Francesco Agostaro
A Collaborative Environment for Service Providing in Cultural Heritage Sites
Mobile Agents for Resource Discovery in a Distributed Computing Virtual Community
A Fuzzy Approach to Bluetooth Positioning
A Subsymbolic Approach to Word Modeling for Domain Specific Speech Recognition
Context Aware Services For Tourists In A Late Middle Age Castle
Mobile agent application fields
Publisher Summary Mobile agents are a recent paradigm for software design, which extends object oriented programming features. An agent can perform its task autonomously; a mobile agent can carry out complex tasks that require the agent to migrate from a network place to another one. Mobile agent application fields are many. It can replace web services in other cases, mobile agents and web services can be an effective solution together. The chapter discusses the three mobile agent application fields, which are: parallel and distributed computing, data mining and information retrieval, and networking. An overview of the development platforms is also discussed. Data mining and information ret…
Mobile agents and grid computing
Publisher Summary This chapter describes mobile agents as an effective solution for grid service provision. A short overview is first introduced on the grid paradigm and the most known research activities in the field. Then, mobile agents are discussed and a comparison with the remote procedure call (RPC) method is made as far as the most effective solution to minimize network overload and fault occurrences is concerned. The common feature of all grid architectures is a coordinated and controlled resource sharing between the members of a dynamic multi-institutional virtual community. Community members agree on a set of sharing rules and permissions, by which resources to be shared and membe…
A mobile agent tool for resource discovery
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses a mobile agent based tool for arranging communities whose members want to share computing resources. Such a tool enables community members to arrange their own parallel virtual machine, using resources available within the community. Mobile agents are used to search among available addresses inside the community, and are instructed to select the ones which correspond to the users' requirements. The agent is the key component of the system, because it takes care of the server availability test and of the decision on whether to include them into the virtual machine, according to the user's requirements. The database acts as an intermediary between the …
A Collaborative Environment for Service Providing in Cultural Heritage Sites
We present a model which can be used to describe hybrid entities in an augmented reality environment. An architectural description of the model is firstly given. Next, a FIPA-compliant agent description of the model is proposed. Finally the paper discusses an overview and some implementation details of a project dealing with Augmented Reality context aware services in a cultural heritage site. These services are provided based on visitors customized profiles and current position in the site, as revealed by a positioning site implemented with low cost Bluetooth devices (cellular phones, PDAs, USB terminals).
A Sub-Symbolic Approach to Word Modelling for Domain Specific Speech Recognition
In this work a sub-symbolic technique for automatic, data driven language models construction is presented. Such a technique can be used to arrange a language-modelling module, which can be easily integrated in existing speech recognition architectures, such as the well-found HTK architecture. The proposed technique takes advantages from both the traditional LSA approach and from a novel application of a probability space metric known as "Hellinger's distance". Experimental trials are also presented, in order to validate the proposed approach.
Mobile agents, globus and resource discovery
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses grid technology and some related problem. The overview of grids, in terms of application fields and needed protocols is given. The common feature of all grid architectures is a coordinated and controlled resource sharing between the members of a dynamic multi-institutional virtual community. The members of such a community agree on which resources will be shared and which members of the community will be enabled to access these resources, thus defining a set of sharing rules and permissions. The Globus project is discussed, which is nowadays the de facto standard for grid environments, with emphasis on its resource discovery components. Finally, the …
A Conversational Agent Based on a Conceptual Interpretation of a Data Driven Semantic Space
In this work we propose an interpretation of the LSA framework which leads to a data-driven “conceptual” space creation suitable for an “intuitive” conversational agent. The proposed approach allows overcoming the limitations of traditional, rule-based, chat-bots, leading to a more natural dialogue.