Antonio Motisi

Relationship between canopy architecture and fruit quality on 'Rich May' peach grafted onto 'Penta' and 'GF677' rootstocks

Observations on crop efficiency and fruit quality of peach trees of ‘Rich May’ grafted onto ‘GF677’ (peach x almond) and ‘Penta’ (Prunus domestica L.) rootstocks are reported. Results were related to canopy architecture parameters, particularly to scaffold branches, shoot and leaf blade inclination angles, to the pattern of light distribution, and to the area of sunflecks projected at midday on the ground. Trees grafted onto ‘GF677’ were more vigorous, in terms of trunk cross-sectional area, summer pruning weight and leaf area. Within canopy light distribution profiles were in agreement with foliage density, with a higher light interception observed in trees grafted on ‘GF677’. Within canop…

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Le cultivar siciliane di ciliegio dolce: aspetti fenologici, morfologici e genetico-molecolari

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ATLANTE AGROCLIMATICO - agroclimatologia, pedologia, fenologia del territorio italiano

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Agro-hydrological models and field measurements to assess the water status of a citrus orchard irrigated with micro-sprinkler and subsurface drip systems

Compared to the micro-sprinkler irrigation, traditionally used in citrus orchards, subsurface drip systems (SDS) allow increasing the water use efficiency (WUE); when coupled with water-saving strategies, like regulated deficit irrigation (RDI), further increase of WUE are possible. Combining measurements of soil water content (SWC) and weather data with measurements of midday stem water potential (MSWP) makes it possible to identify irrigation scheduling parameters for the RDI. However, measurements of MSWP are destructive and time-consuming, and also require skilled operators. For all these reasons, the use of the agro-hydrological models, such as the FAO-56 model, can be considered a sur…

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Prevedere le fasi fenologiche in base alla temperatura dell'aria

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Il presente lavoro è stato condotto su suolo prelevato all’interno di un oliveto con l’obiettivo di valutare il tasso di respirazione attribuibile alla componente eterotrofa (microbica) in funzione dei fattori temperatura ed umidità. Il tasso di respirazione è stato monitorato su suolo incubato a cinque livelli di temperatura, 10-15-20-25-30 °C e a quattro livelli del contenuto idrico volumetrico del suolo (θ) 12,6-18,9-25,2-31,5 % (v/v). I valori di respirazione hanno presentato un range di valori variabili tra 78,20 e 14,81 µg CO2 g-1 soil d-1 rispettivamente a 30°C e 10°C e a 12,6 e 31,5 %. I valori di Q10, ovvero la risposta della respirazione in relazione agli incrementi di temperatura…

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A time domain triangle method approach to estimate actual evapotranspiration: Application in a Mediterranean region using MODIS and MSG-SEVIRI products

Abstract In this study, spatially distributed estimates of regional actual evapotranspiration (ET) were obtained using a revised procedure of the so called “triangle method” to parameterize the Priestley–Taylor ϕ coefficient. In the procedure herein proposed, named Time-Domain Triangle Method (TDTM), the triangular feature space was parameterized considering pairs of T s –VI values obtained by exploring, for each pixel, only their temporal dynamics. This new method was developed using time series products provided by MODIS and MSG-SEVIRI sensors. Moreover the proposed procedure does not depend on ancillary data, and it is only based on remotely sensed vegetation indices and day–night time l…

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Canopy architecture appraisal by fractal dimension of "Florastar" peach trees grafted onto different rootstock

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Eddy covariance and sap flow measurement of energy and mass exchange of woody crops in a Mediterranean environment

Evapotranspiration estimation by micrometeorological techniques through the assessment of mass and energy exchanges in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) is a very active research area, involving both well-known and novel measurement techniques. A crucial aspect in validating experimental results is the integration of independent measurements of mass and energy exchanges in the SPAC. To this aim, the development and validation of an integrated approach in major tree crop species, involving different independent techniques, are presented. Eddy covariance estimates of ET fluxes were compared to up-scaled sap flow measurements in olive, orange and grapevine, three important Mediterrane…

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Aspetti agronomici della peschicoltura biologica nel Mezzogiorno d'Italia

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Peach Planting systems in southern Italy ecophysiological aspects and tecnical Developments.

