Elisabetta Giudice


A retrospective study of the characterization of Rickettsia species in ticks collected from humans

Rickettsiae (family Rickettsiaceae, order Rickettsiales) are obligate intracellular bacteria transmitted by arthropod vectors. Several Rickettsia species causing vector-borne rickettsioses belong to the spotted fever group (SFG). Traditionally, Rickettsia conorii has been considered as the main etiologic agent of Mediterranean spotted fever. However, the molecular characterization of rickettsiae allowed identifying other species involved in spotted fever in the Mediterranean region. In this study, 42 ticks collected from humans were subjected to morphological identification and molecular characterization of Rickettsia species potentially involved in human rickettsiosis in Sicily. Fourteen t…

research product

Detection of natural killer T cells in mice infected with Rickettsia conorii.

Little information is available regarding the role of natural killer T (NKT) cells during the early stage of Rickettsia conorii infection. Herein, C3H/HeN mice were infected with the Malish 7 strain of R. conorii. Splenocytes from these mice were analysed in the early stage of the infection by flow cytometry and compared with uninfected controls. Our results showed an increase in NKT cells in infected mice. Additionally, NKT interleukin (IL)-17(+) cells increased three days after infection, together with a concurrent decrease in the relative amount of NKT interferon (IFN)-γ(+) cells. We also confirmed a higher amount of NK IFN-γ(+) cells in infected mice. Taken together, our data showed tha…

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