R. Schicchi
Geophytes and evolution in the Sicilian Archipelago
Geophytes occurring in the Sicilian archipelago are examined with respect to their distribution and evolution, and also taking into account correlations with the inner parts of this territory and other regions in the central Mediterranean.
Additional file 4 of Ethnobotany of dye plants in Southern Italy, Mediterranean Basin: floristic catalog and two centuries of analysis of traditional botanical knowledge heritage
Additional file 4: Supplementary Table 3. Dye algae catalog.
BioCultural Landscapes per la rigenerazione innovativa dei territori di montagna
Simplification of agricultural systems, farmland abandonment, uncontrolled urbanization, together with global scale drivers, determine fast and unpredictable phenomena of hydrogeological instability, biodiversity decline and identity loss. Men should hence promote socio-economic resilience and place identity, using biocultural landscapes as a resource. These landscapes are the outcome of the historical relationship between man and nature, resulting from complex interactions between biodiversity (at all levels, including species richness, ecosystem and biotope diversity) and cultural diversity, including material and immaterial aspects (architectural heritage, traditions, customs, local trad…
Anatomical features and clinical correlations in Caucasian patients with definite arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy.
AIM: Arrhythmogenic right ventrticular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C) is an inherited cardiomyopathy characterized by fibrofatty replacement and a high risk of ventricular arrhythmias (VA) and sudden cardiac death (SCD). The aim of the present investigation is to examine the pathological profile and the clinical correlations in a group of ARVD/C patients. METHODS: We conducted a multicenter study evaluating 47 patients (31 men; mean age 37±14 years) with definite ARVD/C. Diagnosis was established according to the actual clinicomorphologic criteria at autopsy or clinically. We divided the study population in 2 different groups. First group included 28 alive patients and the second 19 pati…
Plant communities and landscape diversity in NW Sicily: The MEMOLA EU FP7 Project case study
The MEMOLA EU FP7 Project case study” was presented at IV International Plant Science Conference (IPSC) held in Parma (Italy) on September 20-22, 2017. The poster focuses on the contribution of botany in the interdisciplinary debate of Memola Project and underline the role plant communities play in understanding the formative processes of the Mediterranean Landscapes.
A life-threatening complication of parenteral nutrition: how to prevent cardiac tamponade?
Complications caused by incorrect central venous insertion are numerous. Cardiac tamponade is a rare, but well-documented complication that is often lethal. We present the case of a patient with cardiac tamponade caused by incorrect tip position and infusion of hyperosmolar fluids such as for parenteral nutrition.
Additional file 2 of Ethnobotany of dye plants in Southern Italy, Mediterranean Basin: floristic catalog and two centuries of analysis of traditional botanical knowledge heritage
Additional file 2: Supplementary Table 1. Dye plants catalog, sorted by APG IV criteria.
Additional file 3 of Ethnobotany of dye plants in Southern Italy, Mediterranean Basin: floristic catalog and two centuries of analysis of traditional botanical knowledge heritage
Additional file 3: Supplementary Table 2. Dye fungi and lichens catalog.
Hydrophytic vegetation aspects in the Nebrodi Mountains (Sicily).
A study of the hydrophyte communities of some small ponds in the beech-wood belt of the higher Nebrodi Mts is presented. A new association of shallow stagnant water bodies, the Utriculario-Potametum natantis, is described. Its biological structure, biogeographical characteristics, syntaxonomic position, phytosociological relationships and dynamic links are discussed.
Additional file 1 of Ethnobotany of dye plants in Southern Italy, Mediterranean Basin: floristic catalog and two centuries of analysis of traditional botanical knowledge heritage
Additional file 1: Supplementary File 1. A wider and more complete database and the currently available data.
Evaluation of the DNA barcoding approach to develop a reference data-set for the threatened flora of Sicily
The Mediterranean Basin is one of the most significantly altered World Biodiversity Hotspots with extensive habitat loss and fast genetic population erosion, for which urgent biodiversity reconnaissance and preservation actions are required. In particular, Sicily has about 600 taxa classified as threatened or near-threatened. The correct recognition and identification of such biodiversity is required for supporting further activities. The objective of this work is to assess the ability of the DNA barcoding approach to identify different taxonomic groups from a collection of the most threatened plant taxa, throughout natural Sicilian populations. The evaluation of the DNA barcoding core mark…