Markus Kortelainen
Surface Flows of Soft Monopole Modes of 40Mg
In order to explore the nature of collective modes in weakly bound nuclei, we have investigated surface flow patterns of isoscalar monopole modes in a shape-coexisting nucleus 40Mg. The calculations were done in a fully self-consistent continuum finite-amplitude-method quasiparticle-random-phase-approximation (FAM-QRPA) in a large deformed spatial mesh. Our results demonstrated that the transition current densities at surfaces are nontrivial and dependent on deformations. The toroidal mode is favorable in the oblate shape, demonstrating the geometric deformation effects on nuclear surface flows. The surface flow patterns become more complicated as excitation energies increase. peerReviewed
Shell-model study on event rates of lightest supersymmetric particles scattering off 83Kr and 125Te
We investigate the elastic and inelastic scattering of lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) dark matter off two possible target nuclei, 83Kr and 125Te. For the nuclear-structure calculations, we employ the nuclear shell model using recently generated realistic interactions. We have condensed the nuclear-physics contribution to a set of nuclear-structure factors that are independent of the adopted supersymmetric (SUSY) model. Total event rates are then easily calculated by combining the nuclear-structure factors with SUSY parameters of choice. In particular, 125Te shows promise as a detector material with both the elastic and inelastic channels yielding an appreciable nuclear response. pee…
Nuclear Energy Density Optimization: UNEDF2
The parameters of the UNEDF2 nuclear energy density functional (EDF) model were obtained in an optimization to experimental data consisting of nuclear binding energies, proton radii, odd-even mass staggering data, fission-isomer excitation energies, and single particle energies. In addition to parameter optimization, sensitivity analysis was done to obtain parameter uncertainties and correlations. The resulting UNEDF2 is an all-around EDF. However, the sensitivity analysis also demonstrated that the limits of current Skyrme-like EDFs have been reached and that novel approaches are called for.
Universal trend of charge radii of even-even Ca-Zn nuclei
Radii of nuclear charge distributions carry information about the strong and electromagnetic forces acting inside the atomic nucleus. While the global behavior of nuclear charge radii is governed by the bulk properties of nuclear matter, their local trends are affected by quantum motion of proton and neutron nuclear constituents. The measured differential charge radii $\delta\langle r^2_c\rangle$ between neutron numbers $N=28$ and $N=40$ exhibit a universal pattern as a function of $n=N-28$ that is independent of the atomic number. Here we analyze this remarkable behavior in even-even nuclei from calcium to zinc using two state-of-the-art theories based on quantified nuclear interactions: t…
Fayans functional for deformed nuclei. Uranium region
Fayans energy density functional (EDF) FaNDF^0 has been applied to the nuclei around uranium region. Ground state characteristics of the Th, U and Pu isotopic chains, up to the two-neutron drip line, are found and compared with predictions from several Skyrme EDFs. The two-neutron drip line is found for FaNDF^0, SLy4 and SkM^* EDFs for a set of elements with even proton number, from Pb up to Fm.
