CO(2)-laser treatment of laryngeal amyloidosis.
Four consecutive female patients (age: 14–47 years) with laryngeal amyloidosis, treated with endoscopic CO2-laser surgery, entered the study. All patients underwent periodic microlaryngoscopies following surgery to confirm the adequacy of the surgical resection. Recurrences or suspected lesions were resected and fibrin deposits were removed to prevent the formation of synechiae or healing adhesions. After two negative microlaryngoscopies, performed two months apart, the patients were followed-up approximately every six months over a period from six months to 18 years, with no evidence of recurrences. The endoscopic CO2-laser technique is highly effective in the treatment of localized laryng…
Surgical management of pleomorphic adenoma of parotid gland in elderly patients: Role of morphological features
AbstractThe neoplasms of the salivary glands account for 2% of head and neck tumors and the most common form is the Pleomorphic adenoma (PA). Parotid gland is affected from 80% to 90% of cases. In elderly these tumors occur mostly in females. These benign tumors are composed of epithelial and myoepithelial cells that are arranged with various morphological patterns and subtypes. The classification of these tumors is also based on the amount and nature of the stroma. In literature there is an almost complete consensus that, in the major salivary glands, PAs are enclosed by a layer of fibrous tissue often called “capsule” but there is disagreement about the form, extension and thickness of th…