Simona Sperlongano

Stress Echocardiography and Strain in Aortic Regurgitation (SESAR protocol): Left ventricular contractile reserve and myocardial work in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic regurgitation.

Objectives: To analyze left ventricular (LV) myocardial deformation and contractile reserve (CR) in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic regurgitation (AR) at rest and during exercise, and their correlation with functional capacity. Background: The natural history of chronic AR is characterized by a prolonged silent phase before onset of symptoms and overt LV dysfunction. Assessment of LV systolic function and contractile reserve has an important role in the decision-making of AR asymptomatic patients. Methods: Standard echo, lung ultrasound, and LV 2D speckle tracking strain were performed at rest and during exercise in asymptomatic patients with severe AR and in age- and sex-comparabl…

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Usefulness of Stress Echocardiography in the Management of Patients Treated with Anticancer Drugs.

In recent years, the survival of patients with cancer has improved thanks to advances in antineoplastic therapeutic protocols. This has led to an increasing burden of cardiovascular complications related to cancer treatment. Therefore, a new branch of cardiology has been created, ``cardio-oncology,'' with the aims of preventing cardiovascular complications related to antineoplastic treatment, achieving early diagnosis and treatment of any complications, and allowing completion of the expected antineoplastic treatment. Stress echocardiography has a pivotal role in achieving a timely diagnosis of coronary artery disease and thus is the best management approach in this clinical setting. Athero…

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Echocardiographic reference ranges for normal left ventricular layer-specific strain: results from the EACVI NORRE study

Abstract Aims  To obtain the normal range for 2D echocardiographic (2DE) measurements of left ventricular (LV) layer-specific strain from a large group of healthy volunteers of both genders over a wide range of ages. Methods and results  A total of 287 (109 men, mean age: 46 ± 14 years) healthy subjects were enrolled at 22 collaborating institutions of the EACVI Normal Reference Ranges for Echocardiography (NORRE) study. Layer-specific strain was analysed from the apical two-, three-, and four-chamber views using 2DE software. The lowest values of layer-specific strain calculated as ±1.96 standard deviations from the mean were −15.0% in men and −15.6% in women for epicardial strain, −16.8% …

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Echocardiographic assessment of coronary microvascular dysfunction: Basic concepts, technical aspects, and clinical settings

Abstract Coronary flow reserve is the capacity of the coronary circulation to augment the blood flow in response an increase in myocardial metabolic demands and has a powerful prognostic significance in different clinical situations. It might assess with invasive and noninvasive technique. Transthoracic echocardiography Doppler is an emerging diagnostic technique, noninvasive, highly feasible, safe for patient and physician, without radiation, and able to detect macrovascular and microvascular anomalies in the coronary circulation. This review aims to describe the benefit and limits of echocardiographic assessment of coronary flow reserve.

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