Kwok Ng

Individual- and environmental-related correlates of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in 11-, 13-, and 15-year-old Finnish children

peer-reviewed The objective of this study was to analyze the associations of various individual- and environmental- related factors with subgroups of daily, frequent, moderate and low moderate-to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) among children and adolescents. Data were obtained from the Finnish School-age Physical Activity (FSPA) study 2016 from 4677 national representative 11-, 13-, and 15-year-old children and adolescents. MVPA and individual- and environmental-related factors were assessed by a questionnaire and analyzed by two-level logistic regression. Seventeen of the twenty-one variables were statistically significantly associated with MVPA. However, only three variables were stati…

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Organized Sport Participation and Physical Activity Levels among Adolescents with Functional Limitations

Sufficient and regular physical activity is considered a protective factor, reducing the onset of secondary disability conditions in adolescents with chronic diseases and functional limitations. The aim of this study was to explore whether participation in organized sport may be associated to higher levels of physical activity in adolescents with functional limitations, based on a national representative sample. Data from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study collected in Finland from two data collection rounds (2002 and 2010) were conducted and pooled from adolescents aged between 13 and 15 years old with functional limitations (n = 1041). Differences in self-reported p…

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Intra-Rater Test-Retest Reliability of Self-Reported Child Functioning Module

Determining disability prevalence is an important area for population statistics, especially among young adolescents. The Washington Group on Disability Statistics is one source of reporting disabilities through functional difficulties. However, young adolescents self-reporting this measure is in its infancy. The purpose of this study was to carry out an intra-rater test-retest reliability study on a modified set of items for self-reporting functional difficulties. Young adolescents (n=74; boys=64%; age m=13.7, SD=1.8) completed a self-reported version of the child functioning module in a supervised classroom. The second administration took place two weeks later. Intraclass correlation coef…

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Coaches’ Health Promotion Activity and Substance Use in Youth Sports

There is an increasing amount of evidence suggesting youth sports clubs are an important setting for health promotion. Adolescents in sport club settings can benefit from exposures of positive and negative consequences to health. To better understand the sport club context and coaches’ health promotion activity in substance use prevention, this study compares sport club members with non-members aged between 14–16 years old on their experience and use of alcohol, smoking and snuff and coaches’ health promotion activity on substances. Methods: Adolescents (n = 671) from sports clubs and from matched schools (n = 1442) were recruited in this study. Multiple binary logistic regressions were per…

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Trends in Medically Attended Injuries in Czech Adolescents.

Objective: Due to the importance of surveillance of injuries and accidents in the Czech Republic, the purpose. of this study was to report the temporal trends of injuries of Czech adolescents between 2002 and 2014. Methods: Adolescents (N = 20,038) from the Czech Republic, that took part in the 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014 HBSC study, reported the frequency of medically attended injuries in the past 12 months. Repeated binary logistic regressions with different years as reference categories were performed. Results: Less than half (44.7%) of all Czech adolescents reported they had experienced at least one medically attended injuries in the past 12 months, with boys experiencing more injuries th…

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Test-retest reliability of survey items on ownership and use of physical activity trackers

Background: Researchers are interested in using digital tools, such as physical activity trackers (PAT), to promote and measure physical activity. PAT is a fast-growing research area that measures movement therefore, reliable questions on the ownership and use of PATs among adolescent populations need to be developed. Objective: The aim of this study was to conduct an intra-rater test-retest reliability study on PAT survey items used for surveillance purposes among young adolescents in ownership and use of smartphone applications (apps) and heart rate monitors (HRM). Methods: Young adolescents (N = 755; 11-, 13-, and 15-year-olds) in the Olomouc region of the Czech Republic were recruited t…

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Vuonna 2016 järjestetyn elinsiirtoliikunnan tapahtumaviikon vapaaehtoisten motiivit

