Elenora Riva Sanseverino


Investigating energy saving potential in a big shopping center through ventilation control

Abstract This paper investigates energy saving measures for the ventilation system of large shopping centers. This kind of buildings is characterized by high yearly energy consumptions, because of the high level of operating hours and the frequent use of obsolete technologies. In the analyzed case studies, three big Do It Yourself (DIY) shops, located in Italy, are considered. Two different approaches are considered, they are aimed at reducing the annual energy consumption for the indoor air exchange of the sales area. The first considered retrofit solution consists in the installation of heat recovery exchangers, reducing the energy demand for the air thermal treatment without changing the…

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Aggregation and remuneration in Demand-Response with a blockchain-based framework

This paper describes the possibility to use the blockchain technology for load and generation aggregation in a new distributed Demand Response (DR) service and customers remuneration system. The blockchain technology and the use of smart contracts for DR allow the creation of a distributed system in which customers can communicate directly, in a transparent, secure and traceable way, with the grid operator to provide their flexibility. In this paper, the DR problem formulation takes into account several aspects, which are periodically executed. First, the blockchain records customers’ energy consumption or production, then, the smart contract starts calculating the baseline and the potentia…

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Urban Energy Hubs and Microgrids: Smart Energy Planning for Cities

In this chapter, we try to connect the urban design features with energy consumption and consequent pollution parameters. After a review of a selected set of approaches to Urban Energy Systems study with a special focus on electrical power systems, urban energy systems are proposed as networks of multi-source hybrid energy hubs, where different energy flows are collected at the same bus and can be stored, delivered or transformed as needed. Resources at the hub and infrastructures interact with each other; therefore, both definition and boundaries of such energy systems at urban level are difficult to be clearly outlined. Similarly, the possibility to generate new operational models based o…

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The Role of Sharing Practise and Dematerialized Services in Smart Cities

La gestione intelligente dell'abitare nelle città e delle tradizionali funzioni urbane riassume il modello smart city. Attraverso un approccio integrato generato dall'uso dell'ICT e del web, che assume il ruolo di tecnologia abilitante per il cambiamento, le città contemporanee stanno prepotentemente cambiando. L'età digitale crea infatti le condizioni per l'emergere di nuovi strumenti e nuovi servizi per i cittadini, basati sulla comunicazione e sulla condivisione e le pratiche di partecipazione. Il capitolo contestualizza questi cambiamenti focalizzando su alcuni esempi su cosa può essere definito come servizi dematerializzati delle città contemporanee, visti come nuovi servizi urbani e n…

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Increasing efficiency of photovoltaic systems under non-homogeneous solar irradiation using improved Dynamic Programming methods

Abstract The paper presents a complete technique, based on the combination of algorithms, devoted to minimize losses and increase efficiency of Total Cross Tied (TCT) connected photovoltaic (PV) systems under non-homogeneous solar irradiation, based on irradiance equalization criterion. Irradiance equalization is achieved by changing the connections of the solar panels adaptively by a dynamic switching matrix so that total solar radiation on parallel circuits is the most equalized. In this paper, the authors introduce two algorithms. The first one is SmartChoice (SC) algorithm, which is combined with Dynamic Programming (DP) in order to create a hybrid method and obtain better results as co…

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Effects of COVID19 pandemic on the Italian power system and possible countermeasures

Abstract The paper analyses the dramatic effects of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Italian power system, considering the impacts on load and generation, market issues and ancillary services provision. During the period between March and May 2020, the Italian scenario was considered as exemplary due to the large reduction of loads and thermal generation caused by the hard lockdown across the Country. Italy has experienced the most severe effects of pandemic in terms of increase of death rates and of pressure on the health system as well as severity of the countermeasures. As a domino effect, the total lockdown of one of the most industrialized countries in the world has creat…

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A New Platform for Automatic Bottom-Up Electric Load Aggregation

In this paper, a new virtual framework for load aggregation in the context of the liberalized energy market is proposed. Since aggregation is managed automatically through a dedicated platform, the purchase of energy can be carried out without intermediation as it happens in peer-to-peer energy transaction models. Differently from what was done before, in this new framework, individual customers can join a load aggregation program through the proposed aggregation platform. Through the platform, their features are evaluated and they are clustered according to their reliability and to the width of range of regulation allowed. The simulations show the deployment of an effective clustering and …

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Smart cities: Case studies

Il capitolo mostra alcuni esempi di smart cities. Nel capitolo i casi di studio sono divisi in aree geografiche, che a livello macroscopico si riferiscono a diversi tipi di città e comunità in relazione a diversi livelli di innovazione tecnologica e tipo di capitale umano, che sono fattori chiave per raggiungere uno sviluppo smart. Le città di nuova costruzione sono città appartenenti all'area asiatica pianificate da zero per limitare emissioni nocive ed alzare la qualità della vita dei cittadini. Nel paragrafo sulle città del Nord Europa e quelle del Mediterraneo sono descritte città che possiedono alte caratteristiche storiche. Talvolta queste hanno poche possibilità - per le loro caratte…

