Tomi Nieminen
Uniform continuity of quasiconformal mappings and conformal deformations
We prove that quasiconformal maps onto domains satisfying a suitable growth condition on the quasihyperbolic metric are uniformly continuous even when both domains are equipped with internal metric. The improvement over previous results is that the internal metric can be used also in the image domain. We also extend this result for conformal deformations of the euclidean metric on the unit ball of R n \mathbb {R}^n .
Dimension gap under conformal mappings
Abstract We give an estimate for the Hausdorff gauge dimension of the boundary of a simply connected planar domain under p -integrability of the hyperbolic metric, p > 1 . This estimate does not degenerate when p tends to one; for p = 1 the boundary can even have positive area. The same phenomenon is extended to general planar domains in terms of the quasihyperbolic metric. We also give an example which shows that our estimates are essentially sharp.
Homeomorphisms of finite distortion: discrete length of radial images
AbstractWe study homeomorphisms of finite exponentially integrable distortion of the unit ball Bn onto a domain Ω of finite volume. We show that under such a mapping the images of almost all radii (in terms of a gauge dimension) have finite discrete length. We also show that our dimension estimate is essentially sharp.