Urheilutapahtumien vapaaehtoisia ja heidän motiivejaan on tutkittu paljon erikokoisissa tapahtumissa, mutta vammaisurheilutapahtumien vapaaehtoisia on tutkittu vähemmän. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisia ovat Elinsiirtoliikunnan tapahtumaviikon vapaaehtoiset ja heidän osallistumisensa motiivit ja eroavatko motiivit taustamuuttujien suhteen. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin sähköisellä kyselyllä, joka lähetettiin 182 vapaaehtoiselle. Vastausprosentti oli 52 prosenttia (n=95, naisia 63 %, miehiä 37 %).Vastaajien keski-ikä oli 49,7 vuotta (kh 16,8). Motiivien tutkimisessa käytettiin Special Event Volunteer Motivation Scaleen (SEVMS) perustuvaa mittaria, jossa oli 34 motiiveja kartoi…

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Intra-Rater Test-Retest Reliability of a Modified Child Functioning Module, Self-Report Version

Determining disability prevalence is a growing area for population statistics, especially among young adolescents. The Washington Group on Disability Statistics is one source of reporting disabilities through functional difficulties. Yet, young adolescents self-reporting through this measure is in its infancy. The purpose of this study was to carry out an intra-rater test-retest reliability study on a modified set of items for self-reporting functional difficulties. Young adolescents (N = 74

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Self-esteem and intentions mediate perceived fitness with physical activity in Finnish adolescents with long-term illness or disabilities

Background: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is recognised as the common language in disability research. However, personal factors in the ICF are not explicitly coded because of cultural differences that influence physical activity (PA) participation. The ICF suggests using fitness as a personal factor, as well as other psychological assets. Intentions may serve as such psychological assets and studies on the antecedents to intentions which prompts PA behaviours is lacking in adolescent long term illness or disability (LTID) populations. Objective: The purpose of this study was to report how ICF personal factors can influence participation in PA.…

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Physical Activity Among Adolescents With Long-Term Illnesses or Disabilities in 15 European Countries.

Physical activity (PA) is an important health-promoting behavior from which adolescents with long-term illnesses or disabilities (LTID) can benefit. It is important to monitor differences across countries in adherence with PA recommendations for health. The aim of this study was to compare PA levels among 15 European countries after disaggregating data by disability. Data from pupils (mean age = 13.6 years, SD = 1.64) participating in the 2013/2014 Health Behavior in School-aged Children study were analyzed to compare adolescents without LTID, with LTID, and with LTID that affects their participation (affected LTID). Logistic regression models adjusted for age and family affluence, stratifi…

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Associations Between Physical Activity and Perceived School Performance of Young Adolescents in Health Behavior in School-Aged Children Countries

Background: Regular physical activity and doing well in school are important for growing adolescents. In this study, the associations between physical activity and perceived school performance (PSP) are examined together. Methods: Young adolescents from 42 countries (n = 193,949) in Europe and Canada were examined for associations between self-reported moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and PSP. Multinominal analyses were conducted with 0 to 2 days of MVPA and below average PSP as reference categories. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were reported for pooled data and individual countries after controlling for family affluence scale. Results: Girls had better PSP…

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Physical activity (PA) of adolescents with long term illnesses or disabilities (LTID) in general education is examined to provide evidence of PA levels from specific population groups. This study describes the PA levels of adolescents with LTID based on recommendations of daily 60mins of moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) and vigorous leisure time PA (VPA) of at least two times a week for at least one hour per week. Finnish data from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study was pooled from 2002 and 2010 surveys. 1126 respondents (14.6%) self-reported as having a LTID and details of main categories of LTID were used to examine PA behaviours. Overall, 15.6% of adolescents with LT…

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From Stoke Mandeville to Sochi: A History of the Summer and Winter Paralympic Games

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The Quantified Athlete: Associations of Wearables for High School Athletes

The adoption of wearable technology in competitive sports can be an advantage to performance and training. Athletes who use personalised data to quantify their performances with the possibilities of sharing with others may use wearables to reinforce the athletic identity. Despite these changes, few studies have actually examined the associations between wearables and developing athletes in their quest for professional sports. Student athletes (n = 437, age = 17y) still in high schools completed a web-based survey about their professional aspirations, athletic identity, and the association with wearables. Wearables were measured by ownership and usage of apps, fitness trackers, or sports wat…

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Associations between Sports Videogames and Physical Activity in Children