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Sviluppo di un sensore per la stima della conduttanza dello strato limite fogliare in piante di pesco

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Caratterizzazione ecofisiologica della chioma di piante di pesco in impianti a bassa e ad alta densità

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Effetti di differenti metodi irrigui e volumi di adacquamento sullo stato idrico e sullo sviluppo vegetativo estivo di piante di agrumi

Negli ultimi decenni, per massimizzare l’efficienza d’uso della risorsa idrica in agricoltura, si è cercato di migliorare le performance degli impianti di distribuzione oltre che implementare strategie di gestione che prevedano l’applicazione di condizioni di deficit idrico (DI) durante specifiche fasi del ciclo fenologico delle colture. Per l’applicazione di tali strategie è necessaria la conoscenza specifica del sistema suolo-pianta-atmosfera, in modo da evitare effetti negativi sullo sviluppo vegetativo e di conseguenza sulle produzioni. Obiettivo del lavoro è stato quello di valutare gli effetti di differenti modalità di distribuzione dell’acqua irrigua e volumi di adacquamento sullo st…

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Hydraulic kinetics of the graft union in different Olea europaea L. scion/rootstock combinations

The hydraulic resistance of young olive trees grafted on rootstocks with contrasting size-controlling potential was measured 30, 90, 360 and 480 days after grafting. Olive (Olea europaea L.) clones inducing plant vigorous growth (Leccino ‘Minerva’, LM) or dwarfing (Leccino ‘Dwarf’, LD) were studied in different scion/rootstock combinations (LD/LD, LD/LM, LM/LD, LM/LM). Plants growing on LD root systems developed lower leaf surface areas (about 50% less) than plants grafted on LM rootstocks. Graft union represented the largest fraction (up to 85%) of whole-plant hydraulic resistance 30 days after grafting, and still represented an important fraction of it 2 months later (40–55%). Four-hundre…

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Relationship Between Canopy Architecture and Fruit Quality on Peach Trees cv. "Rich May" Grafted onto Penta (Prunus domestica L.) and GF677 (Prunus persica x Prunus amygdalus)

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Effetto del portinnesto sull'architettura di chiome di pesco: relazioni allometriche, ripartizione della biomassa ed indici topologici

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L'ambiente di coltivazione e le basi fisiologiche e fenologiche del ciclo produttivo

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La coltivazione del pesco nell’altopiano di Udzungwa in Tanzania risale agli inizi del XX secolo e ancora oggi rappresenta un'opportunità per aumentare l’apporto nutritivo alla popolazione locale. Questo studio preliminare mira a caratterizzare la climatologia del luogo in rapporto al comportamento fenologico di genotipi locali derivati da vecchie cultivar di pesco europee. Le osservazioni fenologiche sono state condotte nel settembre 2010 e a luglio-agosto 2011 su alberi di pesco appartenenti a un genotipo precoce e a uno tardivo. I dati di temperatura sono stati ricostruiti e utilizzati per stimare l’accumulo di freddo mediante tre modelli fenoclimatici: Utah, Mean Temperature e Dinamico.…

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Abstract. Polyphenols are potent antioxidants found in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO); antioxidants have been shown to reverse age- and disease-related learning and memory deficits. We examined the effects of EVOO on learning and memory in SAMP8 mice, an age-related learning/memory impairment model associated with increased amyloid- protein and brain oxidative damage. We administered EVOO, coconut oil, or butter to 11 month old SAMP8 mice for 6 weeks. Mice were tested in T-maze foot shock avoidance and one-trial novel object recognition with a 24 h delay. Mice which received EVOO had improved acquisition in the T-maze and spent more time with the novel object in one-trial novel object recogni…

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Control of the crop load by NAA in relation to time of application and chemical concentration in Sicilian indigenous table olive cultivars

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Morphological, phenological and molecular characterization of the Sicilian indigenous olive (Olea europaea sativa L) germplasm

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Long-Term Field Evaluation of Conventional vs. Micropropagated Plants of Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium

Pyrethrum is a perennial herbaceous plant endemic to the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, and introduced in large areas of nearly all continents, where it is cultivated for the industrial extraction of pyrethrins. Pyrethrins are a group of six closely related monoterpene esters, widely used as natural insecticides. The world production of natural pyrethrins is lower than the market demand, and a wider introduction of this crop within the Mediterranean agrosystems could be an appealing opportunity for farmers and manufacturers. The availability of adequate amounts of selected plant material to bring into cultivation is, however, one of the major issues. Therefore, the in vitro propagation …

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Architettura e fisiologia della chioma in rapporto al vigore del portinnesto nella cultivar di pesco precoce Flordastar

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Rootstock Effect on Stem Water Potential Gradients in cv. 'Armking' Nectarine Trees

The effects of rootstock vigour on scion xylem hydraulic conductivity were studied on potted trees of cv. ‘Armking’ nectarine grafted onto GF677 (vigorous) and MrS 2/5 (low-vigour) rootstocks. Water potential gradients of non-transpiring leaves were measured at three levels of the stem starting at 10 cm above the graft-point. Transpiration rates were estimated by weighing. Two sets of measurements were taken on the same trees, at two different transpiration-rate levels obtained by imposing a different level of evaporative demand. Measurements were taken after allowing transpiration to reach a steady-state (20 minutes after any environmental perturbation). Trees grafted onto the low-vigour r…

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Variazioni dell'architettura della chioma di piante di pesco (Prunus persica (L.)Batsch) in rapporto al vigore del portinnesto

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Meccanismi coinvolti nel controllo della crescita vegetativa in olivo attraverso l'impiego del portinnesto.

