Ala G.
Virtual Synchronous Generator: An application to Microgrid Stability
The objective of this paper is to illustrate an alternative control algorithm for power converters which have the task of introducing the energy generated by systems based on the use of renewable sources such as photovoltaic or wind power, into small-sized networks, microgrids. Virtual Synchronous Generator can operate both in parallel to the main network as well as in isolated and autonomous conditions (islanding-mode). The contribute of this work is to drive a consolidated approach, made in the time domain, in a more flexible and less time-consuming approach based on Park transformation
L’impiego di filtri EMI ad elevata power densitycostituisce un importante ed inderogabile aspetto da tener in conto durante la fase di progetto di un qualunque convertitore elettronico di potenza o di apparato che ne preveda l’impiego per applicazioni in ambito automotiveo avionico, e comunque in tutte quelle applicazioni in cui pressante è la necessità di rispettare i vincolirelativi all’ingombro ed al peso, a parità di prestazioni dal punto di vista della complianceelettromagnetica.
Characteristics of partial discharges in an experimental setup reproducing HVDC cable insulation operating conditions
The occurrence of Partial Discharge (PD) inside a cavity subjected to HVDC voltage can be considered as one of the most likely sources of insulation ageing and failure. In practical applications, the recognition of PD under HVDC is more difficult than under AC stress because of the lower repetition rates and the impossibility to obtain a PD pattern synchronized with the waveform of the applied voltage. In this paper, the relationship between conduction phenomena in dielectrics and the occurrence of PD is investigated by means of a novel experimental setup. A couple of dielectric cells connected in series is subjected to various HVDC stress levels. The applied voltage is divided between the …
Effect of Space charge accumulation inside the thermoplastic insulation of a loaded HVDC model cable
The space charge accumulation phenomenon represents one of the main degradation factors for the dielectrics employed in the field of the HVDC transmission. For this reason, the recommendation IEEE Std 1732-2017 has been proposed. In that standard, due to the importance attributed at the space charge phenomenon, the experts suggest the introduction of the space charge measurement in HVDC cables during the prequalification or type tests, by means of the PEA method. However, despite for tests in flat specimens the PEA technique is well consolidated, for cable specimens difficulties are still present. In particular, the PEA cell output signal is strongly conditioned by the arranged measurement …
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields Volume 31, Issue 6, November/December 2018 - Special issue on advances in EMC numerical modelling - Editorial
Guidelines and Conceptual Design of the Grounding System of the DTT Experimental Facility
The Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) is an experimental nuclear fusion reactor currently under construction at the ENEA research center in Frascati and whose first plasma is expected in 2025. The present article shows the conceptual philosophy and the guidelines behind the design of the grounding system of the DTT. The article focuses on the main target of the grounding system and on the main technical standards to refer to for the design.
Electric scalar potential estimations for non-invasive brain activity detection through multinode Shepard method
Electric scalar potential estimation is a key step for non-invasive investigations of brain activity with high time resolutions. The neural sources can be reconstructed by solving a typical inverse problem based on a forward problem formulated as a set of boundary value problems coupled by interface conditions. In this paper, we propose a Shepard multinode method to numerically estimate electric scalar potentials via collocation. The method is based on a special kind of inverse distance weighting partition of unity method to increase polynomial precision, approximation order, and accuracy of the classical Shepard approximation. The barycentric form, through the use of cardinal basis functio…