Terhi-anna Wilska
DIGITAL LIFE –research group
Our aim is to research the effects that digitalization and social media impose on themes such as age and aging, life cycles and intergenerational relationships, social interactions, consumption and marketing, financial literacy, education, services, health and wellbeing, identity, values and attitudes as well as work, families, and time management.
The use of small instant loans among young adults - a gateway to a consumer insolvency?
The aim of this paper is to study 18- to 29-year-old Finnish consumers' use of instant small loans (i.e. SMS loan) and other consumer credit services that have increased notably in the past few years. We examine what kind of expenditures instant credit is used for and focus also on young consumers' financial situation and their perceptions of themselves as money handlers. The research method is quantitative, and data are derived from an open online survey (n = 1610). Our results reveal that consumer credit is used by young people in all income brackets and employment positions. However, there is a clear connection between certain life-course stages (young, single parent), financial position…
Mothers’ self-representations and representations of childhood on social media
Funding Information: This work was supported by Kone Foundation, Academy of Finland (#320370), Strategic Research Council (#327237), Strategic Research Council (#327395), Intimacy in Data-driven Culture (IDA). The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Publisher Copyright: © 2023, Minna Kallioharju, Terhi-Anna Wilska and Annamari Vänskä. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine mothers’ social media accounts that focus on children’s fashion. The authors probed children’s fashion photo practices as representations of the mothers’ extended self and the kind of childhood representations produce…
Young adults personal concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland: an issue for social concern
PurposeThis study focuses on how young adults face the COVID-19 pandemic by investigating their personal concerns about mental well-being, career/studies and economic situation. The authors investigated how young adults' (aged 18–29) personal concerns differ from older people's concerns (aged 30–65) and which person- and context-related antecedents relate to personal concerns.Design/methodology/approachData of Finnish young adults aged 18–29 (n = 222), who participated in the “Corona Consumers” survey (N = 1,000) in April 2020, were analyzed by path analysis and compared to participants aged 30–65 by independent samples t-test.FindingsYoung adults were significantly more concerned about the…
Does airlines’ eco-friendliness matter? Customer satisfaction towards an environmentally responsible airline
The looming climate crisis requires an immediate response, also on an individual level. Consumers are being asked to reduce and replace their carbon-intensive consumption behaviors. One of the consumption behaviors with the largest impact is air travel. The growing awareness among consumers has led to the advent of flight shaming, which could seriously endanger airlines' existing business models. One way for airlines to respond to this threat is by becoming more eco-friendly. We therefore wanted to study whether the environmental responsibility of an airline could be positively associated with customer satisfaction and whether that could translate into more customer loyalty towards an eco-f…
Wellness : elämyksellinen hyvinvointikulutus haasteena kaupalle ja palveluliiketoiminnalle
Wellness-kulutuksesta on tullut yksi nousevista kulutustrendeistä ja ilmiö on saanut osakseen yhä kasvavaa huomiota ja laajempia merkityksiä niin tutkimuksessa, mediassa kuin liiketoiminnassakin. Nyky-yhteiskunnassa hyvinvoinnin tavoittelu ja itsensä kehittäminen on tietyssä määrin jopa aineellista hyvinvointia merkityksellisempää ja terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista on tullut uusi elämänarvo. Hyvinvointi ja hyväkuntoisuus nähdään paitsi henkilökohtaisena velvollisuutena myös statussymbolina ja kilpailuvalttina. Kulutusresursseilla ja koulutuksella on tutkimusten mukaan vahva yhteys terveydentilaan ja hyvinvointiin. Wellness-kuluttajista on kuitenkin Suomessa toistaiseksi melko vähän empiiristä…
