Marko Niemelä
Game learning analytics for understanding reading skills in transparent writing system
Serious games are designed to improve learning instead of providing only entertainment. Serious games analytics can be used for understanding and enhancing the quality of learning with serious games. One challenge in developing computerized support for learning is that learning of skills varies between players. Appropriate algorithms are needed for analyzing the performance of individual players. This paper presents a novel clustering-based profiling method for analyzing serious games learners. GraphoLearn, a game for training connections between speech sounds and letters, serves as the game-based learning environment. The proposed clustering method was designed to group the learners into p…
Comparison of cluster validation indices with missing data
Clustering is an unsupervised machine learning technique, which aims to divide a given set of data into subsets. The number of hidden groups in cluster analysis is not always obvious and, for this purpose, various cluster validation indices have been suggested. Recently some studies reviewing validation indices have been provided, but any experiments against missing data are not yet available. In this paper, performance of ten well-known indices on ten synthetic data sets with various ratios of missing values is measured using squared euclidean and city block distances based clustering. The original indices are modified for a city block distance in a novel way. Experiments illustrate the di…
Prediction of active peak force using a multilayer perceptron
Both kinematic parameters and ground reaction forces (GRFs) are necessary for understanding the biomechanics of running. Kinematic information of a runner is typically measured by a motion capture system whereas GRF during the support phase of running is measured by force platforms. To analyze both kinematics and kinetics of a runner over several subsequent contacts, an instrumented treadmill or alternatively several force platforms installed over a regulated space are available options, but they are highly immovable, expensive, and sometimes even impractical options. Naturally, it would be highly useful to predict GRFs using a motion capture system only and this way reduce costs and comple…