Isabel Cabrera-orosco
In recent years, interest in satisfaction with love life (SWLL) has increased. Empirical evidence demonstrated that SWLL favors subjective well-being, physical and mental health, marital quality and stability. In this regard, the study aimed to examine evidence based on the internal structure validity, reliability, and measurement invariance of the Peruvian version of the Satisfaction with Love Life Scale (SWLLS). The participants were 323 older adults recruited from the region of San Martin (Peru) with an average age of 68.73 years (SD = 7.17). The sample comprised of 49.5% women and 50.5% men. The results supported the one-dimensional model and adequate reliability of the SWLLS. A multi-g…
Measurement of the will to live in older adults: Transcultural adaptation, validity and reliability of the Will-to-Live Scale
Abstract Objective The Will-to-Live Scale (WTLS) is used to measure the will to live in older adults; however, there is no Spanish version. The objective of the study was to translate the WTLS into Spanish, assess its internal structure, reliability, and the correlates between WTLS and life satisfaction, resilience, and depression in older Peruvian adults. Method The participants were 235 Peruvian older adults (M = 72.69, SD = 6.68), evaluated between March to May 2019, selected through non-probability sampling. The WTLS, the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) were administered. Data analysis included r…
Medición de la voluntad de vivir en adultos mayores: adaptación transcultural, validez y confiabilidad de la Will-to-Live Scale
Resumen Objetivo La Will-to-Live Scale (WTLS) es utilizada para medir la voluntad de vivir en adultos mayores; sin embargo, no existe una version en espanol. El objetivo del estudio fue traducir la WTLS al espanol, evaluar su estructura interna, su confiabilidad y los correlatos entre la WTLS y la satisfaccion con la vida, la resiliencia y la depresion en adultos mayores peruanos. Metodo Los participantes fueron 235 adultos mayores peruanos (M = 72,69, DE = 6,68) evaluados entre marzo y mayo de 2019, seleccionados a traves de un muestreo no probabilistico. Se administro la WTLS, la Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), la Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS) y el Patient Health Questionnarie-…
Factorial validity and invariance analysis of the five items version of Mindful Awareness Attention Scale in older adults
Objective: Mindfulness or the full attention state is a factor that contributes to the successful process of aging. This study aims to evaluate the evidence of validity, on the basis of the internal structure, convergent and discriminant validity, reliability and factorial invariance across gender, for the five items Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS-5) within a sample of older adults. Methods: The participants were 323 Peruvian older adults, consisting of 160 women and 163 men, whose average ages were 68.58 (S.D = 7.23) and 68.91 years (S.D = 7.12), respectively. In addition to the MAAS-5, the Satisfaction with Life Scale and the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 were administered. Resu…