P. Bennema

Observation of instability of faceted crystals in lipid monolayers

Abstract The morphological instabilities of two-dimensional hexagonal crystals in lipid monolayers are studied. Fluorescence microscopy indicates that beyond a critical size the faceted crystal develops into dendrites with unusual tip growth behavior, which is not consistent with the current theory of dendritic growth. The morphological transitions in relation to the driving force for two-dimensional crystal growth are also studied.

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Dynamic behaviors of fractal-like domains in monolayers

In this paper we report our recent investigations on the morphological evolution of fractal-like domains of the liquid-condensed (LC) phase in lipid monolayers. It is demonstrated that the dimension of the LC domains increases upon continuous illumination of microscope light. The experimental data indicate that the increasing rate of fractal dimension of the LC domains depends on the concentration of fluorescence probes. By analyzing the domain growth process we find that the self-similarity of the pattern disappears gradually during its growth. The possible mechanism behind the observed phenomena is discussed.

research product

Illumination-related pattern formations in lipid monolayers

We report on the phenomenon that in the two phase coexistence region (LC-LE) of a lipid monolayer film the fractal-like solid domains may grow simply by continuous illumination of a fluorescence microscope. The mechanism of this 2D domain growth is discussed. This phenomenon gives insight into the two-dimensional ramified crystallization in monolayers.

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