Zane Lībiete
Mežs: Latvijas privāto meža īpašnieku naratīvi un prakses
Latvijas privāto meža īpašnieku attiecības ar savu mežu ir analizētas no trijām perspektīvām – īpašumtiesības, zināšanas, un aģentūra. Pētījumā izmantota starpdisciplināra pieeja, kombinējot aģentu tīkla teoriju (ATT) un ekosistēmu pakalpojumu ietvaru. Pētījuma dati iegūti septiņās līdzdošanās intervijās Dienvidkurzemē, Centrālkurzemē un Dienvidlatgalē. Meža īpašnieku attiecības ar mežu veidojas pētīto perspektīvu mijiedarbībā. Privātie meža īpašnieki, viņiem piederošais mežs, kā arī virkne citu aģentu atrodas nepārtrauktas savstarpējas mijiedarbības un mainīgu attiecību tīklā. Ekosistēmu pakalpojumu pieeja ir izmantojama antropocentriskai detālai dabas nodrošināto labumu un to ietekmējošo …
The impact of beaver dam removal on the chemical properties of water in drainage ditches in peatland forests
Despite near-extinction in the nineteenth century, after efficient restoration measures the population of Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber L.) in Latvia currently is viable and growing. While the ecol...
Use of retail market data to assess prices and flows of non-wood forest products in Latvia
In northern Europe, largest part of non-wood forest products (NWFPs) are gathered for recreational purposes and household consumption, but considerable amount of forest berries and mushrooms are sold as well. Retail market, largely invisible for the official statistics, reveals the lifestyle-related aspects of NWFP trade and may help to understand the flows of this ecosystem service when information on wholesale trade is inaccessible. The prices and flows of most common NWFPs â edible berries, mushrooms and tree sap â in the retail market in Latvia in 2017 and 2018 were analysed based on direct interviews with the sellers in marketplaces and telephone interviews with online retailers. T…
A reactive nitrogen budget for forest land and wetlands in Latvia and Estonia
Human intervention in global nitrogen cycling has led to excess reactive nitrogen (Nr) flows to the environment, impacting terrestrial ecosystems as well as the quality of the atmosphere and waterb...
The impact of beaver dam removal on the chemical properties of water in drainage ditches in peatland forests
Despite near-extinction in the nineteenth century, after efficient restoration measures the population of Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber L.) in Latvia currently is viable and growing. While the ecological effect of the species on water quality and biodiversity is generally positive, the high number of animals in production forests often creates challenges for management. Drainage ditches are among the most favoured habitats of beavers resulting in flooded stands, reduced tree growth and economical losses. The aim of the study was to evaluate the chemical properties of water in forest drainage ditches, affected by beaver activity, and their changes after the dam removal. Chemical composition …