Maciej Konieczka
Gamow-Teller response in the configuration space of DFT-rooted no-core configuration-interaction model
The atomic nucleus is a unique laboratory to study fundamental aspects of the electroweak interaction. This includes a question concerning in medium renormalization of the axial-vector current, which still lacks satisfactory explanation. Study of spin-isospin or Gamow-Teller (GT) response may provide valuable information on both the quenching of the axial-vector coupling constant as well as on nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics. We have performed a seminal calculation of the GT response by using the no-core-configuration-interaction approach rooted on multi-reference density functional theory (DFT-NCCI). The model treats properly isospin and rotational symmetries and can be applied …
Isospin-symmetry breaking in masses of $N\simeq Z$ nuclei
Effects of the isospin-symmetry breaking (ISB) beyond mean-field Coulomb terms are systematically studied in nuclear masses near the $N=Z$ line. The Coulomb exchange contributions are calculated exactly. We use extended Skyrme energy density functionals (EDFs) with proton-neutron-mixed densities, to which we add new terms breaking the isospin symmetry. Two parameters associated with the new terms are determined by fitting mirror and triplet displacement energies (MDEs and TDEs) of isospin multiplets. The new EDFs reproduce MDEs for the $T=\frac12$ doublets and $T=1$ triplets, and TDEs for the $T=1$ triplets. Relative strengths of the obtained isospin-symmetry-breaking terms {\em are not} co…
Beta-Decay Studies in N ≈ Z Nuclei Using No-Core Configuration-Interaction Model
The no-core configuration-interaction model based on the isospin- and angular-momentum projected density functional formalism is introduced. Two applications of the model are presented: (i) determination of spectra of 0+ states in 62Zn and (ii) determination of isospin-symmetry-breaking corrections to superallowed β-decay between isobaric-analogue 0+ states in 38Ca and 38K. It is shown that, without readjusting a single parameter of the underlying Skyrme interaction, in all three nuclei, the model reproduces the 0+ spectra surprisingly well. peerReviewed