Puduru Viswanadha Reddy
Robust Allocation Rules in Dynamical Cooperative TU Games
Robust dynamic coalitional TU games are repeated TU games where the values of the coalitions are unknown but bounded variables. We set up the game supposing that the Game Designer uses a vague measure of the extra reward that each coalition has received up to the current time to re-adjust the allocations among the players. As main result, we provide a constructive method for designing allocation rules that converge to the core of the average game. Both the set up and the solution approach also provide an insight on commonalities between coalitional games and stability theory.
Learning for allocations in the long-run average core of dynamical cooperative TU games
We consider repeated coalitional TU games characterized by unknown but bounded and time-varying coalitions' values. We build upon the assumption that the Game Designer uses a vague measure of the extra reward that each coalition has received up to the current time to learn on how to re-adjust the allocations among the players. As main result, we present an allocation rule based on the extra reward variable that converges with probability one to the core of the long-run average game. Analogies with stochastic stability theory are put in evidence.