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Evaluation of the Administrative Phase-Out of Coal Power Plants on the Italian Electricity Market

Although decarbonisation is one of the most important macro-trends of this century, electricity generation from coal power plants is still broadly common. The main goal of this study is to evaluate the impact of a premature coal power plants phase-out on the Italian day-ahead electricity market. For this purpose, two electricity price forecasts, related to different scenarios between 2019 and 2030, and two different hypotheses for the creation of electricity spot price, were compared. The results from the different scenarios show that coal power plants phase-out determines a small variation in electricity price when bid-up is not considered

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General Overview

Il capitolo introduce alla tematica smart city attraverso un exscursus storico che ne traccia i passaggi salienti: la nascita delle politiche globali ambientali sino al livello della maturità raggiunto con il Protocollo di Kyoto (1997); poi ancora il Pacchetto Clima 20-20-20 redatto dalla Commissione Europea nel 2008 che traccia un'altro punto cruciale che prelude ai progetti e alle iniziative in ambito smart cities. La Strategia Energetica Europea al 2050 rappresenta il quadro di riferimento a cui tendere. Il capitolo si conclude con una rassegna dei sistemi di ranking più popolari e con una proposta di analisi. The chapter introduces to smart city issue through a historical excursus, whic…

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Blockchain for power systems:Current trends and future applications

Abstract Today, the blockchain is synonymous of technological innovation, being recognized among the 10 top strategy technologies in 2018 by the consulting company Gartner, it is more and more adopted in different sectors. However, the initial enthusiasm around this technology is going beyond the peak of inflated expectations, towards more stable applications in money transactions, cryptocurrencies and Digital Commodity Exchanges. Essentially, misguided efforts, the overuse of blockchain, and the Bitcoin's price drop have been the main reasons for this decay in expectations. Nevertheless, the exploitation of the blockchain technology in the power systems area appears largely underexplored, …

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Building Automation and Control Systems and Electrical Distribution Grids: A Study on the Effects of Loads Control Logics on Power Losses and Peaks

Growing home comfort is causing increasing energy consumption in residential buildings and a consequent stress in urban medium and low voltage distribution networks. Therefore, distribution system operators are obliged to manage problems related to the reliability of the electricity system and, above all, they must consider investments for enhancing the electrical infrastructure. The purpose of this paper is to assess how the reduction of building electricity consumption and the modification of the building load profile, due to load automation, combined with suitable load control programs, can improve network reliability and distribution efficiency. This paper proposes an extensive study on…

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Multi-objective optimization of building life cycle performance. A housing renovation case study in Northern Europe

While the operational energy use of buildings is often regulated in current energy saving policies, their embodied greenhouse gas emissions still have a considerable mitigation potential. The study aims at developing a multi-objective optimization method for design and renovation of buildings incorporating the operational and embodied energy demands, global warming potential, and costs as objective functions. The optimization method was tested on the renovation of an apartment building in Denmark, mainly focusing envelope improvements as roof and exterior wall insulation and windows. Cellulose insulation has been the predominant result, together with fiber cement or aluminum-based cladding …

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Critical Raw Materials and Supply Chain Disruption in the Energy Transition

The energy transition towards efficient energy production, transport, and use, renewable energy (RE) technologies and innovative energy management brings benefits to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and achieving climate targets. The transition requires resources, minerals, metals, and materials for RE technologies themselves, for example, solar photovoltaics (PV), hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs) as well as innovative supporting technologies for variable RE, for example, energy storage systems (ESSs). This requirement of resources and materials occurs over the whole supply chain of the technologies, from the extraction of resources, the manufacture of technology, and the deployme…

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Driven Primary Regulation for Minimum Power Losses Operation in Islanded Microgrids

The paper proposes an improved primary regulation method for inverter-interfaced generating units in islanded microgrids. The considered approach employs an off-line minimum losses optimal power flow (OPF) to devise the primary frequency regulation curve’s set-points while satisfying the power balance, frequency and current constraints. In this way, generators will reach an optimized operating point corresponding to a given and unique power flow distribution presenting the minimum power losses. The proposed approach can be particularly interesting for diesel-based islanded microgrids that face, constantly, the issue of reducing their dependency from fossil fuels and of enhancing their gener…

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A distributed minimum losses optimal power flow for islanded microgrids