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Annual and monthly carbon balance in an intensively managed Mediterranean olive orchard

At present, research activities on the role of orchard systems in sequestering atmospheric CO2 remain scarce. This paper aimed to contribute to assessing the carbon balance of a Mediterranean olive (Olea europea) orchard. The net ecosystem exchange, the ecosystem respiration and the gross primary production were computed for two consecutive years through eddy covariance, and the different biomass accumulation terms were also inferred in the same period through an inventorial method. The net carbon exchange ranged from 13. 45 t(C) ha-1 year-1 to 11. 60 t(C) ha-1 year-1. Very similar values [12. 2 and 11. 5 t(C) ha-1 year-1] were found with the direct carbon accumulation inventory. The intens…

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Agrotopoclimatic study of Sicily: possible applications in olive culture

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Vecchie varietà per una nuova peschicoltura in Sicilia

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Analytical approach extending the Granier method to radial sap flow patterns

Abstract The Granier thermal dissipation (TD) method is probably the most applied method to compute the transpiration flux of trees, due to its simplicity and effective compromise between theory and data availability. Starting from the heat transfer equations at the basis of Granier’s method, the objective of this paper is to derive an analytical solution for the transpiration flux to extend the sap flow equations to the radial domain. We adopted a flexible approach to cope with the differences in radial sapflow density (SFD) profile shapes that are known to occur in relation to wood anatomy (diffuse porous vs. ring- or non-porous xylem). With this purpose, we investigated the robustness of…

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Ecophysiological Characterization of the Canopy of Peach (P. persica L. Batsch) in Two Planting Systems

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Annual balance of CO2 exchange in an olive orchard: assessment by eddy covariance and biometric methods

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OLIVEBIOTEQ Second International Seminar "Recent advances in olive industry"

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Una 'correlazione turbolenta' per sapere quanta CO2 assorbe l'olivo

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Histological studies on pistacio vegetative organs as related to fructification

Histological Studies on Pistachio Vegetative Organs as Related to Fructification Effects of fruiting on histological structure and histochemical characteristics of shoots, leaves and roots of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) were microscopically examined on tissues sampled from trees with different crop-loads and carbohydrate reserves availability (bearing, non-bearing and trees subjected to inflorescence-bud removal twenty days before full bloom for four consecutive years). Differences in cambium activity and xylem and phloem structure in several developmental stages are reported. Starch content was higher in “deblossomed” than in non-bearing and bearing trees.

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Autotetraploid Emergence via Somatic Embryogenesis in Vitis vinifera Induces Marked Morphological Changes in Shoots, Mature Leaves, and Stomata

Polyploidy plays an important role in plant adaptation to biotic and abiotic stresses. Alterations of the ploidy in grapevine plants regenerated via somatic embryogenesis (SE) may provide a source of genetic variability useful for the improvement of agronomic characteristics of crops. In the grapevine, the SE induction process may cause ploidy changes without alterations in DNA profile. In the present research, tetraploid plants were observed for 9.3% of ‘Frappato’ grapevine somatic embryos regenerated in medium supplemented with the growth regulators β-naphthoxyacetic acid (10 µM) and N6-benzylaminopurine (4.4 µM). Autotetraploid plants regenerated via SE without detectable changes in the …

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Control of Alternate Bearing in Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Manipulation of the Vegetative and Reproductive Cycle.

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Micrometeorological and sap flow measurement of water vapour exchanges in olive: Scaling up from canopy to orchard

A comparison of water consumption evaluated at tree and orchard level was carried out in a commercial olive orchard located in Sicily using up-scaled sap-flow evapotranspiration estimations and eddy covariance measurements. Sap flow probes were installed on olive trees placed in one of the four plots characterizing a heterogeneous orchard. Trees were chosen, from a preliminary footprint analysis, in correspondence to the peak of the “relative normalized contribution” to flux for the prevailing wind conditions measured by an eddy covariance station localized in the central part of the orchard. Tree-age and planting density as well as main tree and orchard characteristics (Leaf Area per tree,…

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From glacial refugia to hydrological microrefugia: Factors and processes driving the persistence of the climate relict tree Zelkova sicula

Abstract With only two tiny populations, the climate relict Zelkova sicula (Sicily, Italy) is one of the rarest trees in the world. It also represents the most marginal member of genus Zelkova that was widespread in the broadleaved forests thriving in warm–temperate climates throughout Eurasia until the Last Glacial Age. Occurring at the westernmost range of the genus under typical Mediterranean climate, the micro‐topographic settings have always appeared crucial for the survival of this relict. However, the factors and processes actually involved in its persistence in the current refugia, as well as the response of similar relict trees in arid environments, are poorly understood worldwide.…