Policy and Governance for Sustainable Consumption at the Crossroads of Theories and Concepts
This introductory article of the special issue compares different conceptual underpinnings of efforts to make the everyday activities of consumers more sustainable. As social practice theory (SPT) is the main theoretical foundation of the articles collected here, we outline its strengths and limitations, when compared with the dominant individual-oriented behaviour change approach, and we focus on theories of planned behaviour, social marketing as well as ‘choice architecture’, based on behavioural economics. This article analyses SPT's usefulness, particularly from the applied point of view for policy-makers and social change programme designers. In the final section we provide some recomm…
Girls’ portrayals in fast fashion advertisements
This study analyses the visual construction of girls and notionssurrounding young femininities articulated by 15 contemporaryadvertisements of Nordic fast fashion companies, available on theirpublic Facebook pages in Finland. A visual discourse analysis identifiessome blatantly stereotypical and a few complex visual constructions ofgirls as heterosexual, caring, innocent, sexy posers, active self-presentersand self-surveyors, carefree and environmental activists. Theimplications of our findings, particularly in shaping societal notionssurrounding girls, are discussed. The study contributes primarily to theresearch field of visual commercial representation of girls by unpackinghow their comp…
News consumption repertoires among Finnish adolescents : Moderate digital traditionalists, minimalist social media stumblers, and frequent omnivores
Abstract Young people are perceived as heavy consumers of social media and less avid consumers of news. That notion, however, deserves nuance: Many factors, such as the national context, media system, trust in news, intentionally or incidentally encountering news from different sources, and interest in politics, influence how young people consume news. This study explores news consumption among Finnish adolescents through a representative survey of 15–19-year-olds. We seek to answer two research questions: What are the news repertoires of Finnish adolescents? And what factors predict different news repertoires? Latent profile analysis reveals three distinct news repertoires: 1) moderate dig…
Digiosallisuus Suomessa : Digiosallisuus Suomessa -hankkeen loppuraportti
Digiosallisuus Suomessa -hankkeessa laadittiin aluksi digiosallisuuden käsiteanalyysi eri tieteen- ja hallinnonalojen näkökulmasta. Käsiteanalyysi ja sen pohjalta muodostettu digiosallisuuden määritelmä osa-alueineen on julkaistu erillisenä väliraporttina (Hänninen ym. 2021b). Siinä tunnistettiin digiosallisuuden kuusi osa-aluetta: infrastruktuuri ja teknologiset välineet; saavutettavuus; turvallisuus ja luotettavuus; taidot, osaaminen ja digituki; käytettävyys; käyttäminen ja hyödyt. Tähän pohjautuen loppuraporttiin on koottu ehdotus digiosallisuuden mittaristoksi seurannan ja arvioinnin mahdollistamiseksi, digiosallisuuden kansallinen tilannekuva ja digiosallisuutta edistäviä hyviä käytän…
Kohti vastuullista ylellisyyttä? : eettiset ja ekologiset trendit sekä luksuskulutus Suomessa
Luksus- eli ylellisyystuotteet on perinteisesti yhdistetty korkeaan hintaan ja sosiaaliseen statukseen. Tutkimuksessa on kuitenkin havaittu muutoksia kuluttajien käsityksissä ylellisyydestä. Statushakuisen luksuksen ohelle on syntynyt uusi käsitys ylellisyydestä, joka kattaa mm. autenttisuuden, elämyksellisyyden sekä eettisyyden ja ekologisuuden. Tässä tutkimuksessa analysoimme keväällä 2011 yli 1640 18–75-vuotiaalta suomalaiselta kuluttajalta kerätyllä aineistolla, millaisia kulutustyylejä ja erityisesti käsityksiä luksuksesta on nykyisin nähtävissä. Lisäksi selvitimme, miten eri kulutustyylit selittyvät sosiodemografisilla taustamuuttujilla. Tutkimustulostemme mukaan eettisyyttä ja ekolog…
Leisure Consumption and well-Being among Older Adults: Does Age or Life Situation Matter?
