G. Baiamonte
Erratum for “Simple Relationships for the Optimal Design of Paired Drip Laterals on Uniform Slopes”
In the original paper, errors in exponents of Eq. (11b) were detected. The corrected Eq. (11b) is reported.
Combining pressure transducer and tipping bucket rain gauge to measure high variable runoff rate collected from a green roof
Urban areas are constantly expanding in terms of space and density. It is known that the effect of urbanization is an increase of the area of impermeable surfaces. The infiltration decreases, the surface runoff increases (Baiamonte, Singh, 2017) and the existing stormwater infrastructure may become no more appropriate to face flooding (Berndtsson, 2010). Berndtsson (2010) described the numerous benefits that can be achieved by turning the roofs green through covering them with soil and vegetation. Green roofs i) reduce and attenuate stormwater runoff, which in turn lowers risks of urban floods and improves the urban water balance thus approaching the natural one (Mentens et al., 2006), ii) …
BioCultural Landscapes per la rigenerazione innovativa dei territori di montagna
Simplification of agricultural systems, farmland abandonment, uncontrolled urbanization, together with global scale drivers, determine fast and unpredictable phenomena of hydrogeological instability, biodiversity decline and identity loss. Men should hence promote socio-economic resilience and place identity, using biocultural landscapes as a resource. These landscapes are the outcome of the historical relationship between man and nature, resulting from complex interactions between biodiversity (at all levels, including species richness, ecosystem and biotope diversity) and cultural diversity, including material and immaterial aspects (architectural heritage, traditions, customs, local trad…
Plant communities and landscape diversity in NW Sicily: The MEMOLA EU FP7 Project case study
The MEMOLA EU FP7 Project case study” was presented at IV International Plant Science Conference (IPSC) held in Parma (Italy) on September 20-22, 2017. The poster focuses on the contribution of botany in the interdisciplinary debate of Memola Project and underline the role plant communities play in understanding the formative processes of the Mediterranean Landscapes.
Le rotofascine modulari (RFM): un esempio di economia circolare nell’Ingegneria Naturalistica
Si presenta un’idea progettuale nel campo delle opere di Ingegneria Naturalistica (IN) basata su una serie di principi quali: 1) il riutilizzo di materiali di scarto e la loro immissione nel ciclo produttivo; 2) l’uso di risorse rinnovabili; 3) l’ecosostenibilità e l’adeguatezza ambientale dell’opera IN proposta. Questi punti rappresentano proprio i canoni dell’Economia Circolare (sistema economico che può rigenerarsi da solo garantendo l’ecosostenibilità) che vengono applicati nella realizzazione di un’opera di IN. Ovviamente, non sarà sviluppato il tema economico ma quello costruttivo di un’opera di IN che si inquadra perfettamente nello spirito di questo approccio economico così attuale …