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Evaluation of subsurface drip irrigation emitters on a split-root container-grown citrus rootstock (citrange ‘Ccarrizo’)

Among irrigation systems, subsurface drip irrigation allows obtaining values of water use efficiency higher than 90%. However, when emitters are installed below the soil surface, root intrusion can represent the main cause of emitter occlusion. To prevent this phenomenon, manufacturers normally include herbicides in the plastic matrix of the emitters. Objectives of this paper were: i) to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative anti-root agents embedded in the same emitter model and ii) to identify their possible effects on the growth of a commonly adopted citrus rootstock (citrange ‘Carrizo’). Five different anti-root agents were tested in 8 lined trees, planted in split-root containers i…

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A satellite stand-alone procedure for deriving net radiation by using SEVIRI and MODIS products

Abstract In this study, a new stand-alone satellite approach for the estimation of net surface radiation (Rn) has been implemented and validated for the Italian territory. The method uses the MODIS and MSG-SEVIRI time series products and it is independent of the use of ancillary data (i.e. ground measurements). A database of daily measurements of Rn, provided by 9 stations of the FLUXNET network, was used to validate the method in different ecological scenarios in the period 2010-12. The Rn modelled by the proposed approach and the corresponding FLUXNET measurements were in good agreement, with RMSE and R2 of 19.8 Wm−2 and 0.87, respectively, at 8-days scale, and 23.3 Wm−2 and 0.92, respect…

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Analisi climatologiche alla toposcala per la valutazione della variabilità ambientale in rapporto alle esigenze ecologiche delle cultivar di pesco di due distretti frutticoli della Sicilia

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Water relations of two Sicilian grapevine cultivars in response to potassium availability and drought stress

Abstract We investigated the response of two Sicilian grapevine cultivars, Catarratto and Nero d'Avola, to potassium deficiency and drought stress. Two-year-old plants grafted on 1103 Paulsen were grown in agriperlite, with or without potassium in the fertigation solution for six weeks, and subjected to moderate drought stress by suspending irrigation for one week. Potassium content of leaves, roots and xylem sap were measured with an ion-selective electrode. Changes in stomatal conductance, stem and leaf water potential and hydraulic conductance were compared between genotypes and treatments. Potassium deficiency led to significant decreases in leaf potassium content in both cultivars and …

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La fenologia del pesco nel territorio italiano rappresentata nell'Atlante Agroclimatico del progetto CLIMAGRI

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Morphological and SSR molecular markers based genetic variability in 39 olive cultivars ( Olea europaea L.) originated in Southern Italy

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La riduzione delle emissioni e il ruolo degli ecosistemi terrestri

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Development and calibration of an olive phenological model in relation to air temperature

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Urgent need for preservation of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. Subsp. vinifera) germplasm from small circum-Sicilian islands as revealed by SSR markers and traditional use investigations

Since the last decades grapevine germplasm is undergoing a process of rapid genetic erosion. This process is of particular concern in minor circum-Sicilian islands, because of the sharp reduction of the cultivated surfaces and the shift of their economy from agriculture to tourism. Aiming at valorising and preserving the surviving varieties we collected 185 accessions during several surveys since 2007. Six nuclear microsatellite markers were used for germplasm characterization, yielding 75 different genetic profiles. We found out that most genetic profiles (39) were not listed in national and international grapevine databases, confirming that the Sicilian minor islands represent underexplor…

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Phylogenetic Relationship Among Wild and Cultivated Grapevine in Sicily: A Hotspot in the Middle of the Mediterranean Basin

Grapevine (Vitis vinifera ssp. sativa) is a perennial crop especially important for wine and fruit production. The species is highly polymorphic with thousands of different varieties selected by farmers and clonally propagated. However, it is still debated whether grapevine domestication from its wild ancestor (V. vinifera ssp. sylvestris) has been a single event or rather it occurred on multiple occasions during the diffusion of its cultivation across the Mediterranean. Located in the center of the Basin, Sicily is its largest island and has served as a hotspot for all civilizations that have crossed the Mediterranean throughout history. Hundreds of unique grapevine cultivars are still cul…

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A control of the crop load by NAA in relation to time of application and chemical concentration in Sicilian indigenous table olive cultivars

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La dimensione frattale come strumento per valutare l'architettura della chioma nel pesco: osservazioni sulla cultivar Flordastar innestata su quattro portinnesti

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Propagation of Calendula maritima Guss. (Asteraceae) through Biotechnological Techniques for Possible Usage in Phytotherapy

The genus Calendula (Asteraceae) includes several species that are renowned for their therapeutic properties and/or use as ingredients in the preparation of cosmetics. The rare and critically endangered sea marigold, Calendula maritima Guss., an endemic species from Western Sicily, has also been recognized as a potential “farm plant species” for several important compounds used in cosmetics. However, the few remnant populations of this species are currently threatened with extinction because of several factors, such as hybridization with the congeneric species Calendula suffruticosa subsp. fulgida (Raf.) Guadagno and anthropogenic disturbance of its habitat. Therefore, in order to preserve …

