Outi Kalla

Cognitive Deficits in Patients with First-Episode Psychosis as Identified by Exner’s Schizophrenia Index in Finland and Spain

research product

Characteristics, course and outcome in first-episode psychosis : a cross-cultural comparison of Finnish and Spanish patient groups

Skitsofreniaryhmän psykoosien syitä ei edelleenkään tunneta täysin ja myös käsitykset tarvittavasta hoidosta vaihtelevat. Eri maiden kulttuuriset erot näyttäisivät liittyvän sekä sairauden esiintyvyyteen että ennusteeseen. Outi Kalla vertailee väitöskirjassaan suomalaisia ja espanjalaisia ensi kertaa psykoosiin sairastuneita potilaita ja tarkastelee heidän psykososiaalisia ominaisuuksiaan, sairaudenkulkuaan ja ennustettaan. Kalla selvitti, millaisia potilaita tutkimusyksiköissä hoidettiin ensimmäistä kertaa skitsofreniaryhmän psykoosin vuoksi ja erosivatko potilasryhmät psyykkis-sosiaalisilta ominaisuuksiltaan hoitoon tullessa. Hän tarkasteli myös, miten potilaiden hoito ja vointi etenivät …

research product

Rorschach Characteristics and Comparison of First-Episode Psychotic Patients in Finland and Spain

Identifier avec précision les troubles schizophréniques a toujours été un problème complexe et controversé. Les caractéristiques psychologiques de la schizophrénie ont donné lieu à un volume considérable de travaux et de débats. Ces dernières années sont apparus un nombre croissant d'articles portant sur les différences et similitudes des manifestations de la psychose selon les cultures, partant de l'idée que les caractéristiques de personnalité nationales pourraient contribuer aux tableaux psychopathologiques. Le but premier de cette étude est de mieux comprendre les troubles psychotiques par l'investigation de la structure de personnalité et du fonctionnement de patients faisant un premi…

research product

12‐month follow‐up of first‐episode psychosis in Finland and Spain—differential significance of social adjustment‐related variables

Objective:  This study explored 12‐month outcome and its associations to social adjustment‐related variables in patients with first‐episode non‐affective psychosis in Finland and Spain.Methods:  Fo...

research product

Couple therapy for depression in a naturalistic setting in Finland: a 2-year randomized trial

The dialogical and narrative processes in couple therapy (CT) for depressions project was conducted to develop therapy for depression and to investigate the effectiveness of CT in everyday clinical practice; thus aiming at high external validity. Patients with moderate or major depression were randomized to a CT group (n = 29) and a control group (n = 22). The CT group needed significantly fewer therapy sessions. There were significant differences in favour of the CT group in terms of general mental health (symptom check list), Hamilton depression rating scale, global assessment of functioning and decreasing alcohol use. As regards depressive symptoms using the Beck depression inventory, 79…

research product

Duration of untreated psychosis and its correlates in first-episode psychosis in Finland and Spain

Kalla O, Aaltonen J, Wahlstrom J, Lehtinen V, Garcia Cabeza I, Gonzalez de Chavez M. Duration of untreated psychosis and its correlates in first-episode psychosis in Finland and Spain. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2002: 106: 265–275. © Blackwell Munksgaard 2002. Objective: To examine the association of duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) with early course characteristics in first-episode psychosis in Finland and Spain. Method: Eighty-six patients from Finland (49) and Spain (37) were evaluated on various early course characteristics. Results: The mean value of DUP was 4.0 months (median 2 months) for the Finnish patients and 9.9 months (median 2 months) for the Spanish ones. In both groups, long …

research product