Linking structure and nanomechanical properties via instrumented nanoindentations on well-defined and fine-tuned morphology poly(ethylene)
Several poly(ethylene) samples with a broad range of morphologies were studied in this work using nanoindentations. The samples had degrees of crystallinity ranging from 30 to 100% while their Young's modulus ranged from few tens of MPa up to several GPa. Experimental conditions for the correct evaluation of Young's modulus were at first identified, choosing a suitable loading rate in order to minimize viscoelastic effects on the unloading. The force curves, i.e., plots of applied load vs. penetration depth, were then analyzed following two common procedures available in the literature. None of these procedures leads to satisfying results when compared to other experimental techniques. Howe…
Ion bombardment of polyethylene—influence of polymer structure
Abstract Polyethylenes of various macromolecular and supermolecular structures were studied from the point of view of their susceptibility to an ion beam treatment. An influence of molecular weight (Mw), molecular weight distribution (Mw/Mn) and the degree of branching were compared within the set of low-density polyethylenes (LDPE) studied. An influence of the length of branches was compared between LDPE, linear low-density (LLDPE) and high-density (HDPE) polyethylenes. An influence of the degree of crystallinity and the morphology of a crystalline phase were compared for HDPE samples solidified under various thermal conditions and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE). Plate p…