W. Lehmacher

Residuenanalyse des Unabhängigkeitsmodells Zweier Kategorialer Variablen

For the ‘cellwise’ analysis of independence of two categorial variables, Haberman (1973) proposes the method of ‘adjusted residuals’. Fuchs and Kenett (1980) use (the absolute value of) the maximal adjusted residual as a measure for the deviation from the null hypothesis.

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Sequentially Rejective Test Procedures for Detecting Outlying Cells in One- and Two-Sample Multinomial Experiments

For multiple testing of multinomial models in the case of one or two samples we propose using test procedures based on the principle described by MARCUS, PERITZ and GABRIEL (1976). These methods are based in each step of the sequentially rejective strategy on tests which exhaust the full α level (i.e. which are not conservative). The tests can be performed in a finite or asymptotic version.

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Test Procedures in Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA) Controlling the Local and Multiple Level

The test statistics used until now in the CFA have been developed under the assumption of the overall hypothesis of total independence. Therefore, the multiple test procedures based on these statistics are really only different tests of the overall hypothesis. If one likes to test a special cell hypothesis, one should only assume that this hypothesis is true and not the whole overall hypothesis. Such cell tests can then be used as elements of a multiple test procedure. In this paper it is shown that the usual test procedures can be very anticonservative (except of the two-dimensional, and, for some procedures, the three-dimensional case), and corrected test procedures are developed. Further…

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