Pascal Marget
Ex situ evaluation of grain yield in local landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) from Serbia
International audience; Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) originated in Central Asian centre of diversity. Faba bean is one of the most ancient cultivated plant species in the world, along with several other grain legumes, and cereals. Numerous archaeobotanical fi ndings, supported by rich linguistic evidence (1), witness its early and rapid distribution during Neolithic from Near East to Europe, North Africa and Central and East Asia and an important role it had in everyday diets of the ancestors of modern Old World nations. Today, faba bean is one of the most important annual legume crops for human consumption, animal feeding and for non-food purposes. Conservation and sustainable utilisation of …
Mobilisation of functional properties of diverse legumes species at various scales in the CA-SYS Long Term Experimental Platform on Agroecology: expected services and prospects
International audience
Performances of pesticide-free agroecological cropping systems: the CA-SYS platform
Meeting the challenges of current agriculture requires the development of innovativecropping systems with high environmental, economic and social performances. Agroecologyseeks to optimize the services provided by cultivated and wild biodiversity to reduce thereliance on external inputs while maintaining/increasing cropping system sustainability.Maximizing the delivery of ecosystem services from biodiversity requires an in-depth redesignof production systems considering in-field management as well as ecological infrastructuressurrounding the fields. An agroecological system experiment aims to design and assesscropping systems, the spatio-temporal arrangements of these cropping systems andec…
Biodiversity-based agroecological system experiment: what, why, how?
LAGoPEDE, a French breeding project to develop frost tolerant and FEVITA® faba bean varieties
National audience; The INRA Plant Biology and Breeding division works together with the breeding company Agri Obtentions under the LAGoPEDE project to develop performant grain legume varieties for tomorrow’s agriculture. Grain legumes represent an important source of proteins for food and feed. One of the main targets of LAGoPEDE is to increase the area of cultivation and improve the seed quality of faba bean (Vicia faba) in France, by developing performant winter varieties well adapted to the North-East of the country. A frost tolerance screening of a diverse germplasm collection of 1,500 faba bean accessions available at INRA, Dijon was first conducted. Eleven frost-tolerant accessions we…
Intérêt d'aménagements paysagers pour la biodiversité : exemple d'ingénierie agroécologique sur le domaine expérimental d'Epoisses (Inra Dijon)
The biodiversity conservation is one of the major agricultural issues of the XXIst century. The intensification of agriculture and the redesign of the agricultural landscape (grouping of fields, …) lead to huge decreases or damages of semi-naturals habitats, known to promote biodiversity at the farm and the landscape scale, and now recognised as “topographic surface equivalence” in France.In the experimental site of Epoisses (INRA of Dijon), a study to design the landscape elements in favour of the biodiversity has been initiated. Improving the management of existing habitats (woods, hedges, ditches, sown grass margin strips), establishing hedges, flower strips, redesigning the field organi…
Face au changement climatique, des chercheurs mènent des expériences pour une agriculture sans pesticides. Reportage France 3 Bourgogne Franche-Comté. Difusé dans les actualités du 2 juin 2022
Face au changement climatique, des chercheurs mènent des expériences pour une agriculture sans pesticides. 12:01:08 Reportage d'Amélie Douay. Interview de Pascal Marget, directeur de l'Unité Expérimentale de Bretennière à l'INRAE. Face au changement climatique, la sécurité alimentaire ou encore la dégradation des ressources naturelles, la France doit réduire de 50% l'utilisation des pesticides chimiques d'ici 2030. Interview de Stéphane Cordeau, ingénieur agronome à l'INRAE
Optimizing response to abiotic stress
International audience
Plant resistance and architecture for protection of pulses against pathogens
Prod 2019-213c BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience
Vers des variétés de légumineuses à graines mieux adaptées à l’alimentation humaine