This study investigated the associations between leisure consumption and well-being in older adults (50–74 years old). To find out whether these associations are age-specific, they were compared with the associations observed among younger adults (18–49 years old). Differences between the older adults by age and life situation were also examined. This study was based on the “Finland 2014 – Consumption and Life style” survey (N = 1351), conducted among a representative sample of the Finnish adult population. Well-being was measured as mental, economic and physical well-being. Objects of leisure consumption were grouped by factor analysis, and the associations between the resulting leisure co…
Supplemental Material - Income and Career Concerns Among Emerging Adults From Finland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom During COVID-19
Supplemental Material for Income and Career Concerns Among Emerging Adults From Finland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom During COVID-19 by Julia A. Nuckols, Gintautas Silinskas, Mette Ranta, and Terhi-Anna Wilska in Emerging Adulthood
Identifying and understanding spa tourists’ wellness attitudes
As an increasing number of people in affluent societies are trending toward more health-conscious lifestyles, tourism consumer behavior has changed considerably, especially in the spa and wellness ...
Varttuneet kuluttajat, vapaa-aika ja hyvinvointi
Yli 50-vuotiaat, varttuneet kuluttajat, ovat ostovoimainen ryhmä, jolla on mahdollisuus panostaa myös vapaa-aikaan. Kyseisen ikäryhmän sisäisiä eroja kulutuskäyttäytymisessä on kuitenkin tutkittu toistaiseksi vähän. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitimme klusterianalyysin avulla, millaisia kuluttajaryhmiä varttuneiden kuluttajien joukosta löytyy vapaa-ajan kulutuksen suhteen. Lisäksi tarkastelimme, onko löytyneiden klustereiden välillä eroja hyvinvoinnissa. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin Suomi 2014 – Kulutus ja elämäntapa -tutkimuksen aineistoa 50–74-vuotiaiden (N=760) osalta. Klusterianalyysin perusteella varttuneet kuluttajat jakaantuivat kuuteen ryhmään vapaa-ajan kulutuksensa suhteen: säästeliäisiin,…
Book review: Student Lives in Crisis : Deepening Inequality in the Times of Austerity
The Role of Social Media in the Creation of Young People’s Consumer Identities
This article explores how young people construct and express their consumer identities via their consumption styles on social media. The importance of commercial content on social media, such as the postings of social media influencers and advertisers, has been increasing during the past years. Framed by theories on social identity, social comparison and consumer socialization, we analysed focus group discussions with 15 to 19-year-old teenagers in Finland ( N = 35). The results reveal that the participants had a clear understanding of their consumer identities: what kind of consumers they were and what they did not want to be. The consumption styles: luxury brand-oriented, trendy second-h…
“Healthy to Heaven” : Middle-Agers Looking Ahead in the Context of Wellness Consumption
Concentrating on personal health and well-being has become a central objective for people living in wealthy societies. In an age of consumerism, the current health enthusiasm can be observed particularly in the fast-growing wellness industry, the popularity of which has increased, in particular, among mature consumers, a trend also evident in people's individual strategies for aging well. As it is generally assumed that aging people consume wellness mainly to delay signs of aging, this study focuses on this understudied phenomenon with the aim of deepening the profile of mature wellness consumers. The data consist of eight group interviews of Finnish middle-agers (50–65 years). Interviewees…
Who are the Showroomers? Socio-Demographic Factors Behind the Showrooming Behavior on Mobile Devices
This quantitative study focuses on socio-demographic variables and their associations with different forms of showrooming behavior. The purpose of this study is to find which consumer groups based on age, gender, and income level are demographically the most probable showroomers, and how much each of these variables explain showrooming. The data used is a structured online survey from 1,028 Finnish omnichannel consumers aged between 18 and 75 years. We compare the means of demographic groups’ shares on different aspects of showrooming, and then use partial least squares structural equation modeling with confirmatory factor analysis to see how much each of the variables explain showrooming. …
The role of social capital in digitalised retail servicescape
