Sean Liddick
r -process nucleosynthesis: connecting rare-isotope beam facilities with the cosmos
This is an exciting time for the study of r-process nucleosynthesis. Recently, a neutron star merger GW170817 was observed in extraordinary detail with gravitational waves and electromagnetic radiation from radio to gamma rays. The very red color of the associated kilonova suggests that neutron star mergers are an important r-process site. Astrophysical simulations of neutron star mergers and core collapse supernovae are making rapid progress. Detection of both, electron neutrinos and antineutrinos from the next galactic supernova will constrain the composition of neutrino-driven winds and provide unique nucleosynthesis information. Finally FRIB and other rare-isotope beam facilities will s…
New subshell closure atN=58emerging in neutron-rich nuclei beyondNi78
The structure of neutron-rich nuclei beyond $^{78}\mathrm{Ni}$ was studied using postaccelerated radioactive beams of $^{83,84,85}\mathrm{Ga}$ utilizing $\ensuremath{\beta} \ensuremath{\gamma}$ and $\ensuremath{\beta}\ensuremath{-}n \ensuremath{\gamma}$ spectroscopy. Our data, when combined with energy level systematics, suggests a possible new spherical subshell closure at $N=58$ is created by the nearly degenerated $\ensuremath{\nu}3{s}_{1/2}$ and $\ensuremath{\nu}2{d}_{5/2}$ orbitals being well separated from other orbitals above $N=50$. The near degeneracy of these states could be evidenced by isomerism in this region. The energies of the ${2}_{1}^{+}$ and proposed ${4}_{1}^{+}$ states …
Shell structure beyond the proton drip line studied via proton emission from deformed 141Ho
Abstract Fine structure in proton emission from the 7 / 2 − [ 523 ] ground state and from the 1 / 2 + [ 411 ] isomer in deformed nucleus 141Ho was studied by means of fusion-evaporation reactions and digital signal processing. Proton transitions to the first excited 2+ state in 140Dy, with the branching ratio of I p g s ( 2 + ) = 0.9 ± 0.2 % and I p m ( 2 + ) = 1.7 ± 0.5 % , were observed. The data are analyzed within the non-adiabatic weak coupling model assuming a large quadrupole deformation of the daughter nucleus 140Dy as predicted by the self-consistent theory. Implications of this result on coexistence effects around N = 74 are discussed. Significant modifications of the proton shell…
Electromagnetic transition rates in theN=80nucleus58138Ce
The half-life of the Iπ=6+ yrast state at Ex=2294 keV in 138Ce has been measured as T1/2=880(19) ps using the fast-timing γ-ray coincidence method with a mixed LaBr3(Ce)-HPGe array. The excited states in 138Ce have been populated by the 130Te(12C,4n) fusion-evaporation reaction at an incident beam energy of 56 MeV. The extracted B(E2;61+→41+)=0.101(24) W.u. value is compared with the predictions of truncated basis shell model calculations and with the systematics of the region. This shows an anomalous behavior compared to the neighboring isotonic and isotopic chains. Half-lives for the yrast 5-, 11+ and 14+ states in 138Ce have also been determined in this work.
Radioactive ion beams in the region of 100Sn and 78Ni at the NSCL
The regions around the doubly magic nuclei 100 Sn and 78 Ni are of great interest from a nuclear structure standpoint. These nuclei also play a key role in the astrophysical rp- and r-processes, respectively. Recently, nuclei in these regions were studied at the Coupled Cyclotron Facility at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University.
β-Decay Studies Close to the N=82 r-process Path
New half-lives for neutron-rich ruthenium, rhodium and palladium isotopes close to the r-process path along the N=82 closed shell have been measured at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University. The studied isotopes are close to the critical A=118-126 mass region in the astrophysical r-process, where incorrect nuclear structure development towards the shell closure may have the most pronounced effect on the abundances of elements produced. Neutron-rich nuclei were produced by fragmentation of a 120-MeV per nucleon 136 Xe beam on Be and were separated by the A1900 fragment separator. The nuclei of interest were implanted into a double-sided Si strip detec…
Precision Lifetime Measurements Using LaBr3 Detectors With Stable and Radioactive Beams
A range of high resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy measurements have been carried out using arrays which include a number of Cerium-doped Lanthanum-Tribromide (LrBr3 (Ce)) scintillation detectors used in conjunction with high-resolution hyper-pure germanium detectors. Examples of the spectral and temporal responses of such set-ups, using both standard point radioactive sources 152 Eu and 56 Co, and in-beam fusionevaporation reaction experiments for precision measurements of nuclear excited states in 34 P and 138 Ce are presented. The current and future use of such arrays at existing (EURICA at RIKEN) and future (NUSTAR at FAIR) secondary radioactive beam facilities for precision measurements…
Electromagnetic Transition Rate Measurements in theN=80 Isotone,138Ce
A study of intrinsic state halflife measurements in the N=80 nucleus 138Ce has been made using the 130Te(12C,4n)138Ce fusion evaporation reaction at beam energy of 56 MeV. The fast-timing gamma-ray coincidence method was used with a mixed LaBr3(Ce)-HPGe array to establish the lifetimes of the yrast 6+ state at 2294 keV, the Iπ=5− state at 2218 keV, the Iπ=11+ state at 3943 keV and the 14+ state at that at 5312 keV, all of which are in the sub nanosecond regime. Reduced transition probabilities have been calculated for the electromagnetic decays from these states.
Novel Techniques for Constraining Neutron-capture Rates relevant to Heavy-element Nucleosynthesis
In this contribution we discuss new experimental approaches to indirectly provide information on neutron-capture rates relevant to the $r$-process. In particular, we focus on applications of the Oslo method to extract fundamental nuclear properties for reaction-rate calculations: the nuclear level density and the $\gamma$ strength function. Two methods are discussed in detail, the Oslo method in inverse kinematics and the beta-Oslo method. These methods present a first step towards constraining neutron-capture rates of importance to the $r$-process.
Experimental Neutron Capture Rate Constraint Far from Stability
Nuclear reactions where an exotic nucleus captures a neutron are critical for a wide variety of applications, from energy production and national security, to astrophysical processes, and nucleosynthesis. Neutron capture rates are well constrained near stable isotopes where experimental data are available; however, moving far from the valley of stability, uncertainties grow by orders of magnitude. This is due to the complete lack of experimental constraints, as the direct measurement of a neutron-capture reaction on a short-lived nucleus is extremely challenging. Here, we report on the first experimental extraction of a neutron capture reaction rate on ^{69}Ni, a nucleus that is five neutro…
Half-Life of the Doubly Magicr-Process NucleusN78i
Nuclei with magic numbers serve as important benchmarks in nuclear theory. In addition, neutron-rich nuclei play an important role in the astrophysical rapid neutron-capture process (r process). 78Ni is the only doubly magic nucleus that is also an important waiting point in the r process, and serves as a major bottleneck in the synthesis of heavier elements. The half-life of 78Ni has been experimentally deduced for the first time at the Coupled Cyclotron Facility of the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University, and was found to be 110(+100)(-60) ms. In the same experiment, a first half-life was deduced for 77Ni of 128(+27)(-33) ms, and more precise half-li…