Abstract In this work, the minimum losses optimal power dispatch problem for islanded microgrids with distributed energy resources (DER) is solved by means of a distributed heuristic approach. Optimal power management is performed almost in real time, with a predefined schedule, i.e. every 5 min, and the solution is applied to generators when the current operating solution violates voltage or current constraints or when the current configuration produces too large power losses. The operating point of both inverter-interfaced generation units as well as rotating production systems can be modified simply using local information. The latter are voltage measurements and power injections or load…

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Critical Assessments of the Potential for Integrating Renewable Energy into Isolated Grids on Vietnamese Islands: The Case of the An-Binh Grid

Renewable electricity for off-grid areas is widely seen as one of the top choices in supporting local economic development in most countries, and so is Vietnam. Over the years, many isolated networks using renewable energy sources have been deployed for off-grid areas in Vietnam. However, the use of these energy sources in Vietnam’s isolated networks is still facing many challenges due to its infancy here. The issues of reliability and vulnerability of these networks are not given the expected attention. Another challenge is that the issues of the operational security of these systems could also be negatively affected by the variable nature of renewable sources, including static and dynamic…

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Review of potential and actual penetration of solar power in Vietnam

With the average solar radiation reaching up to 5 kWh/m2, Vietnam is considered as a country showing an excellent potential for solar power production. Since the year 2000, there have been a lot of studies about the potential of this source in Vietnam. So far, many applications of solar power have been implemented on small, medium, and large scales. In fact, the total capacity of current grid-connected solar power plants has exceeded the planned capacity by 2020 nearly 6 times. However, the studies of solar potential in Vietnam are still incomplete. The policies and mechanisms for developing solar power projects have received attention from the authorities but have not been really satisfact…

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On the Interconnections of HV–MV Stations to Global Grounding Systems

The interconnection of grounding systems of HV-MV stations via the armors of medium voltage cables, is herein analyzed to verify the effects on touch voltages in ground-fault conditions. The major contributions of this paper are two: the analysis of the impact of an HV ground-fault on a global grounding system (GGS), and the analysis of the parameters that may affect safety due to the interconnection between HV-MV stations and the GGS. The authors have analyzed cases when the connection of an HV-MV station to a GGS improves safety, and then may introduce hazards under ground-fault conditions. Two main issues are herein discussed: 1) the transfer of dangerous voltages to substations, due to …

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Smart Community Infrastructures

This chapter outlines the concept of intelligent and multi-service infrastructures, addressing the interesting aspects of multi operability, potential of cogeneration and multi-carrier energy hubs, whose basic concepts were only recently described in [1]. The infrastructures that serve a community, such as energy distribution, water and waste piping, mobility and ICT networks are, in fact, the most important means for efficient operation of cities. The chapter, after outlining the contents of the document ISO TR 37150: 2014 concerning the Smart Community Infrastructures, highlights the different approaches needed to implement them within existing cities and newly built cities. At the end, t…

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Life Cycle Energy Consumption and Air Emissions Comparison of Alternative and Conventional Bus Fleets in Vietnam

The study (a) assesses the life cycle energy consumption and air emissions impacts of battery electric buses (e-buses) and conventional buses operated in Vietnam, and (b) compares them with those of hydrogen buses. The results indicate that e-buses and hydrogen buses are preferred options compared to conventional buses in terms of energy consumption, GHG emissions and other air quality impacts over their whole life cycle. Life cycle energy consumption of diesel buses is triple that of e-buses, and is significantly higher than that of hydrogen buses. Replacing conventional buses with e-buses can reduce energy consumption by 50%. For GHG emissions and air quality impacts, the adoption of elec…

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An Optimization Device for Series Parallel Connected PV Plants

In this paper it is presented a testing prototype of a reconfiguration system for photovoltaic (PV) plants. The system enables to increase the total energy output by reducing the electrical mismatch between the PV array modules. The architecture of the implemented switching matrix, performing the dynamic electrical interconnections of the PV panels, enables to reconfigure nine solar modules in a series-parallel (SP) configuration. The contribution is organized as follows. A brief state of the art is first presented, followed by a comparison between the SP and Total-Cross-Tied (TCT) connections. The prototype then is thoroughly described as well as the main design choices. Finally some tests…

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A Conceptual Review on Using Consequential Life Cycle Assessment Methodology for the Energy Sector

Energy is engaged in the supply chain of many economic sectors; therefore, the environmental impacts of the energy sector are indirectly linked to those of other sectors. Consequential life cycle assessment (CLCA) is an appropriate methodology to examine the direct and indirect environmental impacts of a product due to technological, economic or social changes. To date, different methodological approaches are proposed, combining economic and environmental models. This paper reviews the basic concept of CLCA and the coupling of economic and environmental models for performing CLCA in the energy sector during the period 2006–2020, with the aim to provide a description of the different tools, …

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