This chapter examines how digitalisation has altered the way consumers experience the social interaction and service environment while shopping in retail stores. In this, we draw on the concept of servicescape, which comprises both tangible and intangible features which make up the service experience. Recognising the three realms of servicescape (physical, digital and social), we explore the role of social capital in determining the customer experience in digitalised retail servicescape. We demonstrate that social capital has two specific roles. Firstly, it is an integral part of the customer experience and thus contributes to the service experience. Secondly, social capital is created in t…
Digiosallisuuden käsite ja keskeiset osa-alueet : Digiosallisuus Suomessa -hankkeen väliraportti
Digiosallisuus Suomessa -hankkeen tavoitteena on luoda kattava kokonaiskuva digiosallisuuden kansallisesta tilanteesta, hyvistä käytänteistä ja eri tahojen rooleista sekä mittaristo, jota voidaan hyödyntää digiosallisuuden arvioinnissa. Hankkeen väliraportissa on tuotettu kokoava selvitys digiosallisuuden käsitteestä ja määritelmistä eri tieteen- ja hallinnonalojen näkökulmasta. Väliraportissa käydään läpi digiosallisuutta avaavia lähikäsitteitä sekä digiosallisuuden keskeisimpiä osa-alueita. Olennaiseksi jäsennykseksi väliraportissa nousee yksilöiden ja erilaisten käyttäjäryhmien kokemus digiosallisuudesta sekä eri hallinnonalojen ja muiden toimijoiden, kuten kolmannen sektorin ja yrityste…
Young Consumers’ Boycotting Profiles in the UK and Finland : A Comparative Analysis
This study uses latent profile analysis to identify boycotting subgroups within Finland and the UK and to explore their potential differences across countries. These subgroups are based on how young British and Finnish consumers assess that reference groups and their personal experiences have influenced their boycotting decisions. This study is based on comparative data obtained from the UK (n = 1,236) and Finland (n = 1,219). We identified four boycotting profiles: unlikely to be influenced, influenced by personal things, likely to be influenced, and moderately likely to be influenced. Our findings are especially relevant to consumer researchers, brands, and companies. peerReviewed
Ageing and consumption in Finland : the effect of age and life course stage on ecological, economical and self-indulgent consumption among late middle-agers and young adults between 1999 and 2014
Previous studies on ageing consumers have mainly focused on chronological age and generational values or studied ageing and consumption with cross-sectional data. Few quantitative studies exist that examine the effect of age together with life course on consumption using longitudinal data. To bridge this gap, the article examines ageing and attitudes towards consumption in Finland, focusing particularly on late middle-agers (46–60 year-olds) in comparison with young adults (18–30 year-olds) between 1999 and 2014. The article explores three consumption patterns based on attitudinal statements: ecological, economical and self-indulgent consumption. Through analysis of a nationally representat…
Kuluttajaboikotit ja cancel-kulttuuri
Organisaatiot, brändit ja yhteisöt ovat viime aikoina törmänneet yhä nopeampaan ja monikanavaisempaan kuluttajaboikotointiin ja sen aiheuttamiin viestinnällisiin haasteisiin. Tässä niin kutsutussa kansanomaisessa käänteessä, joka sosiaalisen median myötä on tuonut keskiöön tavallisten ihmisten vaikutusvallan ohi instituutioiden, piilee organisaatioilla aikaisempaa suurempi riski joutua boikotin kohteeksi. Boikotoinnin eri muodot: ostoboikotti, perinteinen boikotti ja epäsuora boikotti ovat kaikki vaikuttavia toimintatapoja tuotteiden ja palveluiden kysynnälle. Boikotoinnin uusina ilmentyminä ovat viime aikoina yleistyneet cancel- ja woke-aloitteet, jotka voidaan nähdä yksilöiden uudenlaisen…
Financial Behaviour Under Economic Strain in Different Age Groups: Predictors and Change Across 20 Years
AbstractThe present study examined the multiple micro- and macro-level factors that affect individuals’ financial behaviour under economic strain. The following sociodemographic and economic factors that predict financial behaviour were analysed: age group, year of data gathering, and attitudes towards consumption (economical, deprived, and hedonistic). Subjective financial situations and demographic characteristics were controlled for. Finnish time series data that consisted of five cross-sectional nationally representative surveys were used (n = 10 043). The analyses revealed four types of financial behaviour: cutting expenses, borrowing, increasing income, and gambling. Young adults aged…
Kuluttajaksi sosiaalistumisen haasteet ja kuluttajakasvatus jälkimodernissa kulutusyhteiskunnassa.