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A low-cost multispectral imaging system for the characterisation of soil and small vegetation properties using visible and near-infrared reflectance

Current Proximal Sensing technologies are based on multispectral imaging systems able to capture images in a few spectral bands, usually centred in VIS and NIR regions, to derive vegetation indices. However, most of such systems lack an internal radiometric calibration to estimate the actual reflectance of the observed target, making them sensitive to the local radiative environment and requiring a per-session calibration against a reference target. To overcome such dependence, the instrument described adopts an active illumination of the target surface, allowing the monitoring of soil and low vegetation surfaces by a radiometrically pre-calibrated imaging camera. The system, driven by a mi…

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Time-domain based feature space at FLUXNET sites for vegetation patterns identification

Monitoring the flux transfer of mass and energy occurring within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum is a pivotal key for understanding hydrological and vegetation relationships. Average daily values of the Priestley - Taylor (PT) parameter were calculated for 4 eddy covariance (EC) flux tower sites from FLUXNET network, characterized by different vegetation features, over the 2010-12 reference period. Site-by-site feature spaces (built by difference in diurnal and night-time land surface temperature versus enhanced vegetation index, ΔLST-EVI) were obtained by combining satellite data (MODIS) and observed PT parameter (ϕ) retrieved by FLUXNET surface energy balance (SEB) fluxes. The results…

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Somatic embryogenesis and flow cytometric assessment of nuclear genetic stability for Sansevieria spp.: an approach for in vitro regeneration of ornamental plants

Sansevieria Thunb. species are traditionally known as succulent ornamental plants worldwide. They are also cultivated for medicinal, fodder, soil conservation and fiber uses, and for their capacity to reduce environmental pollution. Sansevieria sexual propagation is limited by the lack of viable seeds, and reproduction is largely made via vegetative propagation by suckers or cuttings. For these reasons, genetic improvement by conventional breeding is limited. To overcome this problem and to address the increasing demand from customers for novel Sansevieria varieties, many commercial companies regularly use in vitro propagation, as is the case in the breeding process of several ornamental pl…

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Climate and quality in the grapevine: analysis of control factors at the toposcale in Sicily.

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Scelte agronomiche e gestione colturale nella peschicoltura siciliana: risultati di un biennio di osservazioni.

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Tree-to-tree variation in plant-based measurements as indicators of orange water status

A study was conducted in order to determine the sensitivity of measured indicators of the plant water status in a citrus orchard. In ten adult orange (Citrus sinensis) trees, grafted on sour orange (C. aurantium) rootstocks and drip irrigated every second day, sap flow by Granier TDP probes, leaf and xylem water potential, gas exchange and leaf and canopy thermal imaging were hourly monitored all over the day. The evaluations were performed during two separate clear-sky days with different environmental conditions, respectively in the summer and autumn seasons. Variations of environmental components (reference evapotranspiration, solar radiation, vapour pressure deficit and temperature) wer…

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Canopy Architecture Appraisal by Fractal Dimension of 'Flordastar' Peach Trees Grafted onto Different Rootstocks

The objective of this research was to evaluate the modification of canopy architecture of ''Flordastar'' peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) grafted onto rootstocks with different vigour, by the use of fractal dimension (D). The hypothesis was that different vigour rootstocks are able to modify the complexity of the branching pattern and that this effect can be assessed by a geometric parameter such as the fractal dimension (D) of the 2D projection of tree branching structure. The observations were carried out in a four-year-old experimental orchard of cv. ''Flordastar'' peach trees grafted onto Ishtara, Barrier, GF677 and MrS 2/5 rootstocks. On digital pictures of leafless, dormant peach tree…

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Stima dei consumi idrici di piante di pesco (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) innestate su portinnesti di diverso vigore

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Influence of Culture Conditions on In Vitro Asymbiotic Germination of Anacamptis longicornu and Ophrys panormitana (Orchidaceae)

This study is the first approach to in vitro asymbiotic germination of two species of Sicilian threatened terrestrial orchids, Anacamptis longicornu and Ophrys panormitana. Seeds were collected in the wild and cultured in two different media—Orchimax medium (OM) and Murashige and Skoog (MS)—and exposed to different photoperiods and temperatures to evaluate the best conditions for the specific stages of development. The germination of A. longicornu was very high on OM (95.5%) and lower on MS medium (21.4%), whereas O. panormitana germinated only on OM medium, with significantly lower percentages (12.0%), compared with A. longicornu. This difference is caused by variation in quality and quant…

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The "Inclined Double-Walls" Peach Planting Systems in South Italy: Ecophysiological Aspects and Technical Developments

