Margaret M. Wiecek
Constructing a Pareto front approximation for decision making
An approach to constructing a Pareto front approximation to computationally expensive multiobjective optimization problems is developed. The approximation is constructed as a sub-complex of a Delaunay triangulation of a finite set of Pareto optimal outcomes to the problem. The approach is based on the concept of inherent nondominance. Rules for checking the inherent nondominance of complexes are developed and applying the rules is demonstrated with examples. The quality of the approximation is quantified with error estimates. Due to its properties, the Pareto front approximation works as a surrogate to the original problem for decision making with interactive methods. Qc 20120127
PAINT : Pareto front interpolation for nonlinear multiobjective optimization
A method called PAINT is introduced for computationally expensive multiobjective optimization problems. The method interpolates between a given set of Pareto optimal outcomes. The interpolation provided by the PAINT method implies a mixed integer linear surrogate problem for the original problem which can be optimized with any interactive method to make decisions concerning the original problem. When the scalarizations of the interactive method used do not introduce nonlinearity to the problem (which is true e.g., for the synchronous NIMBUS method), the scalarizations of the surrogate problem can be optimized with available mixed integer linear solvers. Thus, the use of the interactive meth…
Decision Making on Pareto Front Approximations with Inherent Nondominance
t Approximating the Pareto fronts of nonlinear multiobjective optimization problems is considered and a property called inherent nondominance is proposed for such approximations. It is shown that an approximation having the above property can be explored by interactively solving a multiobjective optimization problem related to it. This exploration can be performed with available interactive multiobjective optimization methods. The ideas presented are especially useful in solving computationally expensive multiobjective optimization problems with costly function value evaluations. peerReviewed
Connections Between Single-Level and Bilevel Multiobjective Optimization
The relationship between bilevel optimization and multiobjective optimization has been studied by several authors and there have been repeated attempts to establish a link between the two. We unify the results from the literature and generalize them for bilevel multiobjective optimization. We formulate sufficient conditions for an arbitrary binary relation to guarantee equality between the efficient set produced by the relation and the set of optimal solutions to a bilevel problem. In addition, we present specially structured bilevel multiobjective optimization problems motivated by real-life applications and an accompanying binary relation permitting their reduction to single-level multiob…