Children’s Social Participation in Virtual Worlds
Virtual worlds provide an arena for children to express themselves and to interact with others. They are a natural and frequent part of children's life today. However, there is not much research on what actually happens in the online worlds and what kind of opportunities those worlds could offer to children and thereby enhance their social participation. The aim in this study is to explore the potential of virtual worlds for children's social participation. The empirical part of the study consists of interviews with 21 Finnish children, aged 11-15 years. By interviewing children, the authors examined their social practices in virtual worlds. In the study, the authors found seven types of so…
Kulutus koronan aikaan - ja sen jälkeen : tutkimus COVID-19-epidemian rajoitustoimien vaikutuksesta kuluttajien käyttäytymiseen, taloudelliseen toimintaan ja hyvinvointiin
Tässä kyselytutkimuksessa (N=1000) selvitettiin koronavirusepidemiasta johtuvien rajoitusten vaikutusta työikäisten (18-65 vuotta) suomalaisten kuluttajien käyttäytymiseen arjessa sekä koronarajoitusten vaikutusta heidän taloudelliseen tilanteeseensa ja koettuun hyvinvointiin. Lisäksi tutkittiin kuluttajien arviota kulutuksesta rajoitusten purkaannuttua. Tutkimustuloksista käy ilmi, että valtaosa vastaajista koki koronarajoitukset tarpeellisiksi. Vain harvat ajattelivat, että arkea rajoittavista määräyksistä, kuten kauppojen ja palvelujen aukiolojen rajoituksista tai liikkumisrajoituksista oli suurta haittaa. Miehet kokivat haittoja naisia yleisemmin. Liikkumis- ja matkustusrajoitukset hait…
The gender gap in teenagers’ incomes. A 30-year trend in Finland 1983–2013
ABSTRACTIn this article, we examine the gender differences in disposable incomes of teenagers during a 30-year period 1983–2013, using large nationally representative survey data. Since the gender pay gap in working life has been rather persistent in Finland and the EU, it was necessary to see whether the gap persists in teenagers’ incomes as well. Although teenagers do not receive much income from work, they adapt to the structures of society during their teenage years and learn gender roles in consumption, education, and working life. Our results reveal that the gender pay gap has been rather persistent in Finland, particularly among 14- and 16-year-old teenagers. It is only among 18-year…
Yhteiskunnan moottori vai kivireki? : suuret ikäluokat ja 1960-lukulaisuus
Digital Technologies and Generational Identity
How is social capital formed across the digital-physical servicescape?
This study examines how consumers create social capital in interactions with other customers and service personnel while shopping in retail stores that consist of both physical and digital locations. We draw on servicescape literature to explore the role of social capital in determining the social realm in digital-physical servicescapes using data from focus group discussions. We demonstrate how customers utilize both the digital and physical servicescapes in a convergent manner to form the social realm of the servicescape with the other people in service encounters. The implications provide guidelines on how the integration of digital and physical channels facilitates trust, human contact,…
Online environments in children’s everyday lives: children’s, parents’ and teachers’ points of view
Purpose – This article aims to explore the role of online environments in children’s everyday life. We examine the meanings that children aged 11-13, parents and teachers derive from their understanding of online environments and make a typology of the perceived opportunities and risks of the online environments for children. The research questions are: how do children, parents and teachers experience the effect of online environments on children’s everyday lives, what opportunities and risks for children are noticed in online environments and what similarities and differences are there in children’s, parents’ and teachers’ point of views in terms of opportunities and risks? The theoretica…
Psychosocial Perspective on Problem Gambling : The role of Social Relationships, Resilience, and COVID-19 Worry
AbstractThe COVID-19 pandemic has amplified several psychosocial risks and problem behaviors among vulnerable individuals. Given that gambling has high addictive potential, it is important to consider the underlying mechanisms of problem gambling. This study examined psychosocial factors associated with pandemic-time problem gambling.Cross-sectional data were gathered via an online survey of 18–75-year-old Finnish, Swedish, and British respondents (n = 2,022) who reported having gambled at least occasionally during the pandemic. Measures included problem gambling, loneliness, COVID-19 worry, social support, and psychological resilience. Control variables included gender, age, and education.…