National audience; Les légumineuses font partie des aliments de l’homme depuis les premiers âges de l’agriculture et sont très présentes dans les repas des pays en développement. Outre un apport en réserves carbonées qui selon les espèces sont à dominante d’amidons ou de lipides, ces graines riches en protéines enrichissent les régimes en acides aminés très complémentaires de ceux des céréales. L’aptitude des racines de légumineuses à établir une symbiose avec des bactéries rhizobiacées qui leur permet d’utiliser l’azote de l’air comme principale ressource d’azote, combinée à une consommation directe par l’homme de ces graines qui permet de diminuer la consommation de viandes, constituent u…
Key Note speaker Plant resistance and architecture for protection of pulses against biotic stresses
Prod 2019-88l BAP GEAPSI INRA DOCT; National audience; Major diseases and pests, such as root rots, ascochyta blights and aphids, are limiting factors to cool season pulse production in many countries worldwide, especially in Europe. In the context of pesticide reduction, plant genetic resistance and architecture are main traits that can be mobilised in breeding for disease and pest management. Knowledge of quantitative resistance to major diseases and pests of pea and faba bean in France has benefited from the development of sequenced genomes and massive SNP markers [1], which have recently been highly valuable to identify candidate genes controlling resistance. Fine mapping and sequencing…
Reportage France 3 Bourgogne Franche-Comté. L’avenir du petit pois se décide à Chaux-des-Prés. Les recherches de l'INRA à Chaux-des-Prés (39). Depuis 10 ans, dans le Haut-Jura, l'INRA teste la résistance au froid de diverses variétés de pois protéagineux. Rencontre avec l'équipe de l'INRA venue de Dijon
Le 12 mars dernier, une équipe de France 3 Bourgogne s’est rendue sur le site Inra de Chaux-des-Prés pour voir comment les pois protéagineux résistent au températures hivernales extrêmes (jusqu’à -20 voire -30°C tous les ans). L’occasion pour le grand public d’en savoir plus sur les expérimentations conduites dans le cadre du programme de recherche PeaMUST.Pour rappel, PeaMUST vise à développer de nouvelles variétés de pois et à optimiser leurs interactions symbiotiques pour stabiliser le rendement et la qualité des graines de pois. Ceci, dans le contexte du changement climatique et de la réduction de l’utilisation des pesticides.
Plateforme CA-SYS : un dispositif de recherche INRA pour l'agroécologie, video Youtube
CA-SYS est une plateforme de recherche et d'expérimentation de l'INRA, collaborative, pour expérimenter l'agroécologie à différentes échelles. Projet collaboratif de l'UMR Agroécologie (INRA Bourgogne Franche-Comté) et de l'UE Domaine d'Epoisses, CA-SYS propose de tester sur 120ha une diversité de systèmes agro-écologiques en semis-direct ou avec travail du sol possible, tous sans pesticides, afin d’éprouver la pertinence de la réduction d’usage des intrants de synthèse au profit d’une valorisation des interactions biotiques au sein d’un environnement parcellaire riche en infrastructures paysagères (bandes enherbées, bandes fleuries, quelques haies, arbres isolés).
Agriculture sans pesticides: à Dijon, l’Inrae teste des pratiques de rupture
ECoPESt - Evaluation et comparaison des performances environnementales de systèmes de culture innovants conçus pour réduire l’usage des pesticides : lien entre pratiques, pressions et impacts. Rapport final, 130 pp.
Biodiversity-based agroecological system experiments to test agroecological weed management at various temporal and spatial scales: The CA-SYS and ABY platforms
« Décider avec les sciences » : les auditeurs de l’IHEST visitent CA-SYS. Le 23 septembre dernier, à Bretenière (21), 50 auditeurs de l’Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie (IHEST) ont visité la plateforme CA-SYS dans le cadre du volet « Agroécologie : une ressource pour la société » de leur séminaire intégration.
National audience; Guidés par Pascal Marget, Pascal Farcy (Unité expérimentale d’Epoisses) et Stéphane Cordeau (chercheur au sein de l’UMR Agréocologie, co-animateur de CA-SYS), ces hauts-cadres du public et du privé, en fonction dans des établissements et des entreprises de l’univers de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, ont pu se rendre compte des enjeux derrière les expérimentations en agroécologie conduites au sein de la plateforme CA-SYS.
