Piet N.l. Lens

Co-production of Hydrogen and Methane From the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste in a Pilot Scale Dark Fermenter and Methanogenic Biofilm Reactor

The co-production of biohydrogen and methane from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste was investigated using a two-stage AD system, composed of a pilot scale dark fermenter (DF) and a continuous methanogenic biofilm reactor. From the DF process, a biohydrogen yield of 41.7 (± 2.3) ml H2/gVSadded was achieved. The liquid DF effluent (DFE) was rich in short chain volatile fatty acids, i.e., mainly acetic and butyric acid. The DFE was valorized by producing methane in the methanogenic biofilm reactor. Two methanogenic biofilm reactors were used to assess the biotic and abiotic role of the DFE on the performance of the reactors. Regardless of the different DFE feeding (i.e., biotic an…

research product

Arsenic(III) Removal at Low Concentrations by Biosorption usingPhanerochaete chrysosporiumPellets

As(III) removal from dilute aqueous solutions by biosorption onto pellets of the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium was investigated. The As(III) uptake capacity was evaluated at low initial concentrations (0.2–1 mg/L) which revealed that the P. chrysosporium pellets were only slightly less efficient than the well studied adsorbent granular ferric hydroxide. Moreover, its performance was much more superior compared to anaerobic granular sludge, another cheaply available bacterial biosorbent. In the studied pH (5–9) and biomass concentration (0.25–1.5 g/L wet weight basis) ranges, no large differences in As(III) removal efficiency were observed. The influence of different ions, com…

research product