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Primi risultati in Sicilia sul comportamento agronomico del ciliegio Lapins su portinnesti di diversa origine genetica

Si riferisce dei risultati relativi a sei anni di osservazioni sul comportamento agronomico della cultivar Lapins in combinazione con sei diversi portinnesti contraddistinti da diverso potenziale di crescita vegetativa. Le indagini sono state condotte in Sicilia, .presso un impianto sperimentale condotto in asciutto, con alberi allevati a vaso a bassa impalcatura. Dalle prove condotte è emersa la capacità dei portinnesti Weiroot 53 e Gisela 6 di contenere la crescita vegetativa del 50% circa e di anticipare la fruttificazione rispetto a MaxMa 60 e F12/1, risultati i soggetti più vigorosi. Tra questi ultimi, si conferma l’affidabilità dell’SL 64 che ha mostrato di poter associare buona capac…

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La peschicoltura tardiva siciliana

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How a traditional agricultural protection structure acts in conditioning the internal microclimate: a statistical analytical approach to Giardino Pantesco (Pantelleria Island - Italy)

This work aims to analyze the traditional agricultural technique of the Giardino Pantesco, typical of the isle of Pantelleria (Sicily, Italy). With this particular technique a single citrus tree is encircled by a drywall of volcanic rocks allowing it to grow even in the island's unfavorable meteorological conditions. This technique has been analyzed by placing one instrumental array inside the Giardino and one outside and by measuring different environmental variables. The aim of the work is therefore to understand what is the drywall's effect on the tree by analyzing the time series produced by the sensors, using cross-correlation techniques and reducing the series' autocorrelation, so tha…

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Manipulation of the vegetative and reproductive cycle of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.)

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Development of a Sensor for Continuous and Accurate Monitoring of Air Flow for Open-System Whole Canopy Gas-Exchange Measurements

The research describes the development and set-up of a simple and accurate solid-state device for continuous monitoring of airflow forced into an open-flow gas-exchange chamber for whole-canopy transpiration and photosynthesis measurements. The ventilation system was formed by a centrifugal fan powered by an electric motor and a PVC pipe (0.193 m inner diameter). To damp airflow turbulence, 50 cm of the main pipe was filled with a bundle of smaller PVC pipes (3 cm inner diameter). The measurement principle of the sensor is the thermal balance of an electrically heated copper plate compared to an unheated one. Calibration of the sensor was performed by two independent methods: gas dilution (…

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Un sistema di supporto per la previsione dell'epoca di vendemmia in Sicilia

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Morphological characteristics, microsatellite fingerprinting and determination of incompatibility genotypes of Sicilian sweet cherry cultivars

Sicily has extensive germplasm of diploid sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) that has not been well studied. In this investigation, 39 cherry accessions, selected from collections and farms, were analysed using molecular markers and characterised for various morphological and other agronomic characters such as flesh colour, fruit size, quality and, in some cases, ripening periods. Thirteen Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) primer pairs, as well as two primer pairs for the incompatibility (S) locus, which amplified across the first intron of the S-RNase gene and across the intron of the SFB gene, were used in three multiplexed reactions to analyse the accessions. The number of alleles per SSR locus r…

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ATLANTE AGROCLIMATICO - Scenari di cambiamento climatico

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La frutticoltura meridionale: recupero del patrimonio arboreo, vocazionalità ambientale e nuovi sistemi colturali

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Exploring the use of displaced beam scintillometer for daytime measurement of surface energy fluxes over a Mediterranean Olive Orchard

Studies have shown that the footprint of a single eddy covariance (EC) system may not yield representative measurements of the turbulent fluxes at the field scale for sparse vegetated surfaces, whereas scintillometry, due to its larger footprint, may be more suitable for this purpose. However, the latter approach strongly relies on the Monin-Obukov similarity theory (MOST) that strictly applies in the inertial sub-layer only. This work aims at experimentally confirm the reliability of displaced-beam laser scintillometers (DBLS) measurements over an olive orchard against two EC systems during summer and autumn months of 2007 through 2009. It was found that the DBLS underestimated both the mo…

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Development of a sensor for continuous and accurate monitoring of air flow for open system whole canopy gas exchange measurements

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Variazione della qualità e dell'attività antiossidante dei frutti in funzione dell'architettura della chioma in piante di pesco

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Variazione della qualità e dell'attività antiossidante dei frutti in funzione dell'architettura della chioma in piante di pesco innestate su Penta e GF677

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Comportamento bio-agronomico di cultivar extraprecoci di pesco e nettarine in tre tipologie d'impianto: risultati di un triennio di osservazioni

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Così l’olivo dà una mano a catturare il carbonio

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Landscape structure, resilience and ecogeographic relations between agro-forestry and forestry landscapes of Sicily: quantitative approaches

