Mark Mcallister
In vitro models for the prediction of in vivo performance of oral dosage forms: Recent progress from partnership through the IMI OrBiTo collaboration
The availability of in vitro tools that are constructed on the basis of a detailed knowledge of key aspects of gastrointestinal (GI) physiology and their impact on formulation performance and subsequent drug release behaviour is fundamental to the success and efficiency of oral drug product development. Over the last six years, the development and optimization of improved, biorelevant in vitro tools has been a cornerstone of the IMI OrBiTo (Oral Biopharmaceutics Tools) project. By bringing together key industry and academic partners, and by linking tool development and optimization to human studies to understand behaviour at the formulation/GI tract interface, the collaboration has enabled …
IMI – Oral biopharmaceutics tools project – Evaluation of bottom-up PBPK prediction success part 3: Identifying gaps in system parameters by analysing In Silico performance across different compound classes
Three Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic software packages (GI-Sim, Simcyp® Simulator, and GastroPlus™) were evaluated as part of the Innovative Medicine Initiative Oral Biopharmaceutics Tools project (OrBiTo) during a blinded “bottom-up” anticipation of human pharmacokinetics. After data analysis of the predicted vs. measured pharmacokinetics parameters, it was found that oral bioavailability (Foral) was underpredicted for compounds with low permeability, suggesting improper estimates of intestinal surface area, colonic absorption and/or lack of intestinal transporter information. Foral was also underpredicted for acidic compounds, suggesting overestimation of impact of ionisation on pe…
A survey on IVIVC/IVIVR development in the pharmaceutical industry – Past experience and current perspectives
The present work aimed to describe the current status of IVIVC/IVIVR development in the pharmaceutical industry, focusing on the use and perception of specific approaches as well as successful and failed case studies. Two questionnaires have been distributed to 13 EFPIA partners of the Oral Biopharmaceutics Tools Initiative and to the Pharmacokinetics Working Party of the European Medicines Agency in order to capture the perspectives and experiences of industry scientists and agency members, respectively. Responses from ten companies and three European Agencies were received between May 21st 2014 and January 19th 2016. The majority of the companies acknowledged the importance of IVIVC/IVIVR…
Six years of progress in the oral biopharmaceutics area - A summary from the IMI OrBiTo project.
OrBiTo was a precompetitive collaboration focused on the development of the next generation of Oral Biopharmaceutics Tools. The consortium included world leading scientists from nine universities, one regulatory agency, one non-profit research organisation, three small/medium sized specialist technology companies together with thirteen pharmaceutical companies. The goal of the OrBiTo project was to deliver a framework for rational application of predictive biopharmaceutics tools for oral drug delivery. This goal was achieved through novel prospective investigations to define new methodologies or refinement of existing tools. Extensive validation has been performed of novel and existing biop…
Oral biopharmaceutics tools – Time for a new initiative – An introduction to the IMI project OrBiTo
OrBiTo is a new European project within the IMI programme in the area of oral biopharmaceutics tools that includes world leading scientists from nine European universities, one regulatory agency, one non-profit research organization, four SMEs together with scientists from twelve pharmaceutical companies. The OrBiTo project will address key gaps in our knowledge of gastrointestinal (GI) drug absorption and deliver a framework for rational application of predictive biopharmaceutics tools for oral drug delivery. This will be achieved through novel prospective investigations to define new methodologies as well as refinement of existing tools. Extensive validation of novel and existing biopharm…
IMI – Oral biopharmaceutics tools project – Evaluation of bottom-up PBPK prediction success part 2: An introduction to the simulation exercise and overview of results
Orally administered drugs are subject to a number of barriers impacting bioavailability (Foral), causing challenges during drug and formulation development. Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling can help during drug and formulation development by providing quantitative predictions through a systems approach. The performance of three available PBPK software packages (GI-Sim, Simcyp®, and GastroPlus™) were evaluated by comparing simulated and observed pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters.Since the availability of input parameters was heterogeneous and highly variable, caution is required when interpreting the results of this exercise. Additionally, this prospective simulation exer…