Hely Häggman

Analysis of composition, morphology, and biosynthesis of cuticular wax in wild type bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and its glossy mutant

Abstract In this study, cuticular wax load, its chemical composition, and biosynthesis, was studied during development of wild type (WT) bilberry fruit and its natural glossy type (GT) mutant. GT fruit cuticular wax load was comparable with WT fruits. In both, the proportion of triterpenoids decreased during fruit development concomitant with increasing proportions of total aliphatic compounds. In GT fruit, a higher proportion of triterpenoids in cuticular wax was accompanied by a lower proportion of fatty acids and ketones compared to WT fruit as well as lower density of crystalloid structures on berry surfaces. Our results suggest that the glossy phenotype could be caused by the absence o…

research product

Authentication of berries and berry-based food products.

Abstract Berries represent one of the most important and high-valued group of modern-day health-beneficial “superfoods” whose dietary consumption has been recognized to be beneficial for human health for a long time. In addition to being delicious, berries are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and several bioactive compounds, including carotenoids, flavonoids, phenolic acids, and hydrolysable tannins. However, due to their high value, berries and berry-based products are often subject to fraudulent adulteration, commonly for economical gain, but also unintentionally due to misidentification of species. Deliberate adulteration often comprises the substitution of high-value berries with lower valu…

research product

Analysis of biosynthesis and composition of cuticular wax in wild type bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and its glossy mutant

AbstractCuticular wax plays an important role in fruits in protection against environmental stresses and desiccation. In this study, biosynthesis and chemical composition of cuticular wax in wild type (WT) bilberry fruit was studied during development and compared with its natural glossy type (GT) mutant. The cuticular wax load in GT fruit was comparable to WT fruit. In both fruits, triterpenoids were the dominant wax compounds with decreasing proportion during the fruit development accompanied with increasing proportion of aliphatic compounds. Gene expression studies supported the pattern of compound accumulation during fruit development. GenesCER26-like, FAR2, CER3-like, LTP, MIXTA, andBA…

research product

Compositional and morphological analyses of wax in northern wild berry species.

Accepted manuscript version, licensed CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Aerial surfaces of plants are covered by a waxy cuticle protecting plants from excessive water loss and UV light. In the present study, composition and morphology of cuticular waxes of northern wild berry species bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), lingonberry (V. vitis-idaea L.), bog bilberry (V. uliginosum L.) and crowberry (Empetrum nigrum L.) were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed differences in epicuticular wax morphology, and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis confirmed variation in chemical composition of cuticular waxes between the berry species. The dominant compounds in bilberry and li…

research product

Growth and defense in deciduous trees and shrubs under UV-B

Abstract Reflection by waxy or resinous surface structures and hairs, repair reactions of biomolecules and induction of different sheltering components provide the means of plant protection from harmful solar UV-B radiation. Secondary products, especially flavonoids and phenolic acids as defense components are also important in plant tolerance to UV-B, fulfilling the dual role as screens that reduce UV-B penetration in plant tissues, and as antioxidants protecting from damage by reactive oxidant species. Plants are sensitive to UV-B radiation, and this sensitivity can be even more clone-specific than species-specific. The results available in the literature for deciduous trees and shrubs in…

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