Towards bruchid resistance in pulses
Prod 2019-88ff BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience; Seed weevils (Bruchus spp.) are major pests of pulses, causing yield losses and affecting marketability 1,2 . Available insecticides have low efficiency and important negative impacts on the environment, humans and non-target organisms. Therefore, breeding resistant varieties represent the most promising strategy to overcome seed weevils. The pyramiding of several resistance genes in cultivars is an important objective because this will make the resistance more durable and suitable for sustainable agriculture. The PeaMUST project (ANR-11-BTBR0002) aims at discovering the mechanisms of tolerance and resistance to bruchids in pea (Pisum sativ…
RésiLens: A research project aiming at identifying bruchid and root rot resistance sources in lentil (Lens culinaris)
National audience; Introducing legumes in modern cropping systems increases crop diversity and reduces the use of external inputs. It thus contributes to achieving sustainable food and feed production. Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is an environmentally friendly, nutritious, protein-rich legume food crop. It is grown in a wide range of climatic conditions and fixes atmospheric nitrogen through bacterial symbiosis. In France, lentil cultivated areas are continuously increasing but are still largely inferior to the areas cultivated with cereals or other legumes such as pea and faba bean. One of the most serious problems for lentil cultivation is due to the insect pests known as seed beetles …
Development of new plant resources (genetic resources and ril populations) in [i]Vicia faba[/i] L. for genetic studies
L'amélioration de la qualité de la graine dans toutes ses dimensions, par le levier génétique
Les légumineuses sont capables d’accumuler des quantités importantes de protéines dans leurs graines même en l’absence d’engrais azoté, ce qui fait d’elles des espèces à haut potentiel pour relever les défis alimentaires et accompagner la transition agroécologique. Des avancées génétiques ont permis de réduire la présence de certains facteurs « anti-nutritionnels » dans les graines de pois et de féverole (exemple des variétés pauvres en tanins, en inhibiteurs trypsiques, ou en vicine et convicine). Afin de promouvoir l’utilisation de ces graines en alimentation humaine, il est nécessaire d’aller plus loin dans l’amélioration de leur valeur nutritionnelle, en termes de teneur et composition …
In situ preservation of local landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and utilisation of their food products in central regions of Serbia
International audience; Today, faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in Serbia is almost completely replaced with Phaseolus beans and has become a neglected crop with no official data. A recently launched action of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops and the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad is aimed at the identification of the regions in Serbia where faba bean, known in Serbian as bob, could still be found. This was essentially enhanced by the multilateral project ECO-NET 18817 Search for new genetic variability in pea (Pisum sativum) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) to support the development of sustainable agricultures, with duration in 2008 and 2009 and involving partners from France, Bulgari…
Bruchid resistance in pulses
Prod 2019-213a BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience
Co-concepdes variétés de féveroles à valeur nutritionnelle améliorée pour l'homme et l'animal : cible de la sélection réaliste, permise par la variabilité génétique disponible et par les outils moléculaires développés en appui à la selection variétale
National audience
Breeding annual legumes for sustainable agricultures must target for new and more complex variety ideotypes
International audience; Although yield and total biomass produced by annual legumes remain major objectives for breeders, environment-friendly, resource use efficient including symbiotic performance, resilient production in the context of climate change, adaptation to sustainable cropping systems (reducing leaching and glasshouse gas emissions), adaptation to diverse uses (seeds for feeds foods, non-food, forage or green manures), and finally new ecological services such as pollinator protection, imply the development of innovative genotypes, definition of new ideotypes and acceptance of their commercialisation. Taken as a whole, this means more complex and integrated objectives for breeder…
CA-SYS: A long term experimental platform on agroecology at various scales
National audience; The French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) has established an ambitious, multiscale, agricultural experimental infrastructure (the CA-SYS platform) as a collaboration between the Research Unit, Agroécologie (Dijon, eastern France), and the Experimental Research Unit, Domaine d’Epoisses (20 km next to Dijon). CA-SYS covers an area of 120 ha, and is divided into 47 fields, each of which has drainage and can be irrigated, and will be initiated in autumn 2018. The aims of CA-SYS are to: i) design and evaluate new agroecological systems; ii) study the transition from current farming systems towards these new agroecological systems, with goals that include a…
Complementary approaches towards the discovery of genes controlling yield in pea
International audience; Pea is one of the most important grain legumes in the world. Improving pea yield is a critical breedingtarget in the current context of consumers’ increasing demand for plant proteins for food and feed. Becauseof its polygenic nature and the impact of the environment, breeding for higher yield is challenging. Weinvestigated the genetic determinism of yield (SW), seed number (SN) and thousand seed weight (TSW) usingboth linkage and linkage-disequilibrium approaches.Nine interconnected mapping populations, representing a total of 1,213 recombinant inbred lineswere phenotyped for SW, SN and TSW in six different field environments. These lines were genotyped usingthe Gen…
