Jean-claude Simon

Numerical study of an optical regenerator exploiting self-phase modulation and spectral offset filtering at 40 Gbit/s

Topic: Nonlinear optics; International audience; In this work, we numerically investigate the performances of optical regenerators based on self-phase modulation and spectral offset filtering at 40 Gbit/s. We outline the different effects affecting the device performances and explain the choice of the optimal working power. The impact of the regenerator on the output signal is also analysed through a statistical approach. Both single- and double-stage configurations are investigated.

research product

Systèmes imageurs 3D pour des applications agricoles : caractérisation de cultures et phénotypage de racines

The development of the concepts of precision agriculture and viticulture since the last three decades has shown the need to use first 2D image acquisition techniques and dedicated image processing. More and more needs concern now 3D images and information. The main ideas of this chapter is thus to present some innovations of the 3D tools and methods in the agronomic domain. This chapter will particularly focus on two main subjects such as the 3D characterization of crop using Shape from Focus or Structure from Motion techniques and the 3D use for root phenotyping using rhizotron system. Results presented show that 3D information allows to better characterize crucial crop morphometric parame…

research product

A fiber based limiter at 170 Gbit/s for all-optical regeneration

International audience

research product

Interoperability of B2B Applications

This paper presents a Web-based data integration methodology and tool framework, called X-TIME, for the development of Business-to-Business (B2B) design environments and applications. X-TIME provides a data model translator toolkit based on an extensible meta model and XML. It allows the creation of adaptable semantic-oriented meta models to support the design of wrappers or reconciliators (mediators), taking into account characteristics of interoperable information systems, such as extensibility and composability. X-TIME defines a set of meta types which correspond to g meta level semantic descriptors of data models found in the Web. The meta types are organized in a generalization hierarc…

research product

3D image acquisition system based on shape from focus technique

agent Agrosup Dijon de l'UMREcolDurGEAPSI; This paper describes the design of a 3D image acquisition system dedicated to natural complex scenes composed of randomly distributed objects with spatial discontinuities. In agronomic sciences, the 3D acquisition of natural scene is difficult due to the complex nature of the scenes. Our system is based on the Shape from Focus technique initially used in the microscopic domain. We propose to adapt this technique to the macroscopic domain and we detail the system as well as the image processing used to perform such technique. The Shape from Focus technique is a monocular and passive 3D acquisition method that resolves the occlusion problem affecting…

research product

Solution de détection des maladies de la vigne par imagerie de drone. Diagnostic et réduction des pesticides à la parcelle

ARTICLE A NE PAS DIFFUSEREAGEAPSIAgrosupCT1; Solution de détection des maladies de la vigne par imagerie de drone. Diagnostic et réduction des pesticides à la parcelle

research product

Texture classificatication in a cloud computing environment for leaf roughness characterization in precision spraying applications

International audience

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DAMAV project for vineyard disease detection by UAV imagery

AgrosupBAPGEAPSI; DAMAV project for vineyard disease detection by UAV imagery . CIRG-AgEng 2016, International Conférence on Agricultural Engineering, Automation, Environment and Food Safety

research product

Self-phase modulation-based 2R regenerator including pulse compression and offset filtering for 42.6 Gbit/s RZ-33% transmission systems

International audience; We report on the experimental and theoretical study of a self-phase-modulation-based regenerator at 42.6 Gbit/s with a return-to-zero 33% format. We point out some detrimental effects such as intrachannel interactions and Brillouin scattering. An efficient solution, relying on a self-phase-modulation-based pulse compressor in combination with the regenerator, is proposed to overcome these detrimental phenomena. The experimental demonstration shows the effectiveness of a wavelength-transparent regenerator at 42.6 Gbit/s with a sensitivity-improvement of more than 5 dB and an eye-opening improvement of 2.3 dB in a back-to-back configuration, as well as a 10 times maxim…

research product

Plant resistance and architecture for protection of pulses against pathogens

Prod 2019-213c BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience

research product

A fiber-based limiter at 170 Gbit/s for all-optical regeneration

We report the numerical and experimental studies of a spectrally filtered fiber-based optical limiter at 170 Gbit/s. The device, including less than 1 km-long of highly nonlinear optical fiber and a 3 nm-width filter, exhibits good performance at an average input power of 14.5 dBm. No power penalty has been observed and a strong robustness against optical noise has been demonstrated.

research product

Building Web-Services from RDBMS

International audience

research product

Construction de Modèles Prédictifs pour l'Analyse des Relations Oiseaux-Paysage

National audience; Cet article présente une comparaison de trois méthodes (Modèles Linéaires Généralisés, Réseaux de Neurones, Machines Vecteurs Supports) et de différentes combinaisons de prétraitements de données (filtrage, arrondi, analyse factorielle, sélection de paramètres). L'objectif de cette comparaison est de définir quel est le processus qui permet de construire le meilleur modèle prédictif, dans le cadre de la prédiction d'abondances d'espèces d'oiseaux à partir de variables décrivant le paysage. Nous comparerons les modèles grâce à l'erreur moyenne absolue et à l'information mutuelle. Cette comparaison a montré qu'aucune technique étudiée ne permet de construire des modèles pré…

research product

Key Note speaker Plant resistance and architecture for protection of pulses against biotic stresses

