computing in homes will face particularly sensitive conditions, as familiar and reliable household elements remain strongly preferred. Since there is considerable resistance towards the increase of information technology in homes, both the calm system behaviors and the degree of variety in aesthetic designs will play major roles in the acceptance of proactive technology. If proactive technology will be an embedded part of a ho…