Co-design and test of biodiversity-based pesticide-free Conservation Agriculture in the long-term CA-SYS platform in France
The French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) has established an ambitious experimental infrastructure (the CA-SYS platform) in autumn 2018 after 5 years of co-design with farmers, crop advisors and researchers. CA-SYS covers an area of 125ha divided into 42 fields. The originality of CA-SYS is that it is explicitly conceivedfor the design and evaluation of biodiversity-based and pesticide-free agroecological systems across agriculturallyrealistic scales. An agroecological system will comprise a matrix of fields of one (or a few) cropping systems over anumber of years interacting with adjacent semi-natural habitats (hedges, grass margin strips, flower strips). Thisspatio-te…
Vers une agriculture sans pesticides ? En Côte-d'Or, des chercheurs font l'expérience. Article publié sur le site de France 3 Bourgogne Franche-Comté le 2 juin 2022
CA-SYS : Plateforme collaborative d'expérimentation multi-échelles en agroécologie
National audience
Mobilisation of functional properties of diverse legumes species at various scales in the CA-SYS Long Term Experimental Platform on Agroecology: expected services and prospects
Plateforme CA-SYS : Expérimentation en agroécologie à différentes échelles
National audience
Projets IVD INRA-AgriObtentions variétales pour les légumineuses à graines
Prod 2018-220l BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience
Vers la mise en place d’un dispositif expérimental en agroécologie à l’échelle d’une unité expérimentale : le cas du domaine d’Epoisses (INRA Dijon)
National audience; L’agroécologie est aujourd’hui un thème source de nombreuses publications visant à définir ce terme et à le faire exister comme une science, un mouvement ou un ensemble de pratiques. Faisant suite à la volonté politique et scientifique de l’INRA de développer des expérimentations ambitieuses sur cette thématique, l’UMR Agroécologie et l’UE d’Epoisses, posent aujourd’hui les bases d’un projet d’expérimentation en agroécologie à l’échelle d’un domaine expérimental de 130 ha en grandes cultures, avec modification des pratiques agricoles et mise en place d’infrastructures paysagères. Un groupe de travail composé d’agronomes, écologues, écophysiologistes, généticiens, expérime…
Assessment of infield spatial variability of available water content on an experimental platform.
National audience; Innovative strategies and genetic engineering solutions are needed in order to manage agroecosystems more efficiently, build improved varieties and reduce inputs. In this context, phenotyping has recently become a bottleneck for the selection of high-achieving stresstolerant genotypes. In France, the Phenome project is responding to these stakes with a network of various high throughput facilities distributed in relevant geographical locations for studies at different scales and conditions. Phenovia is a platform managed by Terres Inovia. It is incorporated into the INRA experimental unit (EU) of Epoisses, located in Bretenière (Côte-d’Or, Bourgogne-Franche- Comté, France…
Towards conservation of the local landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba) in Serbia.
International audience; Today, faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in Serbia is almost an extinct crop, without official data on harvested area or production for decades. However, faba bean survived in certain parts of the country, especially along the rivers Southern and Great Morava, in the centre, and in Backa, in the north. In these parts, faba bean is cultivated mostly to suit one's own needs and sporadically is brought to green markets. It is grown as a garden crop, with sowing either in spring or during winter in order to achieve faster growth in comparison to the first schedule. First steps towards the conservation of faba bean local landraces in Serbia have been made within the multilateral …
In situ preservation of local landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and utilisation of their food products in central regions of Serbia
Today, faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in Serbia is almost completely replaced with Phaseolus beans and has become a neglected crop with no official data. A recently launched action of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops and the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad is aimed at the identification of the regions in Serbia where faba bean, known in Serbian as bob, could still be found. This was essentially enhanced by the multilateral project ECO-NET 18817 Search for new genetic variability in pea (Pisum sativum) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) to support the development of sustainable agricultures, with duration in 2008 and 2009 and involving partners from France, Bulgaria, Russia, Serbia and Re…
L’usage de variétés de féveroles (Vicia faba L.) à faibles teneurs en vicine et convicine, réduit le risque du favisme chez l’homme hemizygote porteur d’une mutation de forte déficience en glucose-6-phosphate déshydrogénase (G6PD)
Low vicine and convicine content in faba bean seeds is under oligogenic control and can be easily monitored by breeding. Aim of the study was to show that new faba beans (FB) genotypes with low content of vicine and convicine (low V/C FB) produced by selection, are non-toxic and non-hemolytic even when ingested in large amounts by highly susceptible glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)-deficient individuals. Evidence indicates that V/C, amino-pyrimidine derivatives present in high amounts in normal FB, are the causative agents of favism, ie severe oxidative damage and hemolysis occurring in G6PD-deficient subjects after FB ingestion. In vitro, micromolar V/C elicits oxidative damage in …