Identification of Gip as a novel phage-encoded gyrase inhibitor protein featuring a broad activity profile
AbstractBacteriophages represent a powerful source for the identification of novel antimicrobial proteins. In this study, a screening of small cytoplasmic proteins encoded by the CGP3 prophage of Corynebacterium glutamicum, resulted in the identification of the novel gyrase-inhibiting protein Cg1978 (Gip), which shows a direct interaction with the gyrase subunit A (GyrA). In vitro supercoiling assays further suggest a stabilization of the cleavage complex by Gip. Overproduction of Gip in C. glutamicum resulted in a severe growth defect as well as an induction of the SOS response. The cells adapted to gip overexpression by increasing expression levels of gyrAB and by reducing topA expression…