Consumption and planetary well-being
This chapter considers sustainable marketing and consumption from the perspective of planetary well-being (PW). While marketing is commonly associated with unsustainability, sustainable marketing can create, communicate, and deliver value to consumers in ways that ensure and restore the urgent needs of nature. Sustainable consumption at the acceptable threshold of disturbance on needs satisfaction globally requires critical reflection on the current norms and practices alongside thoughtful solutions for guiding action. The firstpart of the chapter presents the problematization of marketing and consumption against sustainability from the PW angle. It critically discusses the drivers of and b…
Standard of living, consumption norms, and perceived necessities
Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to focus on the material conditions of peoples’ daily lives by investigating changes in the self-perceived necessities of ten technology- and leisure-related consumer goods and services between 1999 and 2009. The authors also look at the socio-demographic predictors of the perceptions and the development of the ownership of the goods under investigation.Design/methodology/approach– The data are derived from surveys “Finland – Consumption and way of life” 1999 (N=2,417), 2004 (N=3,574), and 2009 (N=1,202). The statistical analysis methods include ANOVA and descriptive statistics. Also official statistics are used.Findings– Many technological goods, in pa…
The use of the Dark Web as a COVID-19 information source : A three-country study
The Dark Web (i.e., the anonymous web or Darknet) contains potentially harmful COVID-19-related information and content such as conspiracy theories and forged certificates. The Dark Web may particularly attract individuals who are suspicious about the pandemic, but there is no research concerning the use of the Dark Web as a COVID-19 information source. In this study, we investigated the role of COVID-19 skepticism, online activities, and loneliness in the use of the Dark Web platforms as a COVID-19 information source. The data (N = 3000) were gathered in April 2021 from 18 to 75-year-old respondents from Finland (n = 1000), Sweden (n = 1000) and the United Kingdom (n = 1000). The responden…
Yhteiskuntatieteiden ovella
Financial literacy among Finnish adolescents in PISA 2018 : the role of financial learning and dispositional factors
The aim or the present study was to examine the relative importance of financial education in school and families and dispositional factors (competitiveness, work mastery, meta-cognition) in predicting financial literacy among Finnish adolescents. The data on the 4328 Finnish 15-year-olds was drawn from the PISA 2018 assessment. Financial literacy was measured by tests, and financial education and dispositional factors were assessed by adolescent questionnaires. First, the results showed that financial education in school was positively associated with adolescents’ financial literacy skills, whereas parental involvement in financial matters did not relate or related negatively to financial …
School and family environments promote adolescents' financial confidence: Indirect paths to financial literacy skills in Finnish PISA 2018
This study investigates the associations of adolescents’ financial socialization factors—financial education in school and families—with financial confidence (i.e., confidence in using financial and digital financial services). In addition, we examine how financial socialization factors indirectly relate to financial literacy skills through financial confidence and the role of demographic factors (adolescent gender, grade level, parental education, family wealth) on financial socialization, financial confidence, and financial literacy scores. We used data on the 4,328 Finnish 15-year-olds participating in the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). We measured financial …
Children’s life world as a perspective on their citizenship: The case of the Finnish Children’s Parliament