Finite amplitude method applied to giant dipole resonance in heavy rare-earth nuclei
Background: The quasiparticle random phase approximation (QRPA), within the framework of the nuclear density functional theory (DFT), has been a standard tool to access the collective excitations of the atomic nuclei. Recently, finite amplitude method (FAM) has been developed, in order to perform the QRPA calculations efficiently without any truncation on the two-quasiparticle model space. Purpose: We discuss the nuclear giant dipole resonance (GDR) in heavy rare-earth isotopes, for which the conventional matrix diagonalization of the QRPA is numerically demanding. A role of the Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn (TRK) sum rule enhancement factor, connected to the isovector effective mass, is also investig…
Event rates for CDM detectors from large-scale shell-model calculations
Abstract We investigate the scattering of the CDM candidate LSP (Lightest Supersymmetric Particle) off nuclei. We have computed the associated event rates and annual modulation signals for the 23 Na, 71 Ga, 73 Ge and 127 I CDM detectors by using the nuclear shell model in realistic model spaces and exploiting microscopic effective two-body interactions. Large-scale computations had to be performed in order to achieve convergence of the results. We have tabulated the associated nuclear-structure coefficients for several LSP masses enabling easy interpolation of our results for any other mass. The relevance of the spin-dependent and coherent channels for the event rates is discussed, from bot…
The neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay of atomic nuclei plays a key role in the search for massive Majorana neutrinos and their mass scale. To extract the necessary information from the measured data the nuclear-structure effects have to be accounted for by computation of the associated nuclear matrix elements (NME's). In this article the NME's for the light-neutrino exchange mechanism are discussed. They are computed by using the proton-neutron quasiparticle random-phase approximation (pnQRPA). Recent developments in this field relate to the handling of the nucleon-nucleon short-range correlations and independent experimental probes of the wave functions relevant for the NME's.
Solution of universal nonrelativistic nuclear DFT equations in the Cartesian deformed harmonic-oscillator basis. (IX) HFODD (v3.06h) : a new version of the program
We describe the new version (v3.06h) of the code HFODD that solves the universal nonrelativistic nuclear DFT Hartree-Fock or Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov problem by using the Cartesian deformed harmonic-oscillator basis. In the new version, we implemented the following new features: (i) zero-range three- and four-body central terms, (ii) zero-range three-body gradient terms, (iii) zero-range tensor terms, (iv) zero-range isospin-breaking terms, (v) finite-range higher-order regularized terms, (vi) finite-range separable terms, (vii) zero-range two-body pairing terms, (viii) multi-quasiparticle blocking, (ix) Pfaffian overlaps, (x) particle-number and parity symmetry restoration, (xi) axializatio…
Thouless-Valatin moment of inertia and removal of the spurious mode in the linear response theory
Symmetry breaking at the mean-field level leads to an appearance of a symmetry restoring Nambu-Goldstone (NG) mode in the linear response theory. These modes represent a special kind of collective motion of the system. However, they can interfere with the calculated intrinsic physical excitations and, hence, they are often called as spurious modes. I discuss translational and rotational NG mode and the inertia parameter associated with these modes, by using the finite amplitude method formalism. I will also discuss how to remove spurious mode from the calculated transition strength function.
Dark-matter detection by elastic and inelastic LSP scattering on 129Xe and 131Xe
Abstract We calculate the nuclear matrix elements involved in the elastic and inelastic scattering of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) on the 129Xe and 131Xe dark-matter detector nuclei. This is the first time when both channels are addressed within the same unified microscopic nuclear framework, namely we perform large-scale shell-model calculations with a realistic two-body interaction to produce the participant nuclear wave functions. These wave functions successfully reproduce the spectroscopic data on the relevant magnetic moments and M1 decays. The tested wave functions are used to produce annual average detection rates for both the elastic and inelastic channels. It is foun…
Propagation of uncertainties in the Skyrme energy-density-functional model
Parameters of nuclear energy-density-functionals (EDFs) are always derived by an optimization to experimental data. For the minima of appropriately defined penalty functions, a statistical sensitivity analysis provides the uncertainties of the EDF parameters. To quantify theoretical errors of observables given by the model, we studied the propagation of uncertainties within the UNEDF0 Skyrme-EDF approach. We found that typically the standard errors rapidly increase towards neutron rich nuclei. This can be linked to large uncertainties of the isovector coupling constants of the currently used EDFs.
Uncertainty propagation within the UNEDF models
The parameters of the nuclear energy density have to be adjusted to experimental data. As a result they carry certain uncertainty which then propagates to calculated values of observables. In the present work we quantify the statistical uncertainties of binding energies, proton quadrupole moments, and proton matter radius for three UNEDF Skyrme energy density functionals by taking advantage of the knowledge of the model parameter uncertainties. We find that the uncertainty of UNEDF models increases rapidly when going towards proton or neutron rich nuclei. We also investigate the impact of each model parameter on the total error budget.
