Hee-jung Lee
The gluon spin in the chiral bag model
We study the gluon polarization contribution at the quark model renormalization scale to the proton spin, $\Gamma$, in the chiral bag model. It is evaluated by taking the expectation value of the forward matrix element of a local gluon operator in the axial gauge $A^+=0$. It is shown that the confining boundary condition for the color electric field plays an important role. When a solution satisfying the boundary condition for the color electric field, which is not the conventionally used but which we favor, is used, the $\Gamma$ has a positive value for {\it all} bag radii and its magnitude is comparable to the quark spin polarization. This results in a significant reduction in the relativ…
Sliding Vacua in Dense Skyrmion Matter
In continuation of our systematic effort to understand hadronic matter at high density, we study dense skyrmion matter and its chiral phase structure in an effective field theory implemented with the trace anomaly of QCD applicable in the large $N_c$ limit. By incorporating a dilaton field $\chi$ associated with broken conformal symmetry of QCD into the simplest form of skyrmion Lagrangian, we simulate the effect of "sliding vacua" influenced by the presence of matter and obtain what could correspond to the ``intrinsic dependence" on the background of the system, i.e., matter density or temperature, that results when a generic chiral effective field theory of strong interactions is matched …
The Pion Velocity in Dense Skyrmion Matter
We have developed a field theory formalism to calculate $in$-$medium$ properties of hadrons within a unified approach that exploits a single Lagrangian to describe simultaneously both matter background and meson fluctuations. In this paper we discuss the consequences on physical observables of a possible phase transition of hadronic matter taking place in the chiral limit. We pay special attention to the pion velocity $v_\pi$, which controls, through a dispersion relation, the pion propagation in the hadronic medium. The $v_\pi$ is defined in terms of parameters related to the matrix element in matter of the axial-vector current, namely, the in-medium pion decay constants, $f_t$ and $f_s$. …
Unified Approach to Dense Matter
We apply the Skyrme model to dense hadronic matter, which provides a unified approach to high density, valid in the large Nc limit. In our picture, dense hadronic matter is described by the classical soliton configuration with minimum energy for the given baryon number density. By incorporating the meson fluctuations on such ground state we obtain an effective Lagrangian for meson dynamics in a dense medium. Our starting point has been the Skyrme model defined in terms of pions, thereafter we have extended and improved the model by incorporating other degrees of freedom such as dilaton, kaons and vector mesons.
A Unified Approach to High Density: Pion Fluctuations in Skyrmion Matter
As the first in a series of systematic work on dense hadronic matter, we study the properties of the pion in dense medium using Skyrme's effective Lagrangian as a unified theory of the hadronic interactions applicable in the large $N_c$ limit. Dense baryonic matter is described as the ground state of a skyrmion matter which appears in two differentiated phases as a function of matter density: i) at high densities as a stable cubic-centered (CC) half-skyrmion crystal; ii) at low densities as an unstable face-centered cubic (FCC) skyrmion crystal. We substitute the latter by a stable inhomogeneous phase of lumps of dense matter, which represents a naive Maxwell construction of the phase trans…
Triquark correlations and pentaquarks in a QCD sum rule approach
The role of quark correlations in the description of hadron dynamics in many domains of physics, from low energy dynamics to very hot(dense) systems, is being appreciated. Strong correlations of two quarks (diquark) have been widely investigated in this respect. Recently, we have proposed a dynamical scheme to describe the $\Theta^+$ pentaquark in which also three quark correlations (triquark) were instrumental in producing a low mass exotic state. We perform a study, within the QCD sum rule approach including OPE and direct instanton contributions, of triquark correlations and obtain two quasi-bound light $ud\bar{s}$ color quark clusters of 800 MeV and 930 MeV respectively.
Instanton induced quark dynamics and the pentaquark
We analyze the existence of the exotic $\Theta^+$ from the perspective of instanton induced quark dynamics. The 't Hooft interaction gives strong attraction in specific channels of the triquark $ud\bar s$ and diquark $ud$ configurations. In particular it leads to a light $ud\bar s$ triquark cluster, with the mass around $750 {\rm MeV}$, in the I=0, $S=1/2$ and color 3 configuration, and a light $ud$-diquark configuration, with mass $440 {\rm MeV}$, in the I=0, S=0 and color {$\bar{3}$} configuration. If we consider the pentaquark as a bound state of such triquark and diquark configurations in a relative L=1 state we obtain good agreement with the data. The small width of $\Theta^+$ has a na…
The Proton Spin in the Chiral Bag Model : Casimir Contribution and Cheshire Cat Principle
The flavor singlet axial charge has been a source of study in the last years due to its relation to the so called {\it Proton Spin Problem}. The relevant flavor singlet axial current is anomalous, i.e., its divergence contains a piece which is the celebrated $U_A(1)$ anomaly. This anomaly is intimately associated with the $\eta^\prime$ meson, which gets its mass from it. When the gauge degrees of freedom of QCD are confined within a volume as is presently understood, the $U_A(1)$ anomaly is known to induce color anomaly leading to "leakage" of the color out of the confined volume (or bag). For consistency of the theory, this anomaly should be canceled by a boundary term. This ``color bounda…
QCD sum rule analysis of the pentaquark
We perform a QCD sum rule calculation to determine the mass and the parity of the lowest lying pentaquark state. We include operators up to dimension $d=13$ in the OPE and the direct instanton contributions. We find evidence for a positive parity state. The contribution from operators of dimension $d>5$ is instrumental in determining the parity of the state and achieving the convergence of the sum rule.
Skyrmions at finite density and temperature: the chiral phase transition
The Skyrme model, an effective low energy theory rooted in large $N_c$ QCD, has been applied to the study of dense matter. Matter is described by various crystal structures of skyrmions. When this system is heated, the dominating thermal degrees of freedom are the fluctuating pions. Taking these mechanisms jointly produces a description of the chiral phase transition leading to the conventional phase diagram with critical temperatures and densities in agreement with expected values.