Michele La Mantia
Effetto di differenti sistemi di impianto sulo sviluppo e produttività del noce da legno in Sicilia
Caratterizzazione di genotipi di olivo ( Olea europea L.) per mezzo di marcatori molecolari SSR e RAPD
Buoni risultati con l'1rrigazione in deficit dell'oliveto superintensivo
Toward the definition of a carbon budget model: seasonal variation and temperature effect on respiration rate of vegetative and reproductive organs of pistachio trees (Pistacia vera)
Summary This study, as a preliminary step toward the definition of a carbon budget model for pistachio trees (Pistacia vera L.), aimed at estimating and evaluating the dynamics of respiration of vegetative and reproductive organs of pistachio tree. Trials were performed in 2005 in a commercial orchard located in Sicily (370 m a.s.l.) on five bearing 20-year-old pistachio trees of cv. Bianca grafted onto Pistachio terebinthus L. Growth analyses and respiration measurements were done on vegetative (leaf) and reproductive (infructescence) organs during the entire growing season (April–September) at biweekly intervals. Results suggested that the respiration rates of pistachio reproductive and v…
Effect of thinning with NAA onto vegetative and productive behaviour of "Nocellara del Belice" table olive trees
Genetic relationships analysis among 70 olive cultivars (olea europaea L.) native of southern Italy using morphological and molecular markers
Control of the crop load by NAA in relation to time of application and chemical concentration in Sicilian indigenous table olive cultivars
Morphological, phenological and molecular characterization of the Sicilian indigenous olive (Olea europaea sativa L) germplasm
Crescita, ripartizione della sostanza secca e modelli architetturali della chioma in piante di olivo (Olea europea L.) in rapporto a fattori genetici e colturali: primi risultati
Controllare l'alternanza per migliorare i pistacchi
Control of Alternate Bearing in Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Manipulation of the Vegetative and Reproductive Cycle.
Fruit physical and chemical composition of the pistachio cultivar "Bianca" as affected by post-harvest treatments
Utilization of phenoclimatic models to study the climatic changes on fruit trees phenology
Morphological and SSR molecular markers based genetic variability in 39 olive cultivars ( Olea europaea L.) originated in Southern Italy
Concimazione fogliare con urea, buoni risultati su pistacchio.
A control of the crop load by NAA in relation to time of application and chemical concentration in Sicilian indigenous table olive cultivars
The effect of different vigour olive clones on growth, dry matter partitioning and gas exchange under water deficit
Abstract In the last decade, high-density olive planting systems have been developed to facilitate less costly mechanical harvesting and pruning by using straddle harvesters. High-density orchards allow faster production since the first crop of fruit starts a few years after planting. In high-density orchards the control of tree size is essential. It is possible to control the vigour and size of the tree by selecting suitable cultivars, by choosing rootstocks capable of controlling scion vigour and, finally, by applying deficit irrigation to reduce plant vegetative growth. Knowledge of tree water requirements is needed for precise irrigation scheduling. In this study, the dwarfing capacity …
Stato nutrizionale delle piante di "Bianca di Bronte" sottoposte a concimazione fogliare con urea ed estratti proteici.
Bloming Time of Nine Sicilian Male Genotypes of Pistachio (P. vera L.) as Related to the Flowering Period of Six Female Cultivars Originated in the Mediterranean and in Central Asia Countries
Improvement in yield and fruit size and quality of the main Italian table olive cultivar 'Nocellara del Belice'
Olive (Olea europaea L.) shows alternate bearing, with unreliable cropping patterns and inconsistent fruit size and quality every year. In many countries, thinning with naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) is used to minimise alternate bearing behavior in olives. However, in Italy, growers are reluctant to employ this practice and no detailed knowledge is available for specific cultivars. We evaluated the effects of spraying NAA on various dates on the productive and vegetative characteristics of the main Italian table olive cultivar'Nocellara del Belice'. Trunk cross-sectional area, fruit set, fruit drop, fruit size, pit size, yield per tree, crop density and flesh to pit ratio were analysed. The …
CULTIVAR DI OLIVO SICILIANE. Identificazione validazione, caratterizzazione morfologica e molecolare e qualità degli oli. Contiene manuale per la caratterizzazione primaria di cultivar di olivo siciliane.
Modeling the seasonal carbon balance of Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.): the effect of crop load
Le cultivar di olivo (Olea europaea L.)siciliane della collezione costituita dal Dipartimento di Colture Arboree di Palermo presso l’azienda ‘Campo Carboj’ dell’Ente di Sviluppo Agricolo della Regione Siciliana.
Rese dei pistacchieti etnei a rischio per il poco polline.
Effect of foliar nitrogen fertilization onto vegetative and productive behaviour of "Nocellara del Belice" table olive trees
Morphological, phenological and molecular characterization of the Sicilian indigenous olive (Olea europaea sativa L.)germplasm
Interventi agronomici per migliorare la presenza di polline di pistacchio (P vera L.) negli impianti commerciali di Bronte.
Le cultivar di olivo siciliane in collezione presso il DCA di Palermo
Misura e modellizzazione del bilancio stagionale di carbonio in rami carichi e scarichi di Pistacchio (Pistacia vera L.)
Esigenze bio-termiche e stima del periodo di sviluppo del frutto in cultivar di pesco a differente epoca di maturazione
In this experiment carried out in Sicily (37.35N 12.58E), fruit growth was studied in relation to thermal time accumulated from bloom to fruit harvest for peach cultivars whose fruit development period ranges from 76 to 170 days. Thermal time was calculated in terms of GDH (base temperature 6.2-10 °C, optimum temperature 23.3-24.5 °C and critical temperature 33.7-39.4 °C) by the use of non-linear models. Climatic and phenological data (bloom and harvest dates) were considered for a minimum of four to a maximum of six years. Taking into account the whole FDP, the accuracy of the GDH model in predicting harvest time ranged from 0.6 day, in the early ripening peach cultivar Anita, to 6.4 days …
Vegetative growth, phenology, yield and fruit quality of "Bianca" pistachio (Pistacia vera L:) trees as affected by the rootstock
Manipolazione del ciclo vegeto-produttivo del pistacchio ( Pistacia vera L.)
Efficacy of non-copper-based repellents for the control of olive fruit fly in organic olive-orchards
Identification of olive (Olea europaea L.) genotypes using SSR and RAPD markers.
Identification of olive (Olea europaea L.) genotypes using SSR and RAPD markers SSR and RAPD markers were used to identify DNA fingerprints of 100 accessions of olive trees (Olea europaea L.) from the National Olive Variety Assessment (NOVA) collection, located at the University of Adelaide, Roseworthy Campus (South Australia). The markers were compared for their ability to discriminate between genotypes and their level of polymorphism per marker. The results were similar for both types of markers, and it was shown that several cultivars in the collection had similar genotypes. However, SSRs were more discriminatory as more genotypes were identified with these, than with RAPD markers. The D…