Abstract Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the associations of sports video gaming behaviour in the sociological concept of Physical Activity Relationships (PAR) and to see if sports video gaming differs by gender. Methods: A convenience sample of children between 11–12 years of age (n = 114) from three Finnish regions completed a questionnaire on perceptions of their video gaming and physical activity habits. Differences by gender were tested by contingency tables, and blockwise binary logistic regressions were used to examine the strength of association with physical activity behaviour in PAR. Results: Almost all girls had low importance to video gaming and over two thirds (7…

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Clusters of adolescent physical activity tracker patterns and their associations with physical activity behaviors in Finland and Ireland:cross-sectional study

Background:Physical activity trackers (PATs) such as apps and wearable devices (eg, sports watches, heart rate monitors) are increasingly being used by young adolescents. Despite the potential of PATs to help monitor and improve moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) behaviors, there is a lack of research that confirms an association between PAT ownership or use and physical activity behaviors at the population level.Objective:The purpose of this study was to examine the ownership and use of PATs in youth and their associations with physical activity behaviors, including daily MVPA, sports club membership, and active travel, in 2 nationally representative samples of young adolescent …

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Physical Activity Trends of Finnish Adolescents With Long-Term Illnesses or Disabilities From 2002–2014

Background:Adolescents’ physical activity level is a major source of concern. For adolescents with long-term illnesses or disabilities (LTID), being physically active can prevent secondary conditions. This is one of the first studies reporting trends in physical activity of adolescents with LTID in relation to gender, age, and sports club membership.Methods:Data were collected from the Health Behavior in School-aged Children study in Finland during 2002, 2006, 2010, and 2014. In 13- and 15-year-olds (N = 2206), 17.1% reported having LTID. Daily physical activity recall was the dependent variable. Binary logistic regression analysis was conducted eparately for sports club members (n = 936) a…

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Meeting the 24-h movement guidelines and health-related outcomes among youth with autism spectrum disorder: a seven-country observational study

Abstract Background Meeting daily guidelines for physical activity, screen time, and sleep duration is associated with a host of health indicators for youth. In this cross-sectional observational study, we investigated the associations between adherence to the movement guidelines and health-related outcomes among youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Methods Parents of youth with ASD (10–17 years) from seven countries and regions were invited to provide online proxy-reports for child’s movement behaviors (i.e., physical activity, sleep and screen time), and health-related outcomes (i.e., body mass index [BMI], general health, and quality of life). A series of multiple linear regression…

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Toimintarajoitteita kokevien nuorten liikunta- ja urheiluseura-aktiivisuus sekä istumisen määrä

Vammaisista henkilöistä puhutaan usein yhtenäisenä ryhmänä ikään kuin vamma olisi kaikilla samanlainen tai sen vaikutukset toimintakykyyn samankaltaiset. Vaikka erilaisten vammojen ja pitkäaikaissairauksien tiedetään rajoittavan ihmisten tekemistä eri lailla, liikunta-aktiivisuutta mittaavissa tutkimuksissa tai tilastoinneissa niitä ei ole useinkaan eroteltu. Syinä ovat voineet olla esimerkiksi pienet tutkittavien määrät tai liian yleiset mittausmenetelmät. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella vuoden 2016 ”Lasten ja nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa” (LIITU) -tutkimuksen aineistossa toimintarajoitteisuutta, liikunta-aktiivisuutta, liikuntaseuraan kuulumista ja istumisen määrää…

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Implications for European Physical Education Teacher Education during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-institutional SWOT analysis

The present study, using a sample of Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) representatives from five Higher Education European institutions (England, Finland, Greece, Ireland, and Portugal) sought to investigate the proposed measures of change required for programme delivery during the academic year of 2020–21. Each team completed a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) examination through inductive cross-analysis, using a deductive structure, following the dimensions of: PETE Programme; PETE Staff; PETE Students. The findings presented at a case level show how each PETE programme is seeking to manage an important tension between the experiential nature of Physical E…

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Daily physical activity in Finnish adolescents with long-term illnesses or disabilities: psychosocial associations with participation in sports club

Background: Physical activity (PA) in adolescence with long term illnesses or disabilities (LTID) is a public health concern. One way of increasing PA is through participation in sports clubs. Since sports clubs are organised and regular, there are expected to be differences in motivation for physical activity between adolescents that are members and non-members. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of psychosocial factors on sports club membership and daily PA. Methods: Finnish adolescents with self-reported LTID (n=1006) took part in the WHO collaborative Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study in 2002 and 2010. Daily self-reported moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA)…

research product

Test-retest reliability of adolescents' self-reported physical activity item in two consecutive surveys.

