Giuseppe Ricciardi
Un approccio innovativo per la modellazione degli edifici in muratura intelaiata. Applicazione ad un caso di studio
Le strutture in muratura intelaiata rappresentano una parte rilevante delle strutture esistenti e sono ancora largamente adottate come sistema strutturale per la costruzione di edifici residenziali, soprattutto in aree del mondo a forte sismicità non fortemente industrializzate e nelle quali la muratura rappresenta ancora un materiale tradizionale e a basso costo. In questo lavoro viene presentato un approccio per macro-elementi per la valutazione della risposta sismica di strutture in muratura confinata. La complessa interazione tra il telaio e la muratura è simulata mediante un approccio originale in cui il telaio è modellato con aste a plasticità concentrata mentre il contributo della mu…
Stationary and non-stationary probability density function for non-linear oscillators
A method for the evaluation of the stationary and non-stationary probability density function of non-linear oscillators subjected to random input is presented. The method requires the approximation of the probability density function of the response in terms of C-type Gram-Charlier series expansion. By applying the weighted residual method, the Fokker-Planck equation is reduced to a system of non-linear first order ordinary differential equations, where the unknowns are the coefficients of the series expansion. Furthermore, the relationships between the A-type and C-type Gram-Charlier series coefficient are derived.
Failure by corrosion in PC bridges: A case history of a viaduct in Italy
Purpose The paper illustrates a viaduct collapse due to corrosion phenomena. Moreover, a contribution to the issues related to both the control of existing structures and design methods to be followed for the construction of new buildings is provided. Design/methodology/approach The objectives were achieved by in situ observations and numerical analyses. The effects of corrosion phenomena are investigated, and the progressive collapse analysis is provided to be helpful in this case. Findings The damages induced by corrosion phenomena have caused the collapse of the viaduct taken in to account. The performed numerical analyses were able to reproduce the effects of corrosion in terms of redu…