Bérenger Bourgeois

The DISCO-WEED project : disentangling the role of anthropic DISturbances and eCOlogical processes on WEED community assembly

EAGESTADINRA; The DISCO-WEED project : disentangling the role of anthropic DISturbances and eCOlogical processes on WEED community assembly. Sfécologie-2016, International Conference of Ecological Sciences

research product

Weed metacommunity dynamics in intensive farmland landscapes reveal complex interactions between local disturbance patterns and spatial dispersal

EAGESTAD INRA; Metacommunity theory represents an exciting framework to identify the ecological mechanisms shaping the spatio-temporal organization of species assembly. Among them, dispersal and niche-based processes have been proposed as major drivers of metacommunity dynamics, whose relative role has led to the emergence of distinct paradigms. Mass-effect emphasizes a greater influence of dispersal whereas patch quality is of primary importance in the species-sorting perspective. Weeds represent the basic trophic component in agricultural food webs, but may induce crop yield loss. Many weed species occur in both crop and non-crop areas such as field edges. Recent studies have revealed the…

research product

Spatial and temporal presence of grasslands maintain local weed diversity thanks to spatio-temporal dispersal process

EAGESTADINRA; In frequently disturbed environments, plant community assembly mainly results from spatial dispersal and temporal dispersal through seed bank. Here, we propose to quantify the relative contributions of temporal and spatial dispersal on weed species assembly in farmlands. Weeds are mostly annual plants that rely exclusively on seeds for perpetuation, the latter presenting various level of longevity and dispersal capacity according to the species. In farmland, arable fields surrounded by landscape with high proportion of grasslands harbor high level of weed diversity revealing important dispersal flux. Similarly, the presence of grasslands in the past history (i.e crop successio…

research product

Gérer les espèces adventices et la flore des linéaires non cultivés une approche fonctionnelle

Prod 2017-296a EA GESTAD INRA AGROSUP Ce livret présente une partie des travaux présentés lors de la journée d’animation conjointe des RMTs FlorAd et AgroforesterieS avec le soutien de la FRB.; National audience; Les RMTs FlorAd et AgroforesterieS a organisé une journée thématique sur l’intérêt de l’approche fonctionnelle pour la gestion des plantes adventices et/ou de la végétation des linéaires non cultivés (bords de champs, bandes enherbées) en grandes cultures, vignes et dans les systèmes agroforestiers. La journée a eu pour objectif de faire découvrir l’approche fonctionnelle et ses potentialités, et de réfléchir à la manière dont le développement pourrait s’emparer de cette approche e…

research product

Ecological mechanisms shaping weed assembly in intensive farmland landscapes

EAGESTAD INRA; The ecological mechanisms shaping plants assemblages are multiple and scale-dependent. While the differentiation of resource patches may govern assembly rules at intermediate scales, the role dispersal processes is expected to decrease and the one of species interaction to increase from large to fine spatial scale. In this study, we investigate the contribution of these three processes to weed assembly based on a hierarchical sampling design conducted in 454 arable fields of the LTSER Zone Atelier ‘Plaine & Val de Sèvre’ from 2014 to 2016 . Using multiplicative diversity partitioning, the total field weed diversity was decomposed into four metrics, corresponding to difference…

research product