Gamow-Teller response in the configuration space of DFT-rooted no-core configuration-interaction model
The atomic nucleus is a unique laboratory to study fundamental aspects of the electroweak interaction. This includes a question concerning in medium renormalization of the axial-vector current, which still lacks satisfactory explanation. Study of spin-isospin or Gamow-Teller (GT) response may provide valuable information on both the quenching of the axial-vector coupling constant as well as on nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics. We have performed a seminal calculation of the GT response by using the no-core-configuration-interaction approach rooted on multi-reference density functional theory (DFT-NCCI). The model treats properly isospin and rotational symmetries and can be applied …
Precision Mass Measurements beyond $^{132}$Sn: Anomalous behaviour of odd-even staggering of binding energies
Atomic masses of the neutron-rich isotopes $^{121-128}$Cd, $^{129,131}$In, $^{130-135}$Sn, $^{131-136}$Sb, and $^{132-140}$Te have been measured with high precision (10 ppb) using the Penning trap mass spectrometer JYFLTRAP. Among these, the masses of four r-process nuclei $^{135}$Sn, $^{136}$Sb, and $^{139,140}$Te were measured for the first time. The data reveals a strong $N$=82 shell gap at $Z$=50 but indicates the importance of correlations for $Z>50$. An empirical neutron pairing gap expressed as the odd-even staggering of isotopic masses shows a strong quenching across $N$=82 for Sn, with the $Z$-dependence that is unexplainable by the current theoretical models.
The Negele-Vautherin density matrix expansion applied to the Gogny force
We use the Negele-Vautherin density matrix expansion to derive a quasi-local density functional for the description of systems of fermions interacting with short-ranged interactions composed of arbitrary finite-range central, spin-orbit, and tensor components. Terms that are absent in the original Negele-Vautherin approach owing to the angle averaging of the density matrix are fixed by employing a gauge invariance condition. We obtain the Kohn-Sham interaction energies in all spin-isospin channels, including the exchange terms, expressed as functions of the local densities and their derivatives up to second (next to leading) order. We illustrate the method by determining the coupling consta…
Inelastic WIMP-nucleus scattering to the first excited state in125Te
The direct detection of dark matter constituents, in particular the weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), is considered central to particle physics and cosmology. In this paper we study transitions to the excited states, possible in some nuclei, which have sufficiently low lying excited states. Examples considered previously were the first excited states of $^{127}$I and $^{129}$Xe and $^{83}$Kr. Here we examine $^{125}$Te, which offers some advantages and is currently being considered as a target.In all these cases the extra signature of the gamma rays following the de-excitation of these states has definite advantages over the purely nuclear recoil and, in principle, such a signat…
Nonlocal energy density functionals for pairing and beyond-mean-field calculations
We propose to use two-body regularized finite-range pseudopotential to generate nuclear energy density functional (EDF) in both particle-hole and particle-particle channels, which makes it free from self-interaction and self-pairing, and also free from singularities when used beyond mean field. We derive a sequence of pseudopotentials regularized up to next-to-leading order (NLO) and next-to-next-to-leading order (N2LO), which fairly well describe infinite-nuclear-matter properties and finite open-shell paired and/or deformed nuclei. Since pure two-body pseudopotentials cannot generate sufficiently large effective mass, the obtained solutions constitute a preliminary step towards future imp…
Properties of spherical and deformed nuclei using regularized pseudopotentials in nuclear DFT
We developed new parameterizations of local regularized finite-range pseudopotentials up to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3LO), used as generators of nuclear density functionals. When supplemented with zero-range spin-orbit and density-dependent terms, they provide a correct single-reference description of binding energies and radii of spherical and deformed nuclei. We compared the obtained results to experimental data and discussed benchmarks against the standard well-established Gogny D1S functional.
