Georgia Lo Cicero

Recovering Sicilian Silk Heritage through Digital Technologies: The Case of Piraino’s Collection

Textile conservation has given rise to small and medium-sized museums, usually with scarce resources. In Sicily, the little evidence that remains of silk production and opulent imports by the rich and powerful local aristocracy is kept in museums, parishes, and other cultural institutions. The documentation, dissemination, and enhancement of such a fragile heritage is today possible by means of technological tools that provide novel means to preserve, analyze, and exploit digital information. In this paper, we present some outcomes of the SILKNOW project, a project that applies computing research to the needs of diverse users (museums, educational institutions, the tourism industry, creativ…

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Corallo per Santa Rosalia tra Sicilia e Spagna

La presente ricerca punta a valorizzare le opere in corallo raffiguranti Santa Rosalia attraverso le principali emergenze artistiche nel periodo in cui fonte primaria di ispirazione per i maestri trapanesi e palermitani del corallo è il repertorio decorativo degli architetti del Senato palermitano Paolo e Giacomo Amato, talvolta con la collaborazione di Antonino Grano. La ricerca di Georgia Lo Cicero porta all’attenzione un ignorato trionfo in corallo con Santa Rosalia oggi custodito a Siviglia, insieme ad altri manufatti altamente rappresentativi della produzione artistica isolana della fine del XVII secolo, che costituiscono un’ulteriore testimonianza del filo rosso che legava Sicilia e S…

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Arti decorative all’Esposizione Ibero-Americana del 1929 a Siviglia

The Ibero-American exhibition that took place from 9 May 1929 to 21 June 1930 in Seville was a cultural and historical event that allowed the exhibition of the most significant artistic artefacts present in Spain, including an important exhibition of decorative art.

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Searching Silk Fabrics by Images Leveraging on Knowledge Graph and Domain Expert Rules

The production of European silk textile is an endangered intangible cultural heritage. Digital tools can nowadays be developed to help preserving it, or even to make it more accessible for the public and the fashion industry. In this paper, we propose an image-based retrieval tool that leverages on a knowledge graph describing the silk textile production as well as rules formulated by experts of this domain. Out of several possible similarity scenarios, two have proven to work best and have been integrated into an exploratory search engine.

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I risultati della ricerca per Silknow. Tessuti inediti dai Musei Ecclesiastici della Sicilia orientale

Anticipation of the results of the research conducted at some ecclesiastical museums in eastern Sicily as part of the Horizon 2020 Silknow project. Review of textile artefacts from the 16th to the 18th century both locally produced (Sicily / Italy) and French manufacturing

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Collezionismo e committenza di opere d'arte decorative siciliane in Spagna tra XVII e XVIII secolo

Il lavoro di ricerca si propone di aggiungere dei tasselli importanti nella storia dei manufatti d’arte decorativa siciliana e del loro successo come oggetti da collezione, soprattutto fra XVII e XVIII secolo, desiderati sia dalla munifica aristocrazia spagnola che orbitava intorno al Viceregno , che come doni prediletti da custodire nei tesori ecclesiastici dei monasteri più inaccessibili. Partendo da un accurato studio delle fonti presenti in Spagna, dalle bibliografie del settore allo studio di cataloghi, inventari ecclesiastici e atti testamentari, si passa alla localizzazione e all’analisi diretta di questi manufatti, effettuata nei luoghi dov’erano custoditi. L'analisi condotta sul ca…

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Gli Angeli della Chiesa di Santa Caterina D’Alessandria di Palermo

A study on eighteenth-century angels decorated in silver foil on the high altar of St. Catherine of Alexandria´s church in Palermo.

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From Historical Silk Fabrics to Their Interactive Virtual Representation and 3D Printing

The documentation, dissemination, and enhancement of Cultural Heritage is of great relevance. To that end, technological tools and interactive solutions (e.g., 3D models) have become increasingly popular. Historical silk fabrics are nearly flat objects, very fragile and with complex internal geometries, related to different weaving techniques and types of yarns. These characteristics make it difficult to properly document them, at the yarn level, with current technologies. In this paper, we bring a new methodology to virtually represent such heritage and produce 3D printouts, also making it highly interactive through the tool Virtual Loom. Our work involves sustainability from different per…

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From Silk to Digital Technologies: A Gateway to New Opportunities for Creative Industries, Traditional Crafts and Designers. The SILKNOW Case

Nowadays, cultural heritage is more than ever linked to the present. It links us to our cultural past through the conscious act of preserving and bequeathing to future generations, turning society into its custodian. The appreciation of cultural heritage happens not only because of its communicative power, but also because of its economic power, through sustainable development and the promotion of creative industries. This paper presents SILKNOW, an EU-H2002 funded project and its application to cultural heritage, as well as to creative industries and design innovation. To this end, it presents the use of image recognition tools applied to cultural heritage, through the interoperability of …

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Arti decorative siciliane in Spagna tra XVII e XVIII secolo: il caso studio Osuna

La pubblicazione comprende i contributi presentati nel corso della Summer School Ripensare il Barocco (secc. XVII-XVIII) Nuove prospettive storico-critiche (Torino 2-7 settembre 2019), organizzata e curata dalla Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura. La Summer school ha coinvolto studiosi e ricercatori specializzati in discipline umanistiche e focalizzati sulla cronologia del Seicento e del Settecento in una discussione interdisciplinare sui metodi della ricerca storica nella sfida di aggiornamento dei tradizionali percorsi di studio, di formazione e di professionalizzazione delle humanities. The publication includes the contributions presented during the Summer School Rethinking the Baro…

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