Eva Lena Strandberg
Living in poverty with severe mental illness coping with double trouble
AbstractObjectives: Several studies have pointed at a co-occurrence between severe mental problems and relative poverty. Also users refer to their strained financial situation as one of their main problems. We lack knowledge about how persons ‒ still characterised in diagnostic manuals as having difficulty with their sense of reality and their ability to carry out goal-oriented actions ‒ manage the ‘double trouble’ of having a strained financial situation and mental problems.Method: Sixteen persons diagnosed with severe mental illness were interviewed about how they managed poverty in their everyday life. The interviews were tape-recorded and analysed using the thematic analysis method.Resu…
The costs of friendship: severe mental illness, poverty and social isolation
Background: The relationship between severe mental illness, poverty and social isolation has been explored in a number of studies.Aim: The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship betwe ...