Background National monitoring of school-aged physical activity (PA) behaviours is necessary to inform policy makers. The Finnish School-aged Physical Activity (FSPA – LIITU in Finnish) is a physical activity monitoring study, collecting data from young adolescents aged 11 to 15 years through a nationally representative sample. This study included a single self-reported item question on moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) from the preceding seven days. The question is used widely in the WHO Collaborative Cross-National Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study as a measure of meeting international PA recommendations. This study evaluated the test-retest relia…

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Finnish late adolescents’ physical activity during COVID-19 spring 2020 lockdown

Background Physical activity (PA) is recognised as one of the leading and effective strategies to prevent non-communicable diseases that boosts the immune system to fight against diseases. Closures of schools, sport clubs and facilities because of COVID-19 reduced the opportunities to participate in PA. We aimed to examine physical activity levels of late adolescents, the contexts to be physical active and its changes during the spring 2020 lockdown. Methods A national representative sample of late adolescents in general upper secondary school (n = 2408, females = 64%, mean age = 17.2y, SD = 0.63) completed self-report online surveys on PA behaviours between March and June 2020. Multinomina…

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Lasten ja nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa : LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia 2018

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Nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa : LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia 2020

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Physical activity of adolescents with long term illnesses or disabilities in reference to ICF personal factors

Participation and activities are important for adolescents’ functioning and health. This is in line with the World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Main areas of functioning include physical activities (PA) and participation in organised sport clubs. To ensure adolescents with long term illnesses or disabilities (LTID) can participate fully in society, functional abilities interact with contextual environmental and personal factors. Because habits and attitudes of adolescents can carry through to adulthood, it is important to assess the personal factors in relation to activities and participation. Therefore, the aims of this stu…

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Vammaiset ja pitkäaikaissairaat nuoret ovat aktiivisempia kuin vuosikymmen sitten

Noin kuudesosalla peruskoulua käyvistä nuorista on vamma tai pitkäaikaissairaus. Yhä useampi vammainen nuori osallistuu urheiluseuratoimintaan. Myös suosituksen mukaisesti liikkuvien nuorten osuus on kasvussa. Urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistumisen lisää näiden nuorten mahdollisuuksia suositusten mukaiseen liikuntaan. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Do adolescents with long-term illnesses and disabilities have increased risks of sports related injuries?

peer-reviewed Background: The aim of this study is to examine the rates of sports related injuries in adolescents based on the severity of their long-term illnesses or disabilities (LTID). Few injury prevention strategies in sports and health promotion have explored disaggregation by disability. Methods: Data obtained from the 2014 Finnish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey (n = 3716, mean age = 14.8, SD = 1.03) were grouped into adolescents with and without LTID. A further indicator or severity was determined when adolescents reported their LTID affected their participation (affected LTID). Odds ratio (95% CI) were used to determine the associations between sports related inju…

research product

Daily physical activity in Finnish adolescents with long term illnesses or disabilities: psychosocial associations with participation in sports club

 Physical activity (PA) in adolescence with long term illnesses or disabilities (LTID) is a public health concern. One way of increasing PA is through participation in sports clubs. Since sports clubs are organised and regular, there are expected to be differences in motivation for physical activity between adolescents that are members and non-members. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of psychosocial factors on sports club membership and daily PA.
 Finnish adolescents with self-reported LTID (n=1006) took part in the WHO collaborative Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study in 2002 and 2010. Daily self-reported moder…

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Inequalities in Adolescent Health and Life Satisfaction : Evidence from the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Study

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Ownership and Use of Commercial Physical Activity Trackers Among Finnish Adolescents: Cross-Sectional Study