Small-amplitude collective modes of a finite-size unitary Fermi gas in deformed traps
We have investigated collective breathing modes of a unitary Fermi gas in deformed harmonic traps. The ground state is studied by the Superfluid Local Density Approximation (SLDA) and small-amplitude collective modes are studied by the iterative Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (QRPA). The results illustrate the evolutions of collective modes of a small system in traps from spherical to elongated or pancake deformations. For small spherical systems, the influences of different SLDA parameters are significant, and, in particular, a large pairing strength can shift up the oscillation frequency of collective mode. The transition currents from QRPA show that the compressional flow patte…
Thouless-Valatin Rotational Moment of Inertia from the Linear Response Theory
Spontaneous breaking of continuous symmetries of a nuclear many-body system results in appearance of zero-energy restoration modes. Such modes introduce a non-physical contributions to the physical excitations called spurious Nambu-Goldstone modes. Since they represent a special case of collective motion, they are sources of important information about the Thouless-Valatin inertia. The main purpose of this work is to study the Thouless-Valatin rotational moment of inertia as extracted from the Nambu-Goldstone restoration mode that results from the zero-frequency response to the total angular momentum operator. We examine the role and effects of the pairing correlations on the rotational cha…
Charge radii of exotic potassium isotopes challenge nuclear theory and the magic character of N = 32
Nuclear charge radii are sensitive probes of different aspects of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the bulk properties of nuclear matter; thus, they provide a stringent test and challenge for nuclear theory. The calcium region has been of particular interest, as experimental evidence has suggested a new magic number at $N = 32$ [1-3], while the unexpectedly large increases in the charge radii [4,5] open new questions about the evolution of nuclear size in neutron-rich systems. By combining the collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy method with $\beta$-decay detection, we were able to extend the charge radii measurement of potassium ($Z =19$) isotopes up to the exotic $^{52}$K ($t_{1…
Dependence of single-particle energies on coupling constants of the nuclear energy density functional
We show that single-particle energies in doubly magic nuclei depend almost linearly on the coupling constants of the nuclear energy density functional. Therefore, they can be very well characterized by the linear regression coefficients, which we calculate for the coupling constants of the standard Skyrme functional. We then use these regression coefficients to refit the coupling constants to experimental values of single-particle energies. We show that the obtained rms deviations from experimental data are still quite large, of the order of 1.1 MeV. This suggests that the current standard form of the Skyrme functional cannot ensure spectroscopic-quality description of single-particle energ…
Local nuclear energy density functional at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order
We construct nuclear energy density functionals in terms of derivatives of densities up to sixth, next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3LO). A phenomenological functional built in this way conforms to the ideas of the density matrix expansion and is rooted in the expansions characteristic to effective theories. It builds on the standard functionals related to the contact and Skyrme forces, which constitute the zero-order (LO) and second-order (NLO) expansions, respectively. At N3LO, the full functional with density-independent coupling constants, and with the isospin degree of freedom taken into account, contains 376 terms, while the functionals restricted by the Galilean and gauge symme…
Nuclear moments and charge radii of neutron-deficient francium isotopes and isomers
Collinear laser fluorescence spectroscopy has been performed on the ground and isomeric states of 204,206Fr in order to determine their spins, nuclear moments, and changes in mean-squared charge radii. A new experimental technique has been developed as part of this work which much enhances the data collection rate while maintaining the high resolution. This has permitted the extension of this study to the two isomeric states in each nucleus. The investigation of nuclear g factors and mean-squared charge radii indicates that the neutron-deficient Fr isotopes lie in a transitional region from spherical towards more collective structures. peerReviewed
Gamow-Teller response in the configuration space of a density-functional-theory–rooted no-core configuration-interaction model
Background: The atomic nucleus is a unique laboratory in which to study fundamental aspects of the electroweak interaction. This includes a question concerning in medium renormalization of the axial-vector current, which still lacks satisfactory explanation. Study of spin-isospin or Gamow-Teller (GT) response may provide valuable information on both the quenching of the axial-vector coupling constant as well as on nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics.Purpose: We have performed a seminal calculation of the GT response by using the no-core configuration-interaction approach rooted in multireference density functional theory (DFT-NCCI). The model treats properly isospin and rotational sy…
Microscopic study of muon-capture transitions in nuclei involved in double-beta-decay processes
Abstract Total and partial ordinary muon-capture (OMC) rates to 1 + and 2 − states are calculated in the framework of the proton–neutron quasiparticle random-phase approximation (pnQRPA) for several nuclei involved in double-beta-decay processes. The aim is to obtain information on intermediate states involved in double-beta-decay transitions having these nuclei as either daughter or parent nuclei. It is found that the OMC observables, just like the 2 νββ -decay amplitudes, strongly depend on the particle–particle part of the proton–neutron interaction. First experiments measuring the partial OMC rates for nuclei involved in double beta decays have recently been performed.