Prod 2019-88l BAP GEAPSI INRA DOCT; National audience; Major diseases and pests, such as root rots, ascochyta blights and aphids, are limiting factors to cool season pulse production in many countries worldwide, especially in Europe. In the context of pesticide reduction, plant genetic resistance and architecture are main traits that can be mobilised in breeding for disease and pest management. Knowledge of quantitative resistance to major diseases and pests of pea and faba bean in France has benefited from the development of sequenced genomes and massive SNP markers [1], which have recently been highly valuable to identify candidate genes controlling resistance. Fine mapping and sequencing…

research product

Modeling Cooperation of Information Systems

International audience

research product

Caractérisation théorique du régénérateur 2R exploitant l'automodulation de phase dans une fibre optique

National audience; Nous étudions théoriquement un régénérateur 2R exploitant l'automodulation de phase dans une fibre optique, suivie d'un filtrage spectral décalé en fréquence. Nous utilisons deux approches différentes mais complémentaires : l'approche « fonction de transfert » et l'approche « amélioration du facteur Q ». Nous mettons notamment en évidence l'impact de la gigue temporelle pour expliquer un désaccord entre les deux approches.

research product

Interoperability of Information Systems

An information system is a multilevel system characterized by a “data” level, a “behavioral” level, and a “communication” level. The data level represents the data stored by the system. The behavioral level represents management and production processes carried out by the system. The processes can interact with the data level to extract, generate, and store data. The communication level relates to the network used to exchange data and activate processes between geographically distant users or machines.

research product

Vineyard leaf roughness characterization by computer vision and cloud computing technics

International audience; In the context of vineyard leaf roughness analysis for precision spraying applications, this article deals with its characterization by computer vision and cloud computing techniques. The techniques merge feature extraction, linear or nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques and several kinds of classification methods. Different combinations are processed and their performances compared in terms of classification error rate, in order to find the best association. However these combinations are hardly processed because of the lack of computing power and the prohibitive time consumption of the algorithms. To overcome these difficulties, we propose a solution: the …

research product

A Top-Down Approach Based on Business Patterns for Web Information Systems Design

International audience; In this paper we develop an approach that is based on a top-down strategy to realization of transactional web services. Our approach highlights non-functional properties (e.g., traceability, security) which are essential to preserving an application's quality. It is implemented in three steps. The first step is a breakdown of the application in accordance with a related business involved. The goal of this step is to have sets of actors and activity patterns defined as an activity workflow that support the architecture of the application. The next step allows developing a mapping of the activity pattern on this architecture. The aim of this step is to identify the ris…

research product

A new tool for assessment of biostimulants effects on grapevine

National audience; Despite an increasing interest for the use of biostimulants (BS) in agriculture, methods allowing a precise description of their effects on plants remain rather limited. In the IRIS+ FUI project, two major and highly different worldwide crops, wheat (annual, monocotyledon) and grapevine (perennial, broadleaf) were chosen to deepen our knowledge of such compounds and explore their potential additional interest. One objective was to develop a tool adapted to the screening and study of the impact of a series of BS on the development and physiology of these crops in controlled conditions. We managed to develop such a tool adapted to grapevine herbaceous cuttings. It allows a …

research product

Feasibility of selecting optimal textural features to detect foliar symptoms of ‘flavescence doree’ grapevine disease

research product

Associer biostimulants, SDP, systèmes d’imagerie et de pulvérisation au service de la santé du vignoble

Prod?IPMGEAPSISPEEAINRAUBAGROSUPDOCT; Associer biostimulants, SDP, systèmes d’imagerie et de pulvérisation au service de la santé du vignoble

research product

High resolution imagery for phenotypic root traits detection

AgrosupINRAEAGEAPSI; High resolution imagery for phenotypic root traits detection. CIRG-AgEng 2016, International Conférence on Agricultural Engineering, Automation, Environment and Food Safety

research product

XML Integration and Toolkit for B2B Applications

This paper presents a Web-based data integration methodology and tool framework, called X-TIME, for the development of business-to-business (B2B) design environments and applications. X-TIME provides a data model translator toolkit based on an extensible metamodel and XML. It allows the creation of adaptable semantics oriented metamodels to facilitate the design of wrappers or reconciliators (mediators) by taking into account several characteristics of interoperable information systems such as extensibility and composability. X-TIME defines a set of meta-types for representing meta-level semantic descriptors of data models found in the Web. The meta-types are organized in a generalization h…

research product