Cavallaro Chiara

The challenge of a place-based and network approach to the development in the territories

This paper investigates the role of research networks inside local development processes to increase the competitiveness of underdeveloped territories. This paper, within the scope of local development theory, aims to describe the state of the art on the regional research systems resulting largely from programs co-financed between 2000 and 2013, with which the various regions are preparing to engage in programming for the period 2014-2020. The extent of consistency between the objectives of sectorial specialization set by policies previously or currently implemented and those in the planning phase (S3) is assessed, as is their connection with existing territorial specializations at a region…

research product


Giunti all’ultimo anno della Programmazione di Coesione 2007-2013, il presente contributo mira a fare il punto sullo stato di avanzamento degli interventi regionali e nazionali dedicati alla ricerca, all’innovazione e al trasferimento tecnologico con una chiave di lettura che guardi alle novità previste dalla futura programmazione europea caratterizzata dalla ricerca di una maggiore integrazione nell’uso dei Fondi strutturali. In particolare la strategia per il periodo 2014 – 2020 prevede una attenzione particolare allo sviluppo territoriale (place-based – sollecitata in particolare dalle conclusioni del cosiddetto “Rapporto Barca”)(1), al partenariato sin dalle fasi di pro- gettazione deg…

research product

Un approccio place-based per lo sviluppo di sistemi regionali di ricerca in Italia

This work has three objectives. The first is the creation of an extensive mapping of technological districts, innovation poles, excellence research centres, laboratories and science parks in the Italian regions. The second is about monitoring, employing data from Open Cohesion, the state of the art of regional and national programs that aim at building local research networks and innovation networks. The third objective is to compare the sectoral priorities chosen by Regions according to their Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) with the existing sectors in their research networks. Finally, the study explores to what extent the presence of the industrial districts in the regions has facilita…

research product


This paper provides a framework on regional research systems, through which, different regions are preparing to engage in program- ming period 2014 – 2020. It will also cover the regions’ investments in the co-financed programs between 2000 and 2013. Particular attention is dedicated to those projects that, in the specific objectives or specific actions have referred to high-tech districts, techno- logical platforms, clusters, innovation centers, science or technology parks and networks. It then carries out two verifications: firstly, of the degree of consistency between policies and implementation and ongoing design (S3) and secondly of their connection with the existing territorial specia…

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