Microscopic calculation of the LSP detection rates for the 71Ga, 73Ge and 127I dark-matter detectors
Abstract We have investigated the nuclear-structure details of the cross sections for the elastic scattering of Lightest Supersymmetric Particles (LSPs) from the promising dark-matter detectors 71 Ga, 73 Ge and 127 I. The associated LSP detection sensitivities have been obtained by a folding procedure for several recently proposed SUSY models with different scalar and axial-vector characteristics. For the nuclear problem, a realistic microscopic Hamiltonian has been used within realistic model spaces. The diagonalization of this Hamiltonian has been done by using the Microscopic Quasiparticle–Phonon Model (MQPM), suitable for description of spectroscopic properties of medium-heavy and heavy…
Dependence of two-proton radioactivity on nuclear pairing models
Sensitivity of two-proton emitting decay to nuclear pairing correlation is discussed within a time-dependent three-body model. We focus on the $^6$Be nucleus assuming $\alpha + p + p$ configuration, and its decay process is described as a time-evolution of the three-body resonance state. For a proton-proton subsystem, a schematic density-dependent contact (SDDC) pairing model is employed. From the time-dependent calculation, we observed the exponential decay rule of a two-proton emission. It is shown that the density dependence does not play a major role in determining the decay width, which can be controlled only by the asymptotic strength of the pairing interaction. This asymptotic pairin…
Lipkin method of particle-number restoration to higher orders
Background: On the mean-field level, pairing correlations are incorporated through the Bogoliubov-Valatin transformation, whereupon the particle degrees of freedom are replaced by quasiparticles. This approach leads to a spontaneous breaking of the particle-number symmetry and mixing of states with different particle numbers. In order to restore the particle number, various methods have been employed, which are based on projection approaches before or after variation. Approximate variation-after-projection (VAP) schemes, utilizing the Lipkin method, have mostly been used within the Lipkin-Nogami prescription. Purpose: Without recurring to the Lipkin-Nogami prescription, and using instead st…
Error analysis of nuclear mass fits
We discuss the least-square and linear-regression methods, which are relevant for a reliable determination of good nuclear-mass-model parameter sets and their errors. In this perspective, we define exact and inaccurate models and point out differences in using the standard error analyses for them. As an illustration, we use simple analytic models for nuclear binding energies and study the validity and errors of models' parameters, and uncertainties of its mass predictions. In particular, we show explicitly the influence of mass-number dependent weights on uncertainties of liquid-drop global parameters.
