D Ciccarello
Un letterato e mestierante del libro tra Austria e Sicilia: Juan Silvestre Salva
The dynamics of printed text production and circulation during the second half of 17th century are shown through an individual case study. Juan Silvestre Salva was a Spanish literate man active in Vienna (translator, occasional poet) before migrating to Sicily as a book professional (proof corrector, publisher and printer, and eventually librarian). His most important venture was perhaps the issue of some texts by Archimedes, that he managed to accomplish in Palermo, from the basis of a former edition that another printer had started in Messina, and then interrupted at the time of the city rebellion against the Spanish crown.
Avisos y relaciones manuscritos y impresos sobre catastrofes naturales y sucesos prodigiosos en Sicilia durante el siglo XVIII
In the eighteenth century there is a large number of stories, both handwritten and in print, that describe extraordinary and unlucky events of different kinds: monstrosities, eclipses, or storms, floods, earthquakes, eruptions, etc. These stories, with respect to Sicily, take the form of occasional printed news, although sometimes they may be included in serials organized by different criteria (topographic/chronological/subject). Surviving documents in archives and libraries offer some opportunities to deepen the study of issues concerning the circulation and dissemination of news about the same event, their credibility, their formal characters and content. Very rare printed ephemera and ha…
Sul commercio librario tra Palermo e Napoli. Un'inedita fonte seicentesca
An unpublished source regarding book trade is considered here: the 1628 commercial transaction diary by Leonardo Paulini (on behalf of the Venetian bookseller Francesco Ciotti, active in Palermo at that time), rich in information regarding buying/selling (and barter) business in Naples with different publishers/printer and booksellers. The diary is in manuscript form and today is kept in Treviso, Municipal Library.
Provenienze e possessori degli incunaboli di Agrigento: uno sguardo retrospettivo
Based on the history of the Biblioteca Lucchesiana and of the Library of the Episcopal Seminary in Agrigento, an account is given on the provenance and ownership data derived from the catalogue of incunabula owned by both libraries.
Bacchini in tipografia. I paratesti editoriali
A refined and methodical scholar like Benedetto Bacchini could not renounce the constructive and effective use of scientific communication also through the paratextual apparatus of the works he wrote, or of which he was curator and promoter. Among the many tools that he had at his disposal - typical of the Republic of Letters to which he fully adhered - the paratext editorial offered a particularly favourable context to clarify the reasons, the basic elements, the methodological structure of that "Unitary logic of science" consciously pursued by him throughout his spiritual and intellectual activity.