V. D. Palumbo

A simple method to treat post-kydney transplantation lymphocele

OBJECTIVE: To describe our experience with ultrasonic-guided instillation of povidone-iodine to treat post-kidney transplantation lymphocele. Patients and methods. We studied the safety and efficacy of this procedure for treatment of lymphocele in 6 male kidney transplanted recipients in which we assisted a progressive increase of creatinine and urinary proteins levels and color-Doppler ultrasonography demonstrated an increase (25,4%) of index of resistence (IR) Using eco-colorDoppler, the related-graft lymphocele location and the distance to the anterior abdominal wall were determined; then, a radiopaque double-lumen catheter was used to instillate 5% povidone-iodine 10 ml. Results. Percut…

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The nuck's cyst: A disease easily confused for inguinal hernia. A case report

Nuck's canal cyst is a blind end adult residual of the fetal peritoneum. These rare cyst formations are usually found in the inguinal canal and can easily be mistaken for hernia, or enlarged limph nodes. Clinically, a Nuck's canal cyst appears as a painless or moderately painful swelling in inguinal area. We report the case of a 40 years-old woman with a painless swelling in her left inguinal region, believed a groin hernia but diagnosed as a Nuck's canal cyst only after intervention. Intraoperatively, the cyst was opened and sebsequently excised, closing the abdominal wall without the use of any sort of syntetic prostetic material.

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One shoot seldinger central venous catheterization in dialyzed patients

Introduction: Central Venous Catheterization is necessary in uremic patient (before dialysis) and many other conditions. In this study we demonstrated the advantages of ultrasonography to perform the procedure. Materials and methods: 48 uremic patient were submitted to ultrasound-guided central venous catheterization. The procedure was performed following the Seldinger “one shot” technique. Results: The mean operative time was 4 minutes, with a high rate of success (100%) and a low percentage of complications (2%). Conclusion: The ultrasound-guided central venous catheterization is a safe procedure, rapid and easy to perform. The procedure has a low rate of failures and complications and a …

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The influence of some dietary components on intestinal microbiota

The gut microbiota is the set of symbiotic microorganisms that resides in our intestine. The interaction between the gut microbiota and the mucosal immune system can be altered as a result of shifts in the composition or metabolic activity of the intestinal microflora. Recent studies establish that diet is one of the main involved factors in determining the microbial composition of the gut suggesting its role as external factor able to promote the onset of specific diseases by disrupting the immune homeostasis. Starting from the evidence that the 57% of the gut microbiota’s entire variation are due to dietary alterations this review aims at providing an overview of the positive impact of so…

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Intraoperative cholangiography during laparoscopic cholecystectomy: What role?

Aim: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has increased the number of iatrogenic lesion of the biliary tree. In this study, we evaluate the role of intra-operative cholangiography in prevention of biliary tree iatrogenic lesions and early identification of choledocolithiasis, during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Material of study: 169 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy, were evaluated by means of intra-operative cholangiography. Patients were divided into two groups basing on the risk to develop biliary tree lithiasis. Discussion: Patients with a higher risk of postoperative complications effectively showed cholangiographic anomalies, including duct stones, dilations, anatomical va…

research product

Enteral nutrition: Our experience with percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) and revision of literature

Enteral nutrition (EN), as parenteral nutrition (PN), can be used in cases of patients whose medical conditions prevent the intake of food by mouth; unlike PN, EN keeps the functionality of the digestive tract and it makes home management of patients easier. However, the experience and literature have documented a number of serious complications, fortunately rare, which depend on the methods used in EN realization. We report in this paper our experience in 44 cases of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG), concluding that it is a safe and complications-free procedure. We believe that a nutritional intervention is indicated when, improving nutritional status, patients can obtain a better…

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Feeding the brain: the importance of nutrients for brain functions and health

‘We are what we eat’, said the philosopher Feuerbach. In fact, the quality of the food we eat affects our mind as well: the brain, which represents 2% of our body weight, consumes about 20% of the calories we eat each day. Follow a few rules could therefore help to feed properly our brain, so it works to the best of its ability. It is important to know properties of foods especially regarding their aminoacidic composition because aminoacids are components of neurotransmitters, molecules needed for brain transmission and function. It is also possible to choose specific food to prevent or support different diseases that affects nervous system.

