Minna Turunen
Sota- ja jälleenrakennusajan poronhoito Poromies-lehden kuvaamana
Tarkastelemme toisen maailmansodan (1939– 1945) vaikutuksia Suomen poronhoitoon ja arvioimme poronhoidon merkitystä maallemme sekä kriisien että jälleenrakennuksen aikana. Tutkimuksemme perustuu vuosina 1931–1967 ilmestyneiden Poromies-lehtien artikkeleihin ja poronhoitoyhdistysten toimintakertomuksiin. Sodissa menetettiin tärkeitä poronhoitoalueita Neuvostoliitolle Kuusamon ja Sallan itäosista sekä Petsamo kokonaisuudessaan. Poroja teurastettiin ruuaksi, hävitettiin ja niitä katosi paimennuksen puuttuessa. Poronhoitovuosina 1939–1945 teurastettiin kansalaisten ravinnoksi noin 220 000 poroa, jolloin säästettiin pakkoteurastukselta yli 88 000 lehmää. Porot toimivat sota-aikana muonareservin…
Pohjoinen ulottuvuus Helsingin Sanomissa 1998-2000
Climate change and reindeer management in Finland : Co-analysis of practitioner knowledge and meteorological data for better adaptation
We studied interannual variability and changes over time in selected climate indices in the reindeer management area (RMA) in northern Finland. We present together the knowledge possessed by reindeer herders with information from meteorological measurements over three decades. The practitioner knowledge was gathered via a survey questionnaire addressing herder observations of long-term changes (approximately during the past 30 years) in climatic conditions and their impacts on herding during the four seasons. A set of temperature-, precipitation- and snow-related indices relevant for herding within the RMA was derived from spatially interpolated daily meteorological data (1981–2010). Climat…
Land-use and climate related drivers of change in the reindeer management system in Finland: geography of perceptions
Drivers of change in the reindeer management system are rather well-known. But when developing the gover-nance to support the traditional livelihoods, it is crucial to understand also practitioner perceptions. Systematic research on these is lacking. We analyzed the land-use and climate related drivers within the reindeer man-agement area (RMA) in Finland, and, using a perception geography approach, studied the herder perceptions towards these. We conducted an on-site questionnaire survey with herders from 51 herding districts. Factors directly affecting the welfare of reindeer were perceived as crucial by herders, for example basal icing affecting the forage availability, and land-use rela…
Sota, porot ja poronhoitajat
Maahanmuuttajalasten sopeutuminen yleisopetukseen : luokanopettajien näkemyksiä
Pro gradu –työssäni tutkin alakouluikäisten maahanmuuttajaoppilaiden luokanopettajien näkemyksiä maahanmuuttajalasten sopeutumisesta yleisopetukseen. Tutkimusongelmani olivat maahanmuuttajaoppilaan sosiaalinen asema luokassa, maahanmuuttajaoppilaiden sopeutumista tukevat tekijät yleisopetukseen, maahanmuuttajaoppilaiden vaikeudet sopeutumisessa yleisopetukseen sekä sopeutumisvaikeuksien vaikutus maahanmuuttajaoppilaisiin, kaikki tutkimusongelmani käsittelivät siis maahanmuuttajalasten luokanopettajien näkemyksiä. Tutkimukseni aihe on sivuaineeni, erityispedagogiikan, proseminaarityöni Maahanmuuttajataustaisten oppilaiden kouluvaikeudet ja niiden tukeminen alakouluissa – haastattelututkimus …
Climate change and reindeer management in Finland: Co-analysis of practitioner knowledge and meteorological data for better adaptation.
Abstract We studied interannual variability and changes over time in selected climate indices in the reindeer management area (RMA) in northern Finland. We present together the knowledge possessed by reindeer herders with information from meteorological measurements over three decades. The practitioner knowledge was gathered via a survey questionnaire addressing herder observations of long-term changes (approximately during the past 30 years) in climatic conditions and their impacts on herding during the four seasons. A set of temperature-, precipitation- and snow-related indices relevant for herding within the RMA was derived from spatially interpolated daily meteorological data (1981–2010…
Coping with Difficult Weather and Snow Conditions : Reindeer herders’ views on climate change impacts and coping strategies
Winter is a critical season for reindeer herding, with the amount and quality of snow being among the most important factors determining the condition of reindeer and the annual success of the livelihood. Our first aim was to model the future (2035–2064) snow conditions in northern Finland, especially the quantities related to ground ice and/or ice layers within the snow pack, exceptionally deep snow and late snow melt. Secondly, we studied the strategies by which herders cope with the impacts of difficult weather and snow conditions on herding by interviewing 21 herders. SNOWPACK simulations indicate that snow cover formation will be delayed by an average of 19 days and snow will melt 16 d…