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Azione antalgica di Hydrogel nell'orbitopatia basedowiana
La valutazione retinica mediante Tomografia a Coerenza Ottica (OCT) nel diabete mellito tipo 1.
Su un caso di sindrome di Wolfram
To aim of this paper was to offer a further contribution to the knowledge af the Wolfram Syndrome within the Italian population about hypotheses of its genetic trasmission and diagnostic problems.The study comprised the genetic investigation and the clinical ophthalmological examination of all the family members. Genetic investigation of family members showed the presence of a genetic disorder,consisting in a mutation of the gene wfs1, located on the short arm of chromosome 4, and which codifies for the protein Wolfranin. The gene wfs1 presents high penetrance and expression,since the mutation is recessive, it can only be clinicallly detected when it is present in the homozygous form. It sh…
Evolution de le gliome du nerf optique chez des patients atteints de neurofibromatose de type I: environ 3 cas
Traitement séquential avec des corticostéroides dans les ophtalmopathy Graves
Complications ophthalmologiques au cours d'un diagnostic tardif de granulomatose de Wegener.
Uso della monoterapia con Bimatoprost nella clinica quotidiana
Gli Autori riportano i risultati di uno studio multicentrico,prospettico, osservazionale condotto nel 2010 sull'uso nella pratica clinica della monoterapia con l'analogo prostanidico ,Bimatoprost 0.3 mg/ml, in pazienti con glaucoma cronico ad angolo aperto mai trattati in precedenza se non con farmaci betabloccanti.
Case report di emangioma iuxtapapillare sporadico
Azione antalgica di Hydrogel nell'orbitopatia basedowiana
La terapia dell'orbitopatia,nella fase acuta,si basa oltre che sulla correzione della turba endocrinologica,sulla protezione della cornea e sull'uso dei corticosteroidi ad alto dosaggio o di farmaci immunosoppressori o, in alternativa,sulla radioterapia orbitaria.Per attenuare la sintomatologia dolorosa,frequente nella fase acuta e che può inficiare la qualità della vita,data la componente flogistica,abbiamo voluto valutare gli effetti di una terapia antalgica mediante appliocazione sulla superficie palpebrale di un gel chirurgico criogenico decongestinante ( a contenuto di estratto di ananas più acido betaglicirretico),ad oggi utilizzato con risultati soddisfacenti in soggetti sottoposti a…
Considerazioni su un caso di nistagmo familiare essenziale.
A comparatively rare case of familial nystagmus is reported in a girl whose family tree was studied and the interest of which, apart from the need for greater involvement of health personnel and of school staff in campaigns for prevention of sight disturbances in infancy, was mainly related to the particular recessive trasmission bound to chromosome X with incomplete penetrance. The multiplicity of hereditary trasmission, in fact, explains the relative capricious expressivity of this pathological condition which should be born in mild in the event of genetic consultancy.
Aberrations cornéennes pre et post intervention de la cataract avec incision supérieure de 2,8 mm en cornée claire.
Neuroprotezione del paziente con glaucoma cronico ad angolo aperto:ruolo della Citicolina in soluzione orale
Aim: To verify the efficacy of Citicoline, taken orally, in the prevention of neurological damage in patients with Chronic Open Angle Glaucoma (COA G). Methods: 30 subjects with COA G were divided into 2 groups: 18 subjects (CT group) were treated with Citicoline and 12 (PP group) were treated with placebo. Both groups underwent 3 cycles of treatment. A cycle lasted 60 days and after every cycle there was a wash-out period of 30 days. On day 0, 60, 90, 150, 180, 240 and 270 all subjects underwent an examination of the optic nerve fibres by GDx VVC and a simultaneous recording of pattern reversal VEP s and pattern ER G. Results: In both groups endocular pressure values kept steady below 21 m…
Increated central corneal thickness in acromegalic patients
Laser polarimetrie mit variablem Abgiech der Kornea (GDx VCC) zur Messung der retinalen Nervenfaserschicht bei primaren akuten Winkelblockglaukom
Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory and analgesic action of hydrogel in thyroid orbitopathy.
Purpose: To evaluate the analgesic efficacy of applying on the eyelid surface sterile hydrogel dressings containing substances such as pineapple extract which has anti-inflammatory and antioedema properties, and 18 beta-glycyrrhetinic acid. Design: Randomized prospective clinical trial. Methods: 50 patients (16 males and 34 females) affected with thyroid-associated orbitopathy in acute phase equally distributed in two groups. The level of patient satisfaction of the treatment was measured by answering a questionnaire before and after the treatment phase. Results: While 24 patients of study group reported an reduction in the pain only 2 of control group did. In the study group questionnaire’…
Paisseur centrale de la cornée chez le patients atteints d’acromégalie
Corneal aberrations pre and post-application of new contact lens in the astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty.
Raffronto tra due formulazioni farmaceutiche di Timololo nel trattamento del glaucoma ad angolo aperto
Central Corneal Thickness in patients with acromegaly
Introduction Acromegaly is hormonal disorder caused by excessive growth hormone (GH) by the pituitary gland, this results in anatomical changes in many organs and also in the eye and specially in cornea. Objective To perform a connection between the disease activity and the corneal changes Matériels et Méthodes In 28 patients with acromegaly and in 22 voluntary healthy the central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured by pachymeter. And the patients were divided in 2 groups: the first (“group A”) contains 13 cases with not controlled acromegaly; and the other one (“group B”) is related to 15 patients with controlled acromegaly Résultats Patients with acromegaly have a central corneal thickne…