Ulla Klemola
Searching the roots of democracy : collaborative intervention in teacher education
Arviointi ja palaute oppimista tukemassa
Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelma korostaa arviointia edeltäjäänsä enemmän. Samoin se korostaa oppimisen yhteisöllistä luonnetta. Oppimisen arviointia on siten osattava kehittää ja toteuttaa uudenlaisissa, yhteisöllistä oppimista korostavissa oppimisympäristöissä ja ilmiölähtöisessä opetuksessa. Tässä artikkelissa kuvataan ensin ajankohtaisen tutkimuskirjallisuuden avulla nykytietämystä arvioinnista ja palautteesta. Tämän jälkeen arviointi- ja palautemuotoja tarkastellaan yhteisöllisiä toimintamuotoja ja ilmiöitä korostavassa laajassa opintokokonaisuudessa ja osoitetaan niiden rooli opiskelijoiden oppimiselle. Lomakeaineistoon (N=48, n=29) ja haastatteluihin (n=8) perustuvien analyysien muka…
Tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitoja oppii harjoittelemalla : Pedagogisia poimintoja opettajalle
Significant in life : Core learning outcomes of a social and emotional course in physical education teacher education
The purpose of the study is to explore physical education (PE) students’ social and emotional learning (SEL) and the meaningful learning experiences during the SEL course. In the teaching profession, understanding SEL is important because the guidance of learning and group dynamics is essentially an interactive social process. Further, previous research shows that focusing on socioemotional skills promotes students’ academic achievement. Teachers’ SEL skills can be developed by training. In PE teacher education annually, 60 first-year-students participate in a 20-hours SEL skills course based on Gordon’s interaction model and SEL concepts. The course consists of practising SEL skills such a…
Physical education student teachers' perceptions of applying knowledge and skills about emotional understanding studied in PETE in a one-year teaching practicum
Background: Recently, there has been growing interest in the emotional aspects of teaching and learning in general education and in physical education (PE). Scholars have argued that high-quality teaching and learning depend on a teacher's knowledge of students' emotions (Hargreaves 1998, 2000, 2002; McCaughtry 2004; McCaughtry and Rovegno 2003; Owens and Ennis 2005; Poulou 2007; Sutton and Wheatley 2003). To this end, three course modules in social and emotional learning (SEL) were added to the degree programme for PE students in Finland. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine student teachers' retrospective perceptions of implementing social and emotional strategies to build em…
Opettajaksi opiskelevien vuorovaikutustaitojen kehittäminen liikunnan aineenopettajakoulutuksessa
The purpose of the study was to develop studies on social and emotional learning in Physical Education Teacher Education and to examine students´ experiences in using and learning social interaction skills. This action research case study in the field of physical education pedagogy employs the theoretical framework of humanistic psychology and the philosophy of dialogue. The data from questionnaires, diaries and group interviews were analysed by qualitative content analysis, analysis of narratives and a further content analysis in order to discover the hidden significance of students´ experiences.The study comprised two phases. In Phase I, a course of social interaction skills was planned, …
Ideoista ja pedagogiikasta
Developing social competence and other generic skills in teacher education : applying the model of integrative pedagogy
The purpose of the study was to examine how social competence and other generic skills can be developed in teacher education using a pedagogical model called Integrative Pedagogy. This model is based on the idea of integrating the four basic components of expertise: Theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge, self-regulative knowledge, and sociocultural knowledge. The subjects of the study were 95 student-teachers. The data were collected with questionnaires. In addition to social skills, the student-teachers reported learning of domain-specific skills, generic academic skills, skills for acting creatively in different situations and development of independence. We conclude that the model o…
Tukea vuorovaikutukseen - sosioemotionaalisia taitoja kehittävä opetussuunnitelma liikunnan aineenopettajakoulutuksessa : toimintatutkimus
Ilmapiirillä on väliä oppimisessa
Oppijan turvallisen olon on sanottu olevan kaiken oppimisen edellytys. Tämän vahvistavat myös viimeaikaiset tutkimukset: ilmapiiri vaikuttaa oppimiseen jopa oppijan kykyjä merkittävämmin. Oppimisympäristön ilmapiiriin onkin alettu kiinnittää yhä enemmän huomiota opetus- ja oppimistilanteiden järjestämisessä. nonPeerReviewed