Peter Lund

New energy policy for providing growth and employment

This report is a public speech, which springs from the observations of researchers of various fields, of the notion that the present energy policy does not serve the national benefit as a whole. The new energy policy thinking demonstrated in this report, when implemented, would lead to the economic and employment growth and to many other positive phenomena in the society. Through the new energy policy, preventing the climate change would become a great opportunity to our country instead of a threat.

research product

Comparative study of modelling the thermal efficiency of a novel straight through evacuated tube collector with MLR, SVR, BP and RBF methods

Abstract Data-based methods are useful for accurate modelling of solar thermal systems. In this work, several artificial neural network (ANN) techniques are proposed to predict the thermal performance of an all-glass straight through evacuated tube solar collector. These are compared to support vector regression analysis. Extensive experimental data sets were collected for training the ANN models. Solar radiation intensity, ambient temperature, wind speed, mass flow rate and collector inlet temperature were selected as the input layer to predict the thermal efficiency of the solar collector. The prediction precision of the ANN models was compared to the multiple linear regression and suppor…

research product

Kasvua ja työllisyyttä uudella energiapolitiikalla

Tämä raportti on julkinen puheenvuoro, joka kumpuaa eri alojen tutkijoiden havainnoista, että nykyinen energiapolitiikka ei palvele täysimääräisesti kansakunnan etua. Tässä raportissa esitelty uusi energiapoliittinen ajattelu johtaisi toteutuessaan talouden ja työpaikkojen määrän kasvuun ja moniin muihin myönteisiin ilmiöihin yhteiskunnassa. Uuden energiapolitiikan kautta ilmastonmuutoksen torjunnasta tulisi maallemme merkittävä mahdollisuus eikä uhka. Tekijät toivovat, että raportti käynnistää vilkkaan ja asiallisen julkisen keskustelun energiapolitiikan mahdollisuuksista ja tulevaisuudesta ja tätä kautta energiapolitiikka saataisiin paremmin palvelemaan kansakunnan kokonaisetua. Raportti …

research product

Intriguing Photochemistry of the Additives in the Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

Over the years numerous mixes of chemical compounds have been tried in the electrolytes of dye-sensitized solar cells in efforts to improve their efficiency. How these chemicals interact with each other and the photoelectrode has received surprisingly little attention. Here we report results from a systematic study of two I–/I3– electrolytes and their additives using infrared and Raman spectroscopy together with quantum chemical calculations. In the LiI electrolyte competing interactions between lithium cation and the solvent MPN and the additives TBP, NMBI, and GuSCN were identified. These interactions could inhibit the interaction of lithium ions with the TiO2 surface. It was found that u…

research product