Landscape ecology provides a wide spectrum of useful techniques for quantitative analysis of the land-mosaic patterns, on the basis of areal, linear and punctual parameters. According to the scale of analysis, data collection can be costly and time-consuming; this is especially true in areas with a very heterogeneous land-mosaic patterns and landscape-types for environmental variability and cultural reasons. Aims of this work are: 1) to assess the land-mosaic complexity of the traditional agricultural and agro-forestry landscapes (PAfT) of Sicily; 2) to highlight interfaces and structural gradients between main forest areas and closed PAfTs. These aims have the main purpose to pinpoint agri…

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The effect of air temperature on olive phenological development has not been extensively studied. Indirectly related data are available, mostly from air pollen concentration measurements rather than direct observation of phenological stages. Data on phenological stages of olive collected in Sicily, by the Sicilian Agrometeorological Service (SIAS), in 10 locations characterized by different climatic conditions were used to develop and calibrate a phenological model for the most important developmental stages in olive. Phenological stages under study were: bud break, inflorescence emission, and full bloom A base-temperature linear model was developed by choosing a temperature threshold using…

research product

TURF-BOX: an active lighting multispectral imaging system with led VIS-NIR sources for monitoring of vegetated surfaces

A microcontroller driven system suitable to monitor soil and low vegetation is described. A radiometrically pre-calibrated imaging camera driven by a microcontroller is contained in a light-tight box aiming at an actively illuminated target surface area of 50×38 cm, using LED sources with different emission wavelengths (blue, green, red and infrared). The adopted arrangement allows measurements independent from local lighting conditions and from the in situ, per-session calibrations necessary with the conventional instrumentation adopted for field measurements. Sequential lighting of the target surface with the monochromatic LED sources allows capturing multispectral images at a relatively …

research product

CULTIVAR DI OLIVO SICILIANE. Identificazione validazione, caratterizzazione morfologica e molecolare e qualità degli oli. Contiene manuale per la caratterizzazione primaria di cultivar di olivo siciliane.

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Effect of rootstock vigour on dry matter partitioning in olive (Olea europaea L.)

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The Italian TREETALKER NETWORK (ITT-Net): continuous large scale monitoring of tree functional traits and vulnerabilities to climate change

<p>The  <strong>Italian TREETALKER NETWORK (ITT-Net) </strong>aims to respond to one of the grand societal challenges: the impact of climate changes on forests ecosystem services and forest dieback. The comprehension of the link between these phenomena requires to complement the most classical approaches with a new monitoring paradigm based on large scale, single tree, high frequency and long-term monitoring tree physiology, which, at present, is limited by the still elevated costs of multi-sensor devices, their energy demand and maintenance not always suitable for monitoring in remote areas. The ITT-Net network will be a unique and un…

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Characterization of the main land processes occurring in Europe (2000-2018) through a MODIS NDVI seasonal parameter-based procedure

Trabajo desarrollado bajo la financiación del proyecto “Soil Hydrology research platform underpinning innovation to manage water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping Systems” (773903), coordinado por José Alfonso Gómez Calero, investigador del Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible (IAS).

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Peach Planting Systems in Southern Italy: Ecophysiological Aspects and Technical Developments

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Le cultivar di olivo (Olea europaea L.)siciliane della collezione costituita dal Dipartimento di Colture Arboree di Palermo presso l’azienda ‘Campo Carboj’ dell’Ente di Sviluppo Agricolo della Regione Siciliana.

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Effetto del vigore del portinnesto sul comportamento vegetativo della nettarina Armking al primo anno di crescita

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Dispositivo per il monitoraggio di superfici vegetali

La presente invenzione si riferisce al settore della diagnostica ambientale poiché fornisce un dispositivo che consente il monitoraggio dello stato fisiologico dei tappeti erbosi e di altre tipologie di coperture naturali che può essere anche impiegato per una accurata caratterizzazione e gestione delle coperture vegetali quali ad esempio campi sportivi, aree verdi naturali o artificiali e il relativo metodo.

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Effects of Phytophthora root rot on leaf gas exachange of different peach rootstocks.

research product

Rootstock and fruit canopy position affect peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] (cv. Rich May) plant productivity and fruit sensorial and nutritional quality.

The right combination of rootstock and training system is important for increased yield and fruit sensorial and nutritional homogeneity and quality with peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]. We investigated the effects of rootstock and training system on these parameters, testing the effect of vigorous GF677 and weaker Penta - rootstock on 'Rich May' peach cultivar. Fruit position effects regarding photosynthetically active radiation availability, along the canopy profile using the Y training system, were investigated. The positive relationships between total polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity according to canopy vigour and architecture were determined for the two scion/stock combin…

research product

Growth analysis and mineral content in pistachio (Pistacia veraL.) infructescence and its components

SummaryGrowth and seasonal variation in mineral content was described for infructescence components of ‘Bianca’ pistachio cultivar grafted onto Pistacia therebintus L. The absorption curve specific to each infructescence and fruit component was calculated on a percent dry weight and an absolute content basis. Nutrient uptake by infructescence components was consistent with their development rate. The embryo was the strongest sink for N, P and Mg uptake. Pericarp and rachis accounted for more than 80% of K and Ca accumulated in the infructescence. The highest accumulation rate occurred during rapid embryo growth.

