T. Caruso

Root hydraulic conductivity and oepip2.1 aquaporin as possible physiological and molecular markers of vegetative growth potential in olive (Olea europaea L.)

research product

Analisi morfologica delle varietà di olivo

research product

An investigation of the self- and inter-incompatibility of the olive cultivars 'Arbequina' and 'Koroneiki' in the Mediterranean climate of Sicily

In this investigation, the self-(in)compatibility of the Spanish cultivar Arbequina and the Greek cultivar Koroneiki was studied for the first time in Sicily, where these low vigour cultivars were recently introduced in super-intensive olive groves. Self- (S.P.) and openpollination (O.P.) tests, observation of fruit set and paternity test of seeds with microsatellite (SSR) markers, were performed to ascertain whether these cultivars were self-fertile and/or inter-compatible. For S.P. tests, branches with flowers at the balloon stage were bagged. For the O.P. tests, flowers were left to pollinate under natural conditions. Fruits from S.P. and O.P. were collected in November and fruit set was…

research product

Propagation techniques and nursery management for the production of certified peach plants in Europe

The propagation of fruit trees, particularly peaches, nectarines and canning clingstone, has reached highly specialized levels since the 1960s. Over the years, the classic seed rootstocks have been replaced by numerous rootstocks produced in vitro, expanding the range of technical solutions for the different soil and climatic growing conditions of several areas. Thanks to the new genotypes from international breeding programs, it was thus possible to renew the cultivated varietal platform several times. Propagation techniques have also undergone an evolution, adopting solutions aimed at shortening nurseries’ production cycles by using June budding or micrografting. Finally, there are differ…

research product

Germoplasma e varietà

research product

A fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making methodology to optimise olive agro-engineering processes based on geo-spatial technologies

In southern Italy, the olive oil sector is an important part of the primary sector and its development requires support from research to ensure its sustainability. This work proposes the first step for set up a decision support system (DSS) for establishing mechanisation in agricultural operations for different olive groves. To contribute to this goal researches have been carried out to test the ability of remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) to map olive groves and their agronomic characteristics. In detail, this study aimed to classify olives grove areas in terms of agronomic suitability and detect horticultural characteristics of olive groves in order to develop a …

research product

Estimation of chilling and heat requirements of six sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivars

Warmer winters without sufficient chilling due to climate change in Mediterranean regions represent a threat for deciduous fruit tree species such as sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) with high chilling requirement, since it will affect fruit tree phenology leading to dramatic yield reduction and fruit industry income loss. Quantifying chilling requirements to overcome winter dormancy is crucial for identifying suitable cultivars for a given site, for predicting the necessity and timing applications of rest-breaking chemicals and the possible consequences of climate change. The aim of the following study was to determine the chilling and heat requirements of six sweet cherry cultivars grown in…

research product

Recovery and genotyping ancient Sicilian monumental olive trees

The long-lived and evergreen olive tree dominates the Mediterranean landscape, representing an agroecological and cultural symbol and a genetic heritage of inestimable value. Sicily, for historical, geographical, and cultural reasons, has a very rich and distinctive olive germplasm. In this work, a large survey was conducted to discover, collect, and characterize the genetic diversity of centennial monumental olive trees from historical sites, such as the Greek Temple Valley (Agrigento), ancient gardens, or farmland present in the western part of the island. Trees were chosen based on their height, trunk, stump size, and presumed age; particularly, only olive trees with an age estimated at …

research product

Comportamento agronomico di quattro nuovi portinnesti ibridi pesco x mandorlo in un impianto ad alta densità in Sicilia

The present study was aimed to evaluate the agronomic behavior of different rootstocks, recently licensed by the Dipartimento di Coltura e Difesa delle Specie Legnose of the University of Pisa, and tested in a high density planting system (2220 trees/ha). Trials were carried out in an experimental orchard established by the Dipartimento di Colture Arboree of the University of Palermo and located in Sicily (Sciacca – Agrigento – 150 m a.s.l.). The observations were carried out on clonal rootstocks: I.S. 5/8 (Polluce); I.S. 5/19 (Castore); I.S. 5/23; I.S. 5/29 and GF 677 grafted at dormant bud with the low chill requirement cultivar “Tropic Snow”. The orchard was established in 2004, trees we…

research product

Detecting biophysical and geometrical characteristics of the canopy of three olive cultivars in hedgerow planting systems using an UAV and VIS-NIR cameras

The success of olive (Olea europaea) orchards depends on the interaction between genotype, planting system and orchard management. Research efforts often collide with the lack of high-throughput monitoring technologies for effective and rapid evaluation of expressed phenotypes under field conditions. Rapid phenotyping technologies allow to acquire a large amount of information in a relatively short period, optimizing efforts and labor. In an experiment carried out in Sicily, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with VIS-NIR cameras was used to monitor canopy characteristics of three olive cultivars (‘Koroneiki’, ‘Biancolilla’ and ‘Calatina’), planted at three different planting distanc…

research product

Monitoraggio del ceppo starter Lactobacillus pentosus OM13 nella fermentazione delle olive da tavola (cv. “Nocellara del Belice”) con lavorazione sivigliana.

Obiettivo di questa ricerca . stato validare le attitudini tecnologiche alla trasformazione di olive da mensa cv. “Nocellara del Belice” da parte del ceppo Lactobacillus pentosus OM13. Lo starter Lb. pentosus OM13 ha dimostrato di dominare l’intero processo fermentativo e ha determinato un sensibile abbassamento del pH, inibendo cos. lo sviluppo di microrganismi potenzialmente patogeni e/o alterativi. All’inizio della sperimentazione e fino al 16¢X giorno di fermentazione, i lieviti hanno mostrato un incremento in entrambe le lavorazioni, con starter e di controllo, ma con un livello di carica microbica maggiore nella tesi di controllo. Nella fase di sperimentazione, successiva al 16¢X gior…

research product

Crop load and rootstock influence on dry matter partitioning in trees of early and late ripening peach cultivars

Effect of crop load on dry matter partitioning was studied on 3-year-old peach [(Prunus persica (L.) Batsch (Peach Group)] trees of the early ripening 'Early May Crest' (EMC) grafted on 'GF677' and Penta (Prunus domestica L.) rootstock and the late ripening 'Flaminia' grafted on 'GF677' rootstock [(Prunus persica x Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb] and grown outdoors in 230-L containers, for 2 years. Fruit thinning was carried out 10 days after fruit set to produce different crop loads. Trees were sampled destructively throughout two growing seasons and divided into above-ground and root components, for dry matter and carbohydrate analysis. At the end of the fruit development period, in the…

research product

Aproximaciones para mejorar el crecimiento de bacterias lácticas iniciadoras OM13 durante las primeras etapas de producción de aceitunas verdes de mesa estilo español

The present research aimed at determining the optimal conditions for the lactic acid fermentation of green Spanish-style table olives. The work is a follow-up, and focuses on the performance of the commercial starter strain Lactobacillus pentosus OM13 by applying an acclimatization step and the addition of nutrients, and concentrations of lactic acid that were previously investigated. The acclimatization of the cells warranted the dominance of the starter culture even at an inoculation level of 2 Log cycles lower than that commonly used in standard fermentation. A significant effect was found in terms of acidification kinetics within the first week of fermentation, with the highest decrease…

research product