Gabriella Levanti
Il governo dei sistemi reticolari di imprese
Negli ultimi anni un numero crescente di studiosi ha focalizzato l'attenzione sulle opportunità strategiche di creazione e di sfruttamento della conoscenza che si dischiudono alle imprese che operano in un contesto reticolare. Il lavoro muove dalla considerazione che il potenziale economico-cognitivo localizzato in un network di imprese è connesso con tematiche rilevanti quali: le modalità che caratterizzano i processi di produzione e di condivisione della conoscenza che vi risiede; la struttura delle relazioni che interconnettono le imprese interagenti e i loro percorsi evolutivi; e ancor più il nesso che lega dinamicamente gli aspetti processuali-cognitivi con gli aspetti strutturali e di…
Structural Dynamics and Intentional Governance in Strategic Interorganizational Network Evolution: A Multilevel Approach
This article aims to shed light on the drivers underlying the role and scope of intentional governance of the structural dynamics of whole interorganizational networks. Prior research has distinguished networks that are emergent from networks that are orchestrated. While empirical studies have shown situations in which the role and scope of intentional governance of whole interorganizational networks has changed in time, and there is a growing interest regarding the endogenous drivers of network dynamics, the dimensions that influence intentional governance of network structure dynamics and the way this is carried out remain still to be elucidated. In order to pinpoint these drivers, we le…
Interorganizational network and innovation: a bibliometric study and proposed research agenda
Purpose – This paper aims to explore the latent structure of the literature on interorganizational network and innovation as well as to map the main themes and empirical advances in this research stream. Design/methodology/approach – Using bibliometric coupling, the authors analyze the citation patterns in 67 management studies regarding innovation networks, published in ISI-journals from January 1996 to October 2012. Findings – The authors identify the conceptual orientations that studies share. Bibliometric analysis allows us to draw an overview of how this field of research has developed, recognizing in essence six main clustered research themes: networks as a framework that sustains fi…
Structural and Knowledge Dynamics in Inter-firm Complex Systems
The paper aims to scrutinize the drivers of interfirm network structural dynamics and their influence on knowledge creation and diffusion over time. Interfirm knowledge networks are complex webs of linkages connecting a variety of idiosyncratic firms within and across industries. By serving as conduits through which information, knowledge and other resources flow and reputations are signaled (Poldony, 2001; Owen-Smith & Powell, 2004), they support cooperation in knowledge sharing and creation processes.
Il processo di incubazione per la creazione di imprese vitali. Il caso del Consorzio ARCA
Obiettivi . Il processo di creazione di nuove imprese risulta particolarmente complesso qualora parta da idee altamente innovative che trovano difficolta ad essere percepite come valide dai sovra sistemi. Obiettivo del presente lavoro e dimostrare che gli incubatori accademici svolgono un ruolo determinante per la vitalita di queste imprese. Metodologia . Attraverso un caso studio contraddistinto da un embedded design si analizza l’efficacia del processo di incubazione degli spin-off dell’incubatore del Consorzio Arca. Risultati . L’efficacia del processo di incubazione e dimostrata dall’elevato numero di spin-off che, al termine del periodo di incubazione, sono capaci di competere con succ…
The origin of strong ties: the role of weak ties in the evolution of alliance networks
Studies on the structure of alliance networks have explained how the formation, maintenance, and decay of local within cluster ties and shortcuts with semi-distant and distant organizations drive the emergence and evolution of small world architecture in such networks. Interorganizational ties are distinguished into strong and weak on the basis of their strength. Nonetheless, by focusing mainly on strong alliances ties, previous research has fallen short to explain the role of weak ties among organizations for the evolution of alliance networks. With the aim of scrutinizing the role of weak ties in the establishment, maintaining, and transforming of alliance ties, we develop a conceptual fr…
The Challenges Underlying Firm Revival and Resilience in the Post-COVID-19 Phase
Covid-19 is an exogenous shock that has deeply modified the basic building blocks and the micro-mechanisms on which socio-economic systems and organizations rest. The vast majority of both factor markets and final markets have been significantly disrupted on a worldwide scale. As all factors that determine severe crises, the Covid-19 pandemic is a low probability and high impact shock which has significantly changed the environment in which firms operate (Grewal and Tansuhaj 2001, Hudecheck et al. 2020). Such changes have nonetheless been asymmetric, whilst they have menaced the survival of a huge number of firms and have brought to their knees many key industries, it has also ignited rapid…
Between Self-Organizing and Accelerating Networks: Untangling Strategic Networks Cognitive Dynamics
This paper aims to detect the crucial determinants and processes that shape the emergence and evolution of interfirm network cognitive morphology. We pinpoint three relatively distinct but coexistent levels which define the fundamental structure of the network: the microsystemic (or the single firm) level; the mesosystemic (or the groups of firms within the network) level; and the macrosystemic (or the overarching network) level. Then, we integrate the complex system perspective (Morin, 1977; Prigogine & Stengers, 1984; Anderson, 1999) applied to networks with studies regarding theoretical models that elucidate network structuring and dynamics cultivated in the new “science of networks”…
Introduction to the JOTSC Special Issue on Leveraging Organizational Change and Knowledge Management to Address Environmental Complexity
Claims that organizations are living through a period of unprecedented complexity are not new. Accordingly, scholars and practitioners are recognizing the challenges that originate from operating in increasingly complex and interconnected environments. Despite the relevant theoretical advances occurred in organizational and management studies as a consequence of such recognition, a full appreciation of how organizations deal with complex situations is still missing (Amagoh, 2008; Axeldrod & Cohen, 2000). Accordingly, this special issue aims to contribute to elucidate how organizations respond to environmental complexity through the activation of specific processes of organizational change a…
Evolutionary Dynamics of Inter-firm Networks: A Complex Systems Perspective
This chapter aims to identify the main determinants that define the architectural properties of network emergence and significantly influence the dynamics underlying network evolution in time. The identification and analysis of these determinants, as well as the dynamic processes tied to them, allows to appreciate the competitive bases and consequences of network morphology. To this purpose, using a complex systems perspective as an integrative conceptual approach, we represent networks as complex dynamic systems of knowledge and capabilities. We perform a comparative in-depth analysis of the processes underlying the emergence and evolution of STMicroelectronic's global network and of Toyot…
The Role Of Complex Leadership In Interfirm Strategic Networks: Enabling Effect Versus Emergence
In today's knowledge-based economy, the sources of competitive advantage lie more and more in webs of relationships among a variety of firms that over time originate the emergence of interfirm strategic networks. The paper aims to shed light on the role of complex leadership exerted by network central firms in promoting and supporting network interactions and the ensuing processes of knowledge and resource transfer and diffusion. Processes on which the network-based sources of competitive advantage are rooted. In the attempt to make the proposed contribution, on the one hand, we underscore the emergent nature of network interactions stemming from the self-organizing behaviors that spontaneo…
The origin of strong ties: The role of weak ties in the emergence and evolution of alliance networks
Interorganizational ties are distinguished into strong and weak on the basis of their strength. By focusing mainly on strong alliances ties, previous research has fallen short to explain the role of weak ties among organizations for the evolution of alliance networks. With the aim of scrutinizing the role of weak ties in the establishment, maintaining, and transforming of alliance ties, we develop a conceptual framework that looks at networks of interorganizational weak ties as conduits for the dissemination of information about (valuable) knowledge sets that supports the processes of opportunity discovery and/or creation. The exploitation of the discovered or created opportunities leads to…
The Power of Weak Ties: Leveraging Weak Ties in the Evolution of Alliance Networks
In today's knowledge-based economy, the sources of competitive advantage lie more and more in webs of relationships among a variety of firms that over time originate the emergence of interfirm strategic networks. The paper aims to shed light on the role of complex leadership exerted by network central firms in promoting and supporting network interactions and the ensuing processes of knowledge and resource transfer and diffusion. Processes on which the network-based sources of competitive advantage are rooted. In the attempt to make the proposed contribution, on the one hand, we underscore the emergent nature of network interactions stemming from the self-organizing behaviors that spontaneo…
Forme di governo dei sistemi reticolari di imprese e capacità innovativa.
The Incubation Process for the Creation of Viable Firms: The Case of ARCA Consortium
Purpose of the study. The process of creation of new firms is particularly complex when it starts from very innovative ideas that may be not understood by the stakeholders of the firm. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that academic incubators play a key role for firms’ viability. Methodology. We analyze the effectiveness of the incubation process that takes place in the incubator of Consorzio Arca, by means of a single case study with embedded design. Findings. The effectiveness of the incubation process is demonstrated by the high number of spin-offs that, after incubation, are able to stand alone in the market and to find the consonance with the relevant supra-systems. Research lim…
Academic Spin-Offs and Technological Innovation Diffusion In Less Successful Areas: A Viable System Approach
This paper aims to analyze the role that academic spin offs play in enhancing and speeding up the development and transfer of technological innovation, particularly in less successful areas. The focus on todays’ knowledge-based economy, has increasingly shown that innovation is a social process (Gibbons et al, 1994; Chesbrough, 2003 and 2011) rooted on the interactions and knowledge exchanges among a variety of actors (such as firms, universities, research organizations, government institutions, and so on). Each of these actors is endowed with idiosyncratic and specialized sets of resources, knowledge and capabilities. As a result, the critical determinants of competitive/innovative advanta…
La gestione delle relazioni coopetitive quale "fattore abilitante" la crescita delle PMI
Lo studio presenta le strategie di coopetizione quale strategia attraverso cui le PMI possono sviluppare e ottenere le risorse abilitanti per la loro crescita e l’innovazione. Contestualmente, si evidenzia l’esigenza/opportunità di un approccio multilivello al management delle suddette strategie, posto che le opportunità di crescita di una PMI dipendono dalla gestione non solo delle singole relazioni diadiche attivate, bensì anche dell’articolato portfolio di relazioni cooperative dirette da essa avviate e del complesso interagente di relazioni (dirette ed indirette) che compongono l’ecosistema coopetitivo nel quale l’impresa si trova ad operare. Tali diversi livelli e le interazioni che si…
The Complex System Theory for the Analysis of Inter-Firm Networks: A Literature Overview and Theoretic Framework
In this paper we discuss the body of knowledge known as complex system theory and its relevance to the analysis of inter-firm networks. We start by addressing the development of systems thinking. Through a literature overview, we point out the main elements for the development of systemic thought from its beginning, through its application in business sciences, to the birth of Complex Systems Theory (CST). With these initial annotations we provide an introduction to the concepts of the complex systems theory. We will underscore those aspects of CST that can be useful to analyze inter-firm networks, in order to highlight the evolutionary dynamics of the networks and to clarify the logical li…
La comunicazione istituzionale nelle organizzazioni pubbliche: opportunità e criticità connesse con il corporate brand orientation
Corporate communication in public sector organizations: the opportunities and challenges of a corporate brand orientation. Over the past thirty years, the New Public Management (NPM) has been the dominant approach in the public sector. Leveraging the idea that citizens are customers of the administration, the NPM imports management principles and techniques from the private sector in order to improve the performance of public organizations. After a short description of the main problems associated with the implementation of market orientation in the public sector, this article examines corporate brand orientation as an interesting alternative to market orientation in the public context. Cor…
Euristiche imprenditoriali, interpretazione e reazioni alle performance d’impresa
L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è presentare un framework teorico-concettuale sul ruolo delle euristiche imprenditoriali nella definizione e nell’interpretazione delle performance d’impresa e delle scelte scaturenti da suddette interpretazioni
L'efficienza cognitiva dei sistemi reticolari di imprese
Architettura connettiva e potenziale cognitivo nelle reti di imprese: una prospettiva sistemica complessa
This paper aims to provide a systematic overview of studies performed on the relationship between interorganizational networks and innovation in an attempt to isolate the origin of innovation networks. We assess strengths and weaknesses of existing research body, provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of business actors’ goals on innovation networks and clarify how a partial convergence of interests among the key network actors may influence the development, adoption and diffusion of innovation. On the basis of a bibliometric investigation, we shall manage to visualize a map of extant literature, discuss novel trends, and propose an agenda for the future research.
Between Self-Organizing and Accelerating Networks: Untangling the multilevel of strategic networks
This paper aims to detect the crucial determinants and processes that shape the emergence and evolution of interfirm network cognitive morphology. We pinpoint three relatively distinct but coexistent levels which define the fundamental structure of the network: the microsystemic (or the single firm) level; the mesosystemic (or the groups of firms within the network) level; and the macrosystemic (or the overarching network) level. Then, we integrate the complex system perspective (Morin, 1977; Prigogine and Stengers, 1984; Anderson, 1999) applied to networks with studies regarding theoretical models that elucidate network structuring and dynamics cultivated in the new “science of networks” (…
Structural Dynamics and Intentional Governance in Strategic Interfirm Network Evolution
This paper aims to shed light on the drivers underlying the role and scope of intentional governance of the structural dynamics of whole interfirm networks. Prior research has distinguished networks that are emergent from networks that are orchestrated. While empirical studies have shown situations in which the role and scope of intentional governance of whole interfirm networks has changed in time, and there is a growing interest regards the endogenous drivers of network dynamics, the dimensions that influence intentional governance of network structure dynamics and the way this is carried out remain still to be elucidated. In order to pinpoint these drivers, we leverage the models of netw…
Le potenzialità cognitive dei network di imprese
Negli ultimi anni numerosi autori hanno indicato le reti di imprese quale modalità attraverso cui organizzare le relazioni cooperative tra imprese, in grado di porre in essere superiori processi di condivisione e di creazione della conoscenza e, pertanto, rispondente alle sfide poste - in un ambiente complesso - da una competizione basata sempre più sulla criticità dell’attività innovativa. Nella realtà operativa, il concreto dispiegarsi del succitato potenziale cognitivo è connesso con la struttura assunta dall’aggregato reticolare e con le sue modalità di governo. Orbene, gli studi teorici ed empirici che si sono proposti di esaminare il nesso sussistente tra le performance economico-cogn…
Governance Structure and Knowledge Sharing and Creation in Inter-Firm Networks
Governance Structures and Knowledge Sharing and Creation in Inter-firm Networks
Structural Dynamics of Interfirm Knowledge Networks
In this chapter, we investigate the drivers of interfirm network structural dynamics and their influence on knowledge creation and diffusion processes that occur in such networks over time. Interfirm knowledge networks are complex webs of linkages connecting a variety of idiosyncratic firms within and across industries. Aimed to contribute to answer the recent calls for a more dynamic and multilevel view to understand network structures and processes, we leverage the complex network research to formulate a multilevel theoretical framework that clarifies the structural dynamics and knowledge creation and diffusion potential of interfirm networks.
Le potenzialità cognitive delle reti di imprese
Governing Complex Strategic Networks: Emergence Versus Enabling Effects
In today’s knowledge-based economy, the sources of competitive advantage increasingly lie in webs of relationships between a variety of firms and organizations that, over time, lead to the emergence of strategic networks. As the performances of both the network actors and the whole network are strictly linked with the coordination and governance of network actors and their activities, this study aims to shed light on the ways in which the processes of network coordination and governance take place. Strategic networks are here viewed as complex adaptive systems, and the twin nature of the processes of strategic network coordination and governance is examined. On one hand, I underscore the em…