Nadezhda A. Berezina
Sediment quality assessment using Gmelinoides fasciatus and Monoporeia affinis (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) in the northeastern Baltic Sea
Crustaceans in the order Amphipoda are sensitive organisms for the assessment of sediment quality. In this work we performed 10-day toxicity tests on muddy sediments collected from a total of 29 sites in the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Riga and the Gulf of Bothnia (northeastern Baltic Sea) using Baltic Sea species such as the native amphipod Monoporeia affinis (Bousfield, 1989) and the invasive amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus (Stebbing, 1899), and also compared these results with those of bioassays carried out using the standard test species, laboratory-cultivated amphipod Hyalella azteca (Saussure, 1858). The sediment samples (three cm of the upper layer) were collected by a GEMAX Dual Cor…
Sediment quality assessment using survival and embryo malformation tests in amphipod crustaceans: The Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea AS case study
Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the toxicity of bottom sediment and to estimate the potential effects of contaminated sediment on health of benthic organisms in the Gulf of Riga (eastern Baltic Sea). Two endpoints were used: survival rate (acute toxicity test) of five crustacean amphipod species and frequency of embryo malformation (samples were collected from the field) in the two species. Toxic resistance of living animals to sediment quality was measured as survival rate (%) at 25 study sites from 2010–2012. Significant differences in the toxic resistance between species were found: 80–100% for Monoporeia affinis, 70–95% for Corophium volutator, 38–88% for Pontogammarus robu…