The latest childhood studies present children’s citizenship as a process of engaging in matters related to children themselves in their everyday lives. However, only a few studies have been conducted on what those issues are and what they actually tell about children’s citizenship. This study explores the nature of children’s participation and citizenship by adopting a life world perspective. The aim is to examine what kind of issues children want to participate in and influence. The data are drawn from an online discussion in the Finnish Children’s Parliament. Altogether 61 children participated in the discussion, with 566 postings. The analysis of the children’s online discussion shows t…
An Ethical Perspective on Loot Box Purchasing : Examining Psychosocial Antecedents and the Association with Indebtedness
Loot boxes are popular random reward mechanisms in digital games, attracting players to invest real money to enhance their gaming experiences. Loot boxes share striking similarities to gambling and might contribute to one’s economic strain, but more research is needed on the underlying vulnerabilities and motivational traits in loot box purchasing. This paper examines associations with self-reported increase in loot box purchasing and debt problems during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. International survey data were collected in 2021, consisting of Finnish, Swedish, and British respondents (N = 2,991) aged 18 to 75. Partial least squares modeling was used as an analytical techniqu…
Children as social actors negotiating their privacy in the digital commercial context
This study advances research on children’s negotiation of online commercial privacy by identifying an act of digital agency by children that may serve their current needs but can also impact children negatively. Secondly, it identifies certain factors children consider while evaluating the trustworthiness of apps and websites before disclosing information online. Eight focus group discussions with children (13–16 years) in Finland’s capital region are analysed using thematic analysis. Our findings highlight that while children’s digital literacy education is needed, ensuring that education translates to children’s online practices is also essential. We also recommend increasing corporations…
Varttuneet kuluttajat, digitalisoituva arki ja kulutusympäristöjen muutos : digi 50+ -hankkeen loppuraportti
Väestön ikääntymisen ja palveluympäristöjen digitalisoitumisen seurauksena varttuneista kuluttajista on tullut yhä tärkeämpi kohderyhmä digitaalisille palveluille ja tuotteille. Ikääntyvien kuluttajien tarpeita, toiveita ja palveluiden käyttötottumuksia ei kuitenkaan usein oteta huomioon yritysten liiketoiminnassa, markkinoinnin suunnittelussa tai palvelumuotoilussa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan varttuneiden, noin 50–65-vuotiaiden, kuluttajien kokemuksia digitaalisissa palveluympäristöissä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että varttuneet kuluttajat kohtaavat erityisiä haasteita mutta myös uusia mahdollisuuksia digitaalisten palveluympäristöjen käyttäjinä. Vaikka yli 50- vuotiaat kuluttaja…
Strategies of Eliciting Young People’s Affective and Quick Participation in a Youth Magazine’s Instagram Community
Traditional media have merged with social media and pursue to produce engaging content and form relationships with online audiences. At the same time, social media has allowed young people a venue to practice their basic needs of interaction, identity, and self-expression, and provides communities of shared issues and social/political aspirations. By analysing the Instagram post caption data of the largest Finnish (girls’) youth magazine, this case study investigated what posting strategies used by the magazine elicited youth participation, and how do the strategies and participation align with young people’s media and online communication preferences. The study found the magazine to use va…
Income and Career Concerns Among Emerging Adults From Finland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom During COVID-19
In this study, we examine the prevalence of income and career concerns among emerging adults in three different welfare states during COVID-19: Finland ( n = 309), Sweden ( n = 324), and the United Kingdom ( n = 343). This study also delves into how factors such as one’s self-perceived financial situation, generalized mistrust, loneliness and socio-demographics are related to emerging adults’ income and career concerns. Results showed that individuals from the United Kingdom were more likely to experience increased income and career concerns than those in Finland and Sweden. Our results also suggest that income concerns were associated with one’s current financial situation, future financi…