BackgroundMobile phone apps for monitoring and promoting physical activity (PA) are extremely popular among adults. Devices, such as heart rate monitors or sports watches (HRMs/SWs) that work with these apps are at sufficiently low costs to be available through the commercial markets. Studies have reported an increase in PA levels among adults with devices; however, it is unknown whether the phenomena are similar during early adolescence. At a time when adolescents start to develop their own sense of independence and build friendship, the ease of smartphone availability in developed countries needs to be investigated in important health promoting behaviors such as PA. ObjectiveThe objective…

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A scoping review on interventions to promote physical activity among adults with disabilities

Abstract Background Despite the strong evidence that physical activity (PA) is a key determinant of health, there is limited knowledge on the content and outcomes of PA promotion interventions among individuals with disabilities. Objective To conduct a scoping review in order to examine the published literature on PA promotion interventions among adults with disabilities. Methods A scoping review following the methodological framework provided by Arksey and O'Malley used electronic databases (MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and CINAHL), reference lists, and journals to locate studies. Inclusion criteria were based on study aim, outcome measures, and a disability definition by the WHO International Class…

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Prevalence of self-reported chronic pain among adolescents: Evidence from 42 countries and regions

© 2018 European Pain Federation ‐ EFIC ®

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Toward a conceptual understanding of acute cultural adaptation: A preliminary examination of ACA in female swimming

This paper considers a novel approach to researching adaptation in transnational athletes. The first part introduces a conceptualisation of acute cultural adaptation (ACA), which extends the current literature in sport psychology by offering original insights into mechanisms underpinning adaptive processes to a new cultural site during an interim relocation. Rereading a self-determination theory through the lens of cultural epistemology, the proposed theorisation suggests that ACA is realised in everyday practices drawing on a range of material and symbolic cultural resources to satisfy basic psychological needs. The second part of the paper engages the conceptualisation of ACA to make sens…

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Device-based physical activity levels among Finnish adolescents with functional limitations

Background Monitoring physical activity among young adolescents with disabilities is a top academic priority. People with disabilities are a diverse group with various abilities in different human functioning. Therefore, we used a novel approach through functional limitations as a marker for disabilities and examined physical activity levels. Objective To investigate the levels and differences in light (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous (MVPA) intensity physical activity between young adolescents with and without functional limitations. Methods The study included young adolescents (n = 1436) aged 11–15 years olds who attended general schools that were part of the 2016 Finnish School-aged Physic…

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Physical activity intention and attendance behaviour in Finnish youth with cerebral palsy – results from a physical activity intervention: an application of the theory of planned behaviour

Physical activity is associated with better health in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP). Numerous physical activity interventions have been designed to promote physical activity among youth with CP. No previous studies have explored the factors contributing to the intention to participate and predicting attendance behaviour for these interventions. Using theory of planned behaviour (TPB), this study explored the prediction of physical activity intention and attendance behaviour in a physical activity intervention aiming to promote physical activity in a sample of young individuals with CP. Males with CP aged 9–21 years were asked to complete measures of attitude, subjective norms, percei…

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LIITU 2018 -tutkimus : liikunnan merkitysten kirjo on kaventunut

Hieman reilu kolmasosa suomalaislapsista ja -nuorista liikkui suosituksen mukaan – toimintarajoitteita kokevista joka neljäs. Lasten ja nuorten liikunnalle antamien merkitysten kirjo oli kaventunut ja esteet vahvistuneet, vaikka koettu pätevyys ja liikuntamotivaatio olivat korkealla. Suurin osa lapsista ja nuorista kannatti urheilun eettisten sääntöjen noudattamista. Säännöllinen liikkuminen oli myönteisesti yhteydessä koettuun terveyteen. Säännöllisesti liikkuvilla oli myös vähemmän yksinäisyyden kokemuksia. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Device-based physical activity levels among Finnish adolescents with functional limitations.

Abstract Background Monitoring physical activity among young adolescents with disabilities is a top academic priority. People with disabilities are a diverse group with various abilities in different human functioning. Therefore, we used a novel approach through functional limitations as a marker for disabilities and examined physical activity levels. Objective To investigate the levels and differences in light (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous (MVPA) intensity physical activity between young adolescents with and without functional limitations. Methods The study included young adolescents (n = 1436) aged 11–15 years olds who attended general schools that were part of the 2016 Finnish School-ag…

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