Precision Mass Measurements beyondSn132: Anomalous Behavior of Odd-Even Staggering of Binding Energies
Atomic masses of the neutron-rich isotopes $^{121--128}\mathrm{Cd}$, $^{129,131}\mathrm{In}$, $^{130--135}\mathrm{Sn}$, $^{131--136}\mathrm{Sb}$, and $^{132--140}\mathrm{Te}$ have been measured with high precision (10 ppb) using the Penning-trap mass spectrometer JYFLTRAP. Among these, the masses of four $r$-process nuclei $^{135}\mathrm{Sn}$, $^{136}\mathrm{Sb}$, and $^{139,140}\mathrm{Te}$ were measured for the first time. An empirical neutron pairing gap expressed as the odd-even staggering of isotopic masses shows a strong quenching across $N=82$ for Sn, with a $Z$ dependence that is unexplainable by the current theoretical models.
Complex-energy approach to sum rules within nuclear density functional theory
The linear response of the nucleus to an external field contains unique information about the effective interaction, correlations, and properties of its excited states. To characterize the response, it is useful to use its energy-weighted moments, or sum rules. By comparing computed sum rules with experimental values, the information content of the response can be utilized in the optimization process of the nuclear Hamiltonian or EDF. But the additional information comes at a price: compared to the ground state, computation of excited states is more demanding. To establish an efficient framework to compute sum rules of the response that is adaptable to the optimization of the nuclear EDF an…
Shell-model study on event rates of lightest supersymmetric particles scattering offKr83andTe125
We investigate the elastic and inelastic scattering of lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) dark matter off two possible target nuclei, $^{83}\mathrm{Kr}$ and $^{125}\mathrm{Te}$. For the nuclear-structure calculations, we employ the nuclear shell model using recently generated realistic interactions. We have condensed the nuclear-physics contribution to a set of nuclear-structure factors that are independent of the adopted supersymmetric (SUSY) model. Total event rates are then easily calculated by combining the nuclear-structure factors with SUSY parameters of choice. In particular, $^{125}\mathrm{Te}$ shows promise as a detector material with both the elastic and inelastic channels yie…
Evidence of a sudden increase in the nuclear size of proton-rich silver-96
Understanding the evolution of the nuclear charge radius is one of the long-standing challenges for nuclear theory. Recently, density functional theory calculations utilizing Fayans functionals have successfully reproduced the charge radii of a variety of exotic isotopes. However, difficulties in the isotope production have hindered testing these models in the immediate region of the nuclear chart below the heaviest self-conjugate doubly-magic nucleus 100Sn, where the near-equal number of protons (Z) and neutrons (N) lead to enhanced neutron-proton pairing. Here, we present an optical excursion into this region by crossing the N = 50 magic neutron number in the silver isotopic chain with th…
Muon capture and its use as a probe of double beta decays
Alpha-decay energies of superheavy nuclei for the Fayans functional
Alpha-decay energies for several chains of super-heavy nuclei are calculated within the self-consistent mean-field approach by using the Fayans functional FaNDF$^0$. They are compared to the experimental data and predictions of two Skyrme functionals, SLy4 and SkM*, and of the macro-micro method as well. The corresponding lifetimes are calculated with the use of the semi-phenomenological formulas by Parkhomenko and Sobiczewski and by Royer and Zhang.
Nuclear moments and charge radii of neutron-deficient francium isotopes and isomers
Collinear laser fluorescence spectroscopy has been performed on the ground and isomeric states of $^{204,206}\mathrm{Fr}$ in order to determine their spins, nuclear moments, and changes in mean-squared charge radii. A new experimental technique has been developed as part of this work which much enhances the data collection rate while maintaining the high resolution. This has permitted the extension of this study to the two isomeric states in each nucleus. The investigation of nuclear $g$ factors and mean-squared charge radii indicates that the neutron-deficient Fr isotopes lie in a transitional region from spherical towards more collective structures.
Propagation of uncertainties in the nuclear DFT models
Parameters of the nuclear density functional theory (DFT) models are usually adjusted to experimental data. As a result they carry certain theoretical error, which, as a consequence, carries out to the predicted quantities. In this work we address the propagation of theoretical error, within the nuclear DFT models, from the model parameters to the predicted observables. In particularly, the focus is set on the Skyrme energy density functional models.