Sosiaalinen media ja sosiaalinen tausta teini-ikäisten nuorten kulutusasenteiden selittäjinä
Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelemme sosiaalisen median vaikuttajien seuraamisen, kaveripaineen ja sosiodemografisten muuttujien yhteyttä nuorten kulutusasenteisiin. Tutkimus pohjautuu kuluttajaksi sosiaalistumisen teorioihin sosiaalisen taustan ja muuttuvan mediavaikuttamisen kontekstissa. Tutkimusaineistona käytetään 800:lle 15-19-vuotiaalle nuorelle tehtyä kyselytutkimusta. Aineisto on analysoitu rakenneyhtälömallinnuksella. Tutkimustulosten mukaan sosiaalisen median vaikuttajien seuraamisella oli vahva yhteys materialistisiin kulutusasenteisiin, mutta ei säästäväisyyteen eikä vastuullisuuteen. Myös kaveripaine kulutuksessa oli yhteydessä materialismiin, Kuitenkin vähemmistö nuorista oli ase…
The use of mobile technology for online shopping and entertainment among older adults in Finland
Older adults use mobile devices for online shopping as often as younger adults.Mobile-based entertainment use is most typical for younger male adults.Older female adults use mobile-based entertainment least frequently.Age, household structure and high education predict mobile-based online shopping.Mobile-based entertainment use is best predicted by age and gender. Older adults are becoming an important market segment for all internet-based services, but few studies to date have considered older adults as online shoppers and users of entertainment media. Utilising the concept of life course, this article investigates the use of mobile technologies for online shopping and entertainment among …
Tulevaisuuden kuluttaja : Erika 2020-hankkeen aineistonkuvaus ja tutkimusraportti
Julkaisussa esitellään keväällä 2011 kerätty Erika 2020 Tulevaisuuden kuluttaja -kyselyaineisto. Kyselyn tavoitettu otos oli kaikkiaan 1641 18–75-vuotiasta suomenkielistä suomalaista. 18–65-vuotiailta kuluttajilta aineisto kerättiin verkkokyselyllä ja yli 65-vuotiaat haastateltiin puhelimitse. Otantamenetelmänä käytettiin yksinkertaista satunnaisotantaa. Verkkokyselyn vastaajat poimittiin tutkimusyrityksen Internet-paneelista ja puhelinhaastatteluihin otanta toteutettiin yhteystietoalan yrityksen rekisteristä. Aineistonkeruusta vastasi Jyväskylän yliopiston sosiologian oppiaine. Kyselyn toteutukseen osallistuivat lisäksi Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun, Tampereen yliopiston johtami…
Acculturation Orientations among Russian Youth in Finland
Despite the fact that much academic attention has been directed to the acculturation of immigrants in Finland, the need to more fully understand how immigrants cope with acculturation is timely. Since the Russian-speaking immigrants represent the biggest immigrant group in Finland, this chapter explores the acculturation orientations among Russian immigrant youth approached from the angle of the festive culture. The findings are based on the data of ethnographic observation and qualitative interviews (n 16) conducted in the central part of Finland. To capture the nuances of dynamic acculturation experiences, the authors applied a bottom-up methodological approach which gives voice to young …
The brighter side of materialism : Managing impressions on social media for higher social capital
Individuals adjust their behavior on social media to varying extent, and commonly in their idealized way. Most studies have focused on the problems associated with materialism and social media use, yet their potential positive contributions remain less clear. In fact, impression management holds potential for both negative and positive: it has been linked with materialistic attitudes, but also increased amounts of self-reported social capital. This study examines how young people's materialistic values connect with status-seeking impression management on social media, and subsequently to social capital, within the same model. Eight hundred Finnish participants aged 15–19 participated in our…
Nuorten rahat ja yhteiskunnallinen muutos : teini-ikäisten käyttörahat ja niihin vaikuttavat tekijät 1983-2013
Nuorten käyttörahojen määrä seurasi taloudellisia suhdanteita aina 1990-luvun lamavuosiin asti. Tämän jälkeen nuorten pysyvästi laskenut työllisyysaste on vähentä- nyt erityisesti 16–18-vuotiaiden käyttörahan määrää. 12–14-vuotiaiden käyttörahan määrä on sen sijaan tasaisesti kasvanut. Sosioekonomisella taustalla on vain vähän vaikutusta rahan määrään, ja alueelliset erot ovat pienentyneet. Sen sijaan tyttöjen ja poikien väliset tuloerot ovat hämmästyttävän pysyviä. peerReviewed