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Bilancio energetico, evapotraspirazione e scambio di carbonio in un impianto di olivo in Sicilia

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Fenologia della maturazione e caratteristiche qualitative dei frutti di pesco del germoplasma autoctono della Sicilia

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Il contributo degli impianti da frutto all'assorbimento della CO2 atmosferica.

La funzionalità delle colture legnose arboree da frutto sull'assorbimento della CO2atmosferica, e l'ammontare dello stoccaggio del carbonio che queste mettono in atto è stato scarsamente studiato rispetto a quanto sia stato analizzato negli ecosistemi forestali. Gli studi estensivi sull'efficienza degli impianti arborei ad agire come sink di carbonio atmosferico sono stati in parte sfavoriti dalle loro estensioni, generalmente troppo limitate per poter applicare le tecniche micrometeorologiche classicamente utilizzate in ambito forestale. Inoltre, l'ottica di considerare le colture agrarie non soltanto come forme produttive ma anche come risorse ambientali non è ancora un'ottica prevalente.…

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Misura in vivo dell'attività respiratoria di radici di piante di pesco allevate in contenitore in rapporto alla nutrizione minerale e alla crescita radicale

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Morphological, phenological and molecular characterization of the Sicilian indigenous olive (Olea europaea sativa L.)germplasm

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Analisi climatologiche alla toposcala per la valutazione della vocazionalità ambientale alla coltivazione di cultivar di pesco di due distretti frutticoli della Sicilia

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Variabilità di caratteri biometrici e molecolari (ssr) del germoplasma autoctono di ciliegio in Sicilia

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Le cultivar di olivo siciliane in collezione presso il DCA di Palermo

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Aspetti fisiologici, tecnici ed economici dei sistemi d'impianto nella peschicoltura meridionale.

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Subsurface Drip Irrigation and ICT for the Innovative Irrigation Water Management: Application to a Citrus Crop (C. reticulata cv. Tardivo di Ciaculli)

Subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) is considered one of the most efficient irrigation systems because it allows the optimization of crop water productivity maximizing, at the same time, farmers’ economic benefit. However, to take full advantage of SDI systems it is necessary to prevent emitter obstructions caused by root intrusion, as well as to apply water-saving strategies, such as regulated deficit irrigation (RDI). Regarding the first aspect, manufacturers are claiming different techniques to protect emitters from root intrusion, such as mechanical barriers, addition with different chemical compounds into the emitter itself or chemicals into irrigation water. On the other hand, the applic…

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Vegetative growth, phenology, yield and fruit quality of "Bianca" pistachio (Pistacia vera L:) trees as affected by the rootstock

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Manipolazione del ciclo vegeto-produttivo del pistacchio ( Pistacia vera L.)

research product

La coltura del ciliegio in Sicilia: aspetti varietali e tecniche colturali

research product

Climatic Characterization and Phenology of Local Peach Genotypes in the Udzungwa Uplands of Tanzania

The phenology of two local peach genotypes was studied to verify whether peaches can be produced in the Tanzanian uplands. Observations were conducted on trees of one early- and one late-ripening peach genotype in 2010 and 2011. Temperature trends were reconstructed and three chilling estimation models were tested. The two peach genotypes differed for timing of flower and leaf bud-break. Common symptoms of insufficient chilling (presence of numerous stages at a specific date and about 20% of undeveloped flower buds) were observed in the late genotype. Both Utah and Dynamic models indicated low chilling accumulation, lower than the Mean Temperature model in most cases. This is inconsistent w…

research product

Fingerprinting of Sicilian Cherry Germplasm with Simple Sequence Repeats and Incompatibility (S) Locus Primers

research product

Efficiency and ecophysiological characterization of the canopy of peach (P. persica L. Batsch) trees in three planting systems

research product

Identifying the threshold of soil water content for the precise irrigation scheduling of a Citrus orchard under subsurface drip irrigation

Proper irrigation scheduling requires the knowledge of the soil-plant-atmosphere system, including the relationships existing between its various components. During the last decade, the monitoring of soil water content (SWC) has been considered a standard way to determine when crops need to be irrigated. However, under drip irrigation systems in which laterals are laid on the soil surface or buried at a certain depth, the gradients of soil water content are rather high and therefore the threshold of SWC below which crop water stress occurs should account for the position of the sensors; the threshold, in fact, depends on the specific crop system, as well as on the relative position of the m…

research product

Variazione di alcuni parametri qualitativi in frutti di pesco della cv Rich May in due combinazioni d'innesto

research product