J. R. Vázquez De Aldana
Wavelength tuning of femtosecond pulses generated in nonlinear crystals by using diffractive lenses
We demonstrate that diffractive lenses (DLs) can be used as a simple method to tune the central wavelength of femtosecond pulses generated from second-order nonlinear optical processes in birefringent crystals. The wavelength tunability is achieved by changing the relative distance between the nonlinear crystal and the DL, which acts in a focusing configuration. Besides the many practical applications of the so-generated pulses, the proposed method might be extended to other wavelength ranges by demonstrated similar effects on other nonlinear processes, such as high-order harmonic generation.
Diffractive optics for spectral tuning of second harmonic and supercontinuum generated in nonlinear crystals
It is shown that diffractive lenses can tune the spectrum of femtosecond pulses after nonlinear optical processes. We focus on spectra of second-order pulses generated in birefringent crystals and supercontinuum in sapphire crystals. The tunability is achieved by changing the relative distance between the nonlinear crystal and the diffractive lens.