Anne Denhov

A time-geographic approach for visualizing the paths of intervention for persons with severe mental illness

Living conditions for persons with severe mental illness (SMI) in Sweden have changed dramatically in recent decades, mainly due to the closure of mental hospitals in the 1990s and the subsequent d ...

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Going beyond: Users’ experiences of helping professionals

Background: Establishing a working alliance has been found to be of great importance for the outcome of professional interventions for people diagnosed with severe mental illnesses. Aim: The aim of ...

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Experience of Psychotropic Medication -An Interview Study of Persons with Psychosis.

Psychotropic drugs, particularly antipsychotic types, are a cornerstone of the treatment of people with psychosis. Despite numerous studies showing that drug treatment with psychotropic drugs initially alleviates psychiatric symptoms, the proportion of people with mental health problems and symptoms that do not follow doctors' prescriptions, thus exhibiting so-called non-adherence, is considerable. Non-adherence is predominantly seen as a clinical feature and as a patient characteristic that is especially due to patients' poor understanding that they are ill. There is also a widespread notion that non-adherence is of great disadvantage to the patient. This article is based on interviews wit…

research product

A Balancing Act-How Mental Health Professionals Experience Being Personal in Their Relationships with Service Users.

Although being personal in relationships with service users is commonly described as an important aspect of the way that professionals help people with severe mental problems, this has also been described to bring with it a need to keep a distance and set boundaries.This study aims to explore how professionals working in psychiatric care view being personal in their relationships with users.Qualitative interviews with 21 professionals working in three outpatient psychiatric units, analyzed through thematic analysis.Being personal in their relationships with users was described as something that participants regarded to be helpful, but that also entails risks. Participants described how they…

research product

A diversity of patterns: 10-year trajectories of men and women diagnosed with psychosis for the first time. A time-geographic approach

People with severe mental illness face a different interventional landscape compared to some decades ago, when mental hospitals were dominant, in Sweden as well as in the rest of the Western world. The aim of the research reported in this article was to follow men and women diagnosed with psychosis for the first time over a 10-year period, and to explore what interventions they experienced. The interventions, here defined as "spheres", were either community-based or institutional. A third sphere represents no interventions. Based on data from registers and using a time-geographic approach, the individuals were visualised as 10-year trajectories where their transitions between the different …

research product

The Art of Helpful Relationships with Professionals: A Meta-ethnography of the Perspective of Persons with Severe Mental Illness.

Relationships with professionals have been shown to be helpful to persons with severe mental illness (SMI) in relation to a variety of services. In this article, we aimed to synthesize the available qualitative research to acquire a deepened understanding of what helpful relationships with professionals consists of, from the perspective of persons with SMI. To do this, we created a meta-ethnography of 21 studies, through which ten themes and an overarching interpretation were created. The findings show that helpful relationships with professionals are relationships where the persons with SMI get to spend time with professionals that they know and trust, who gives them access to resources, s…

research product

Institutional recovery: a 10-year follow-up of persons after their first psychosis diagnosis. A critical reflexive approach

Background: Despite repeated attempts, it has not been possible to reach a consensus on the definition of recovery. In this paper, we use the term “institutional recovery” and focus on the persons’ ...

research product

Non-helpful relationships with professionals – a literature review of the perspective of persons with severe mental illness*

The relationship with professionals has proved to be important with regard to outcome for persons with severe mental illness (SMI). The understanding of non-helpful relationships is important complementary knowledge to that regarding helpful relationships.To review the available qualitative research providing knowledge of non-helpful relationships from the perspective of persons with SMI.A review of qualitative studies, based on an earlier systematic search, analyzed through thematic analysis.The main themes were "non-helpful professionals", "organization versus relation" and "the consequences of non-helpful relationships with professionals". Examples of professionals described as non-helpf…

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