Multipole modes in deformed nuclei within the finite amplitude method
Background: To access selected excited states of nuclei, within the framework of nuclear density functional theory, the quasiparticle random phase approximation (QRPA) is commonly used. Purpose: We present a computationally efficient, fully self-consistent framework to compute the QRPA transition strength function of an arbitrary multipole operator in axially-deformed superfluid nuclei. Methods: The method is based on the finite amplitude method (FAM) QRPA, allowing fast iterative solution of QRPA equations. A numerical implementation of the FAM-QRPA solver module has been carried out for deformed nuclei. Results: The practical feasibility of the deformed FAM module has been demonstrated. I…
First applications of Fayans functional to deformed nuclei
First calculations for deformed nuclei with the Fayans functional are carried out for the uranium and lead isotopic chains. The ground state deformations and deformation energies are compared to Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov results of HFB-17 and HFB-27 functionals. For the uranium isotopic chain, the Fayans functional predictions are rather similar properties compared to HFB-17 and HFB-27. However, there is a disagreement for the lead isotopic chain. Both of the Skyrme HFB functionals predict rather strong deformations for the light Pb isotopes which does not agree with the experimental data on charge radii and magnetic moments of the odd Pb isotopes. On the other hand, the Fayans functio…
Elastic and inelastic LSP-nucleus scattering on medium-heavy nuclei
Elastic and inelastic scattering rates of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) off nuclei are derived for the stable iodine, xenon and cesium detectors. The parameters of the supersymmetric theory are decoupled from the nuclear structure. The involved nuclear wave functions are calculated in the nuclear shell model by using a realistic effective two-nucleon interaction in a realistic valence space. By using fitted nuclear gyromagnetic factors we successfully reproduce the relevant spectroscopic data in the discussed nuclei.
Nucleon localization function in rotating nuclei
Background: An electron localization function was originally introduced to visualize bond structures in molecules. It became a useful tool to describe electron configurations in atoms, molecules and solids. In nuclear physics, a nucleon localization function (NLF) has been used to characterize clusters in light nuclei, fragment formation in fission and pasta phases in the inner crust of neutron stars. Purpose: We use the NLF to study the nuclear response to fast rotation. Methods: We generalize the NLF to the case of nuclear rotation. The extended expressions involve both time-even and time-odd local densities. Since current density and density gradient contribute to the NLF primarily at th…
Towards a novel energy density functional for beyond-mean-field calculations with pairing and deformation
We take an additional step towards the optimization of the novel finite-range pseudopotential at constrained Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov level and implement an optimization procedure within an axial code using harmonic oscillator basis. We perform the optimization using three different numbers of the harmonic oscillator shells. We apply the new parameterizations in the O-Kr part of the nuclear chart and isotopic chain of Sn, and we compare the results with experimental values and those given by a parameterization obtained using a spherical code.
Probing Surface Quantum Flows in Deformed Pygmy Dipole Modes
In order to explore the nature of collective modes in weakly bound nuclei, we have investigated deformation effects and surface flow patterns of isovector dipole modes in a shape-coexisting nucleus $^{40}$Mg. The calculations were done in a fully self-consistent continuum finite-amplitude Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (QRPA) in a large deformed spatial mesh. An unexpected result of pygmy and giant dipole modes having disproportionate deformation splittings in strength functions was obtained. Furthermore, the transition current densities demonstrate that the long-sought core-halo oscillation in pygmy resonances is collective and compressional, corresponding to the lowest excitatio…
Regularized pseudopotential for mean-field calculations
We present preliminary results obtained with a finite-range two-body pseudopotential complemented with zero-range spin-orbit and density-dependent terms. After discussing the penalty function used to adjust parameters, we discuss predictions for binding energies of spherical nuclei calculated at the mean-field level, and we compare them with those obtained using the standard Gogny D1S finite-range effective interaction.