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Biocompatibility and biodegradability of electrospun phea-pla scaffolds: Our preliminary experience in a murine animal model

We obtained a nano-fibrillar scaffold starting from a polymeric solution which, through electrospinning, gave a biodegradable material with optimal mechanical features and the capacity to allow cell adhesion. In this paper we report the in-vivo application on a murine animal model of two electrospun biodegradable materials, specifically designed to create tubular structures. In one case PHEA-PLA was co-spun with silk fibroin (Fibro-PHEAPLA) by a parallel electrospinning process to obtain a scaffold with two different polymeric fibers. In the other case, PHEA-PLA was mixed with polycaprolactone (PCLPHEA-PLA) to obtain a hybrid fibers scaffold. The in-vitro assay showed fibroblast colonizatio…

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Fentanyl and sufentanyl in fast track anaesthesia for major intra-abdominal surgery

Background and aim: Major intra-abdominal surgery is estimated to have high costs annually in Italy. In an attempt to decrease surgery costs and improve outcome for patients, fast-track programs have become popular. This is especially due both to the improvement of surgery and to the new anesthetic agents (regarding pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic) resulting in better care for patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate two different anesthetic protocols in patients undergoing scheduled anesthesia including the combination of two different opioids (fentanyl or sufentanil) with the same hypnotic and muscle relaxant. Material and Methods: 40 patients, with an American Society of Anest…

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Analisi dei fattori di rischio dell'ipoparatiroidismo transitorio e definitivo nei pazienti sottoposti a tiroidectomia

Obiettivi. Con questa revisione della letteratura ci proponiamo di valutare quali sono i fattori che possono essere valutati nei pazienti da sottoporre a tiroidectomia ai fini di una migliore gestione preoperatoria e post-operatoria dell’ipoparatiroidismo transitorio e definitivo. Discussione. L’ipoparatiroidismo transitorio è una complicanza potenzialmente grave che include una vasta gamma di segni e sintomi che permane solo per poche settimane dopo l’intervento chirurgico. L’ipoparatiroidismo definitivo si verifica quando è necessario un trattamento medico per un periodo maggiore di 12 mesi. I fattori di rischio che ne possono influenzare l’insorgenza in seguito ad interventi di tiroidect…

research product

The value of diagnostic ultrasound for detecting occult inguinal hernia in patients with groin pain

Aims: chronic groin pain caused by an occult hernia can be a difficult clinical diagnosis and may require additional investiga- tive modalities. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the accuracy of ultrasound in diagnosing occult hernia in patients with recurrent inguinal pain and a negative clinical examination. Patients and methods: over a period of three years, a total of 76 patients were referred for ultrasound examination with clini- cally suspected occult inguinal hernia. Patients with positive US scans were offered surgery, while those with negative US findings were offered further imaging or other diagnostic tests. The ultrasound examination of the inguinal region was conducted …

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Laparotomic vs laparoscopic ovariectomy: comparing the two methods. The ovariectomy in the bitch in laparoscopic era

BACKGROUND: The aim of the present work is to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of ultrasound scalpel during laparoscopic ovariectomy in the bitch. METHODS: Two groups of 10 subjects each, of different races and ages, were compared. In the first group, ovariectomy was performed laparoscopically, using harmonic scalpel to remove ovary. In the second group surgery was performed by means of classical laparotomy. RESULTS: Pre-operative time was similar in both groups. Total operative time, from incision to skin suture, showed significant difference between the two groups, being laparoscopy faster than laparotomy. Partial operative time for bilateral oophorectomy resulted lower using open te…

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A case report of a difficult dissection of the iliac vessels conducted by means of the harmonic scalpel during a kidney transplantation

Background. The “difficult” preparation of iliac vessels in the kidney transplant recipient caused by a perivascular fibrosis with satellite lymphadenopathy is sometimes burdened by post-transplant complications (lymphocele, seroma and hematoma). Both iliac vascular adhesions and satellite lymphoadenopaty are often due to reiterate femoral cannulation aimed to hemodialysis. Patients and Methods: The case report concerns a 60 years old female uremic patient, on dialysis for about 4 years with perivascular fibrosis and pelvic lymphadenopathy caused by bilateral femoral artery catheterization. In the course of kidney transplant, preparation of the iliac vessels was performed by ultrasonic scal…

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An unexpected surprise at the end of a "quiet" cholecystectomy. A case report and review of the literature

BACKGROUND: Anatomic unexpected variations in biliary tree may be discovered during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. CASE REPORT: A 57-year-old man was admitted for abdominal pain, vomiting and mild jaundice. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a gallbladder containing multiple stones and biliary sludge. All pre-operative investigations showed no anatomical variations in extrahepatic biliary tree. During surgical intervention an accessory extrahepatic duct, connecting the IV segment of the liver to the fundus of gallbladder, was discovered. CONCLUSIONS: Pre-operative routine investigations for gall stones diseases